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BCR2000-preset, beta 3

Started by MarKo, July 05, 2015, 10:43:48 PM

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Many thanks for the example.
Although i have to study it extensively, this one is not easy to understand completely!
And i have to think hard how to integrate this with my existing logic, without breaking something.

In your example, the 3-strip-WAI is centered around selected track.
So if WAI is on 1-3 and i select Track 4, then it shifts to 3-5.
If i want it to jump only in complete groups (in this case it should be 4-6, then 7-9,...) is that possible?
Something like current strip number modulo WAI-width?
But don´t spend too much time on that, because i´m unsure if it´s really worth the troubles.


QuoteSomething like current strip number modulo WAI-width?

i think it could be possible if i would get the current strip number into a State.
But although i can get the strip number to display (as text), i found no way of setting a corresponding state.
Is that possible?


No, currently not possible. While I can add something like "Align by N" in Strip selection, I do not see it as practical... Let say you have 8 strips on surface and want control 3 guitar tracks. In the example, you will be able to do so by selecting any from this 3 tracks, independent from the position in the project. In case we align by 8 and the first guitar track is number 8, you has to "adjust" WAI position. That is why all surfaces have "shift WAI by 1 strip" in addition to the block switch.

About integration: strip type monitoring you need in any case (for reliable strip type switching and correct WAI indication), WAI "width" you also need (for indication and initial). I have found that focused strip (in relation to current WAI) is valuable information by itself, on display or on surface (MCU has "Select" buttons with LEDs) since once you are in the middle of the project with more that 8 tracks, there can be orientation difficulties. And so, that only addition is the state monitor which trigger WAI moving function.


I know what you mean about Track-groups not aligned to surface boundaries, but i´ve found that i have more orientation difficulties if my surface is NOT aligned in groups of 8.

So i tend now to organize my tracks so that they fit best in groups of 8.
I even leave a track empty, if that makes sense. E.g. if i had 6 or 7 drum-tracks, then i would group them together on 1-8, leaving 1 or 2 empty, just to have it organized. But thats just my workflow and only works if the surface has enough strips.

I thought about shift WAI by 1 strip, but first i have to find a useful way for my button-layout (it´s quite full), and second i found that i don´t really need it much. And third is that i have WAI-position LED´s, which show me where i am (currently up to 32, but that could be extended - i didn´t need that much). And of course the WAI-LED´s only work correctly for those 8-strip-groups, so i´ll stick to use it that way.

If i really need to move WAI to some "not-aligned" position in a special situation, it´s just one mouse-click on the track-number and i do "Move WAI here".
But it´s not worth to put more work into that, it was just so nice that the surface now follows Tracks/Bus-Focus from Sonar-UI that i had this idea.


I see... I will add that option once I am "back in business" (next days).




1.Is it possible, just for me, instead of just stop, to stop and go back 2-3 bars??  Sometimes it's much better, when I cut a lot of material out. Normally I have always cut it out and then press Strg-PgUp 2-3 times or more to hear the cut area again. So I could save 2 or 3 different presets for differents projects. I tried, but it does not do what I want to do=:-)
For sure I could all do with BCR, but in this case (I've tried) it is much faster to cut(mark) with Alt+Mouse and then Cut Out and Delete Hole with Strg+Alt+X. So I have Mouse and Keyboard in hand. For then Scroll with BCR is not handy, Strg+PgUp is faster! (In this Case!) Much faster --> automatically go back 2-3 bars at stop!
With CAL language you can go back, but you can't do stop:(

2. You have the Master on the first Master Volume, but I have 13 Masters! If I set "Master Volume" to "Last Master Volume" I can only change Output 26 instead of 25/26 Stereo or both channels. I have had Master on Bus Master First, but it is better to control the output level itself, cause my Mixing Desk is now far away, I have now BCR2000 in front of me and the pc keyboard above. How can I set it to the last Stereo Output?  (SPDIF OUTPUT)

3. Welche Knöpfe kann ich nochmal alles für ACT verwenden??



Hi Heinz,

Quotestop and go back 2-3 bars?

Are you sure that you want that on every stop?
I think a better idea for you could be to put that on Stop-long.
The "Mode-Reset" which is now on Stop-long (reset ACT/PC, switch to 8-Trk, focus Tracks, Shift+Ctrl off) may not be that important for you (although i like it).
So you have to decide...
And we could theoretically introduce another "very long press", so that:
- Stop = Stop
- Stop-long(200ms) = Stop & go back 3 Bars
- Stop-verylong(1 sec) = Reset all Modes
What would you think?

i have just one stereo master at the moment, so can not really check.
But you should be able to select ANY specific master with: Master <First> add +X
Or: Master <Last> add -X
Then you could check if linking/grouping the Left/right Masterfaders (the Lock-symbol) solves your problem, that did it for me. And if your Master is 2 individual channels, then you must control both channels with the same parameter.

