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[AZ, Lunatech, MikeyB] A&H QU16/24/32

Started by azslow3, May 11, 2015, 06:48:04 PM

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Works like a charm!!! Thank you so much!!! I haven`t gotten to know the setup very well yet, but I really feel like this is a good and logical setup! I`m looking forward to get to know this unit as a DAW controller now! I`m really impressed with what you have done!


Thanks for confirming it is working.

As you can see in the discussion, original plan was to use Bank buttons as shifts. Unfortunately, it was not possible.

Are you interested in "reverse" control? I mean in the DAW mode, QU control Sonar. But it is also possible in other direction, so Sonar does close to the same as iPad program, showing/changing parameters of QU. Support for that requires some additional tweaks in my plug-in. But in case you have an idea how to use such feature, I will put it into my TODO list.


I can get used to that! The functions are there, and for me thats the most important part. I`m not sure if I understand what you mean by reverse control? Do you mean that I can be able to adjust parameters on the other layers of my QU-16 from Sonar?!


Have you checked if the "Pre Fade" and the "Assign" buttons can be used as shifts?


In the DAW mode, only limited number of keys can be used.

In QU control mode, there are more "parameters" then controls. And yes, adjusting parameters on the other layers is what I mean. They have done that for iPad control, but that can be any other "application". Also Sonar (assuming there is a plug-in which support that).


Ok, I see. Sorry my ignorance :/

I would really love to test a plugin that can control my QU-16 from Sonar!!!

That would come in reallt handy when I sit down with my guitar and mic to record. My "recording spot" is a bit away from the cpu and therefore also the qu-16, so I usually bring my wireless mouse and keyboard so I can remotely start tracking, but that also mean that I have to go back to the mixer if I want/need to tweek anything like gain/eq/fx... I`m not a big fan of apple products, but I have been considering an iPad and a wifi router so I can control the mixer from my "recording spot". If this can be done through Sonar it would be really cool and so much better, and I wouldn`t have to own an iPad!


I see. But from the beginning on, I can say that it will not work as good as iPad solution in terms of completeness. I mean each parameter which you want control inside QU has to me "fake" mapped to something. While iPad specialized app has all that parameters, with correct scale and visualization, Sonar does not.

In general, Channel Level/Pan/Mute/Solo should work more or less as you see that in Sonar. But the rest is questionable.

So, the result is not going to be comparable with iPad+A&H dedicated, carefully written commercial solution. Major points there are: Sonar is not dedicated for Qu, I do not have the device and I am not paid by A&H nor CakeWalk  ;)


I understand! I`m more than willing to give it a try if you are! But I must warn you that my knowledge regarding these things are VERY limited so I will not be very helpful when it comes to programming..


Ok, I will let you know when plug-in part is ready. But that is not going to happened within next 2 weeks (sea... sun...  ;) )

I do not expect from you any programming. Just more or less precise answers what is working and what is not.


Sounds great! Enjoy the early summer, and I will check in to see if anything has happened :) Is there any way to get notified by mail when someone post anything in the same thread as me?


Quote from: Rufrag on May 25, 2015, 12:13:55 PM
Sounds great! Enjoy the early summer, and I will check in to see if anything has happened :) Is there any way to get notified by mail when someone post anything in the same thread as me?
You should see "Notify" button, next to "Reply". I have just tested and it works for me.
Please note that it has landed into "Spam" (may be because topic was dummy and there was no body...).


Thanks... Btw... I`ve noticed that the faders in DAW mode, when the fader in Sonar is set to 0.0, the faders on the qu is set a bit above the zero line. It`s not a big problem really because I can still set the faders to -inf and 6 (both ends of the scale). I`ve just updated the qu firmware and I havent calibrated the mixer after that so that might be the reason... I didn`t look to see if the fader value is more correct through the strip or if the difference in value is constant. Is it the same with Lunatechs mixer?


That is what I was writing about "not perfect match". QU produces values from 0 to 127, based on the fader position. They also write in documentation what from that values is "0dB", "-3dB" and so on. Sonar use scale from 0. to 1. (throw 0.25, 0.5, etc). And it has its own imagination what is "0dB". If both "value to dB" are not linear differently (they are not linear because of dB nature...), 87/127 for Sonar (for Qu value 87) can have not the same "dB" meaning.

Knowing both curved and doing corresponding mapping can solve that mismatch. That means a bit of "mathematical" programming (several points linear or better quadratic spline interpolation). Please let me know in case that visual mismatch significantly disturb your workflow.


So far the mismatch hasn`t bothered me that much... That sounded like a LOT of work...


Quote from: Rufrag on May 25, 2015, 08:45:15 PM
So far the mismatch hasn`t bothered me that much... That sounded like a LOT of work...
Not a lot, but some... If you have an experience with mathematic, that is mapping points from one (arbitrary) curve to another (arbitrary) curve. In that particular case, both curves are exponential functions with different parameters. So, it is not a big problem.

If you do not understand what I am speaking about, just ignore the explanation. Simply define your feeling from it (either now or later, once you have use QU+Sonar combination for a while):
* looks a bit ugly, but not important
* a bit annoying
* periodically makes your mix wrong
* show stopper
and I will put corresponding priority on that change in my TODO list.