what's wrong, if Parameter Value Monitor Feedback does nothing

Started by Hermu, May 20, 2015, 12:08:16 AM

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for 'Shift' i have configured Monitor action, but i got no Feedback results.
added Display Output for testing creates also no output.

that's curious, because all other Feedback events are working as defined and copied events from another Feedback event also did not work in this 'Shift: :Parameter Name Monitor' or 'Shift: :Parameter Name Monitor' ???

Overview Tab Output:
Shift -> Off
Parameter Name Monitor
Parameter Value Monitor

Logic Tab:
'Value:0' - Shift -> Off
'Value:1' - Shift -> On
'Device:Online' - Parameter Name Monitor
'Device:Online' - Parameter Value Monitor

Feedback Tab:
Shift: :Parameter Name Monitor
- Text = 'Shift'
- Display at (1,5)
- Call((None))_SysEx_DisplayText

Shift: :Parameter Value Monitor
'Value:0' - Text = 'Off'
'Value:1' - Text = 'On'
- Display at (1,6)
- Call((None))_SysEx_DisplayValue


"Shift" is not a parameter, shift is a State Set.

For Parameter monitors, the Parameter should be selected before the Monitor in the Logic Actions List.

"Parameter Name" monitoring is for Sonar Parameters. For example, you select FX 5 parameter 3 in the Track 7. If you add/move FX/Track, which parameter it really is will be different. Parameter Name monitor will be triggered, so you can update the display with the actual parameter name.

"Parameter Value" also monitor selected parameter. But it is triggered when the value is changed. These 2 are different because you do not want replace the name on any value change.

"State Monitor" is different. It always control one State Set. So the "name" is known in advance and there is no need to "Select" something before Monitor definition. States have no "Value", so instead of "Value:0" - Text ="Off" /"Value:1"... you should use "Text State of Shift".


Now i have changed exampe for 'Shift' and use State Monitor, but State Monitor does now nothing again  :(

Overview Tab Output:
Shift -> Off
State Monitor

Logic Tab:
'Value:0' - Shift -> Off
'Value:1' - Shift -> On
'Device:Online' - State Monitor

Feedback Tab:
Shift: :State Monitor
- Text = 'Shift'
- Call((None))_SysEx_DisplayText
- State of 'Shift'
- Call((None))_SysEx_DisplayValue


Only this works:
Logic Tab:
'Value:0' - Shift -> Off
'Value:1' - Shift -> On
- Text = 'Shift'
- Call((None))_SysEx_DisplayText
- State of 'Shift'
- Call((None))_SysEx_DisplayValue


The definition is ok, please check:
1) that the "State Monitor" monitor "Shift", not something else...
2) you have really tried to change the state after definition


Ok, it works with Monitor state 'Shift'

but now i want to see this message only if Shift button is pressed and not only if Device=Online


State monitor is triggered when the state is changed (inclusive initial change, during preset loading). If at the time of this change condition was not met (Device: Offline) it is not triggered. It will not be automatically executed in case Device state is changed.

Sometimes it is required to send something after condition is changed OR monitored parameter/state is changed, it looks like in you case.
Then you should explicitly trigger in condition monitoring. So, in your example, in Device State monitor you can call "Reset and trigger Shift state monitor".

So, the sequence is going to be:
Loading... Device:Offline
Device monitor reset Shift monitor (but it was already armed by preset load)
Shift monitor attempt to work, but it has Device:Online condition. So, it does not work.
Something set Device:Online
Device monitor reset Shift monitor
Shift monitor works, since explicitly triggered and Device:Online
Something change Shift
Shift monitor works, since Shift is changed and Device:Online
Something change Device back to Offline
Shift monitor no longer works since its conditions are not satisfied.

While in your example everything is "simple" and could be implemented more transparent for you, there are situations which are more complex. And so the system trade simplicity for flexibility. I prefer something which can do anything over something which is simple but limited.

In that particular case of changing conditions for some State Monitor, I could consider check which State Monitors use which States as conditions, and on such state changes check either there WAS some change in the monitored state which has not triggered yet because of conditions and execute the monitor. As you can see, even more complicated logic...


Thanks for your logic information and i will try to realise in next days.

if i understand the logic behind, then it could use this experience for next controller configurations from beginning, maybe ...