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BCR2000-preset, beta 2

Started by MarKo, June 21, 2015, 11:12:13 PM

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Hi MarKo:)

>>>hmm, how is your setup? you have one master or more?

Ok:) It's not the Bus Master, it's for the Main Soundcard Output. I never used this....always at 0 dB, ever!
there are 17 possible Master Outs, I only use Spdif Digital Out and I can't remember I have touched this fader only 1 time:)

>>>i´m glad that you like it. As you see there are some buttons and shift/ctrl-functions still free.
>>>i have some plans, but if you also have ideas/wishes, then tell me.

What I always wanted to do and there is no Key Command in Sonar:
I often use Gain Reduction on small pieces of Voice Tracks by 1,2 or 3 dB, especially on "s" and "t", I have Ctrl-G mapped as a Key command, but the you have to manually select if to reduce or increase gain and how much.
It will be a dream to do that just with 6 commands:
-1,-2,-3, +1,+2, +3 dB.... not possible with Key Commands inside Sonar:(

So for me at the moment I don't need any more functions. Let's see what your plans are;)



Quote from: Bassman on June 25, 2015, 10:05:44 AM
Ok:) It's not the Bus Master, it's for the Main Soundcard Output. I never used this....always at 0 dB, ever!
if you don´t need the master-output, perhaps you could use this knob for your "Master-BUS". or do you only use your Amp/speakers-volume?
The reason for master-ouput was for me: i can´t reach my real Amp/Speaker volume so easily, that´s why i wanted it on BCR, so i can quickly adjust main volume (ofcourse you have to reset it to 0dB before final exporting).

QuoteWhat I always wanted to do and there is no Key Command in Sonar...
i don´t think there is an easy way to do this, but i will look.

QuoteSo for me at the moment I don't need any more functions. Let's see what your plans are;)
i have already some more improvements:
- fine-mode for all encoders(+Status-LED for that), so you can make very fine adjustments.
- Shift/Ctrl-Key improvements: state with timeout, so you don´t need to hold the modifier key, you can press first Shift, and then the Command-key


Quote from: Bassman on June 25, 2015, 10:05:44 AM
What I always wanted to do and there is no Key Command in Sonar:
I often use Gain Reduction on small pieces of Voice Tracks by 1,2 or 3 dB, especially on "s" and "t", I have Ctrl-G mapped as a Key command, but the you have to manually select if to reduce or increase gain and how much.
It will be a dream to do that just with 6 commands:
-1,-2,-3, +1,+2, +3 dB.... not possible with Key Commands inside Sonar:(
You can do this with some "keyboard macro" utility. And you can do this with AZCtrl as well  ;)

I attach a test preset. It is for 0.4+ version of plug-in (current in test download)!
You need assign some buttons to test it (if you have done QuickStart tutorial, you should know how). Also it does not apply by default since you can have different presets list for the Gain processor (but it is in case you change "DoCut" from "No" to "Yes" in the Overview Tab).

The idea is simple: it first call the processor (just like your Ctrl-G), 3 times call "Shift+Tab" to change focus into the preset selection box, then "PgUp" to select the first preset, then required number of "Down" arrow and finally (with condition) it press "Enter".


Hi Alexey,
i have problems since version 0.4b237
none of the "blink"-functions are working any more.
it took a little time until i realized, then i went back until one of your soloselected-examples and that didn´t work too. fortunately i have exported presets with older version (3b9.221), but also also the improvements that i did with 0.4 until now.
i can reproducable go back 3b9 series and it works again, but i can´t find a reason why it does not in 0.4.
everything else seems to work...




>>>if you don´t need the master-output, perhaps you could use this knob for your "Master-BUS". or do you only use your >>>Amp/speakers-volume?
>>>The reason for master-ouput was for me: i can´t reach my real Amp/Speaker volume so easily, that´s why i wanted it on >>>BCR, so i can quickly adjust main volume (ofcourse you have to reset it to 0dB before final exporting).

I found it --> s_Mode:8Trk Master Volume and changed it to s_Mode:8Trk Bus Volume
and it worked:)
In Studio  I have an old 02r for recording and it's just on the left beside me, so I don't need this Soundcard Master...

>>>i have already some more improvements:
>>>- fine-mode for all encoders(+Status-LED for that), so you can make very fine adjustments.
>>>- Shift/Ctrl-Key improvements: state with timeout, so you don´t need to hold the modifier key, you can press first Shift, >>>and then the Command-key

Fine Mode would be nice!! Now you change in steps of 0.25 dB perhaps. You can't hear the difference, so Fine Mode isn't really necessesary, but as I said, it would be fine;)

Shift Time-Out! Yes!!! I don't like those finger stretchings....


>>>You can do this with some "keyboard macro" utility. And you can do this with AZCtrl as well  ;)

WOW!! I'm trying to get this on some Knobs of MarKos Preset....I hope I'm getting it to work! Thanks a lot!!



Quote from: MarKo on June 26, 2015, 01:37:50 AM
Hi Alexey,
i have problems since version 0.4b237
none of the "blink"-functions are working any more.
it took a little time until i realized, then i went back until one of your soloselected-examples and that didn´t work too.
Can you point me which one?
As you can see in the "bugtracker" post, I have touched quite some core parts. State processing was completely rewritten. There can be some regression and we have to find it.

I have found the bug, it was introduced during strip parameters changes (input/output and rude solo/mute). Please download 0.4b242.

Thanks for spotting!



QuoteYou can do this with some "keyboard macro" utility. And you can do this with AZCtrl as well  ;)

I was able to integrate it into MarKos Preset:)
But it always changes the whole clip! Is it possible to just gain a selected area from a clip?

Thank you;)


In case you explain how you do this normally, I can try to find the way.



As usual:

Mark a piece of a clip, then Modify- Effect-Gain  Select p.e. -6 dB and then Enter! Only the selected piece is affected!



Hi again:)

Sorry, Not correct what I have said:(

Is this a bug? When I mark a piece of a clip, not only the selected is operated, the whole clip is affected, that should not be!!!

Have to take a closer look to that....



It depends on what you need, that is why I am asking...

If you do not want split clips, I think better approach is to use Clip Gain automation (I am next X2 now, can be a bit different on SPlat):
* vertically zoom the track (to see controls and to simplify correct gain movements)
* select "Clips, Clip Automation, Gain" (in the buttons of track view, next solo/mute/etc) (so you see "Clip Gain" mode in the box where was "Clip")
* select the region you want, right click on automation line, "Add nodes at selection"
* move the line up/down with Ctrl pressed to set required Gain

1) that is the only way I know to mod. the gain in some part of the clip
2) the settings are not permanent, you can easily modify the level later without any extra audio distortion
3) you can always bounce if you want


Quote from: azslow3 on June 26, 2015, 10:44:40 AM
I have found the bug, it was introduced during strip parameters changes (input/output and rude solo/mute). Please download 0.4b242.
Thanks for spotting!
thanks for repairing so fast!
because in the meantime, until i noticed the bug, i made changes in the 0.4 version, which i did not want to transfer back to the 0.3 preset.
i also noticed the possibility for defining the default-state, very helpful!
how could we use dependent states?


Quote from: Bassman on June 26, 2015, 09:12:16 AM
I found it --> s_Mode:8Trk Master Volume and changed it to s_Mode:8Trk Bus Volume
and it worked:)
very good! in case you are not aware: you can specify which Bus (<First>,...)

QuoteShift Time-Out! Yes!!! I don't like those finger stretchings....
yes, that was the reason, it´s much more comfortable now.


Quote from: Bassman on June 26, 2015, 04:25:32 PM
Is this a bug? When I mark a piece of a clip, not only the selected is operated, the whole clip is affected, that should not be!!!
Hi Basie,
i´m on X3e and tried that too - for me it´s working as expected, only the selection is affected!
although i wanted to suggest automation too, i can understand why you want to do it that way. for this sort of small edits it´s perhaps the fasted way.


Quote from: MarKo on June 26, 2015, 06:39:13 PM
i´m on X3e and tried that too - for me it´s working as expected, only the selection is affected!
It is interesting... I have tried on X2 under Linux, the whole clip is processed. The same under SPlat. But then I have tried X3e, and it is also processing the whole clip for me! But it is installed next SPlat, so I guess all effects are "upgradet" (bugged?)

In any case, that question is better to discuss on OF. More experts there, may be we forgot some important option...