In the meantime i did some more improvements:
- EQ-Style and CE-Type handling improved (works nice now)
- fixed: Pan+Send for Buses now working
- Solo buttons work now in ProChannel too (but without indication, because in PC-mode the LED is used to show selected Strip)
- "Shift-layer" in 8-Track-mode:
Pan becomes Send1-Pan, Send 1 > Send 2, Solo > AutomationWrite
- 2 x Shift = Shift-lock: if Shift-lock is ON, then the LED above (WAI-right) flashes fast to show the LOCK-state (because Shift-button self has no LED). Also shown in AZ-Display.
- WAI Shift +/-1 Left/right: even if i don´t use that much, i have added it (just for completeness) ;-)



QuoteAre you sure that you want that on every stop?

If I know how to set it, I could make 3 different presets...

QuoteAnd we could theoretically introduce another "very long press", so that:
- Stop = Stop
- Stop-long(200ms) = Stop & go back 3 Bars
- Stop-verylong(1 sec) = Reset all Modes
What would you think?

Yesssss, cause I love that long stop button too;)

QuoteBut you should be able to select ANY specific master with: Master <First> add +X
Or: Master <Last> add -X
Then you could check if linking/grouping the Left/right Masterfaders (the Lock-symbol) solves your problem, that did it for me. And if your Master is 2 individual channels, then you must control both channels with the same parameter.

That's it, thanks:) With Lock and Add it works!

Quote- EQ-Style and CE-Type handling improved (works nice now)


Quote- fixed: Pan+Send for Buses now working


Quote- "Shift-layer" in 8-Track-mode:
Pan becomes Send1-Pan, Send 1 > Send 2, Solo > AutomationWrite
- 2 x Shift = Shift-lock: if Shift-lock is ON, then the LED above (WAI-right) flashes fast to show the LOCK-state (because Shift-button self has no LED). Also shown in AZ-

Send1 -> Send 2, that's whar I need:)

- WAI Shift +/-1 Left/right: even if i don´t use that much, i have added it (just for completeness) ;-)

Must see, if I need it sometimes, but great to have the ability:)

You forgot to tell, which rotors and knobs I can use for ACT, I know you wrote it down, and I looked at all posts, but can't find it..

Thank you;)


QuoteYesssss, cause I love that long stop button too;)
i will try to add that "very-long press".
QuoteWith Lock and Add it works!
QuoteSend1 -> Send 2, that's whar I need:)
or would you prefer Send 2 + 3 instead of Send 1 Pan + Send 2 ?
i´m not sure what is more needed - do you use Send-Pan?
Quotewhich rotors and knobs I can use for ACT
All buttons and rotors in the Strip-section, except the top-row rotors (VU), so that´s 16 buttons + 24 rotors.


Hi all,

Here comes Beta6, which should really be the one to "release", until no bugs are found.
I will start then a new thread for the final Preset.

Latest changes (see also Pic):
- Bus/Track follows Sonar-focus
- Stop-long (~200 ms): Stop and go back 2 Measures
- Stop-very_long (~1 sec): Reset from all modes back to Standard-layout
- new Shift-layout and Shift-Lock (2xpress):
in 8-Trk-mode: Send1>Send2, Pan>Send3, Solo>Automation
in ProCh-mode: Send1>Send1-Pan, Send2>Send2-Pan, CE-Type>Track-Vol

I decided to include Send2+3 in 8-Track-mode, while accessing the Send-Pans in ProCh-mode with Shift, this made most sense. And i discovered that i often wanted Track-volume in ProCh-mode too, so i put that on Shift+CE-Type (top-right rotor).
I also found the function "stop & back 2" quite interesting, so i decided to keep this in my preset. It works in Stop-mode too, so is a handy way of going back 2 measures. Thanks Heinz for the idea!

I also improved the display again, it should show correct Params/values in every mode/state.

But if you just look at the Stop-logic, this is really weird what´s possible with AzControl!
In the end it has 8 functions!
1. Stop if playing
2. Goto Begin if stopped
3. In Tempo-dialog: OK
4. long press: Stop+back 2
5. very long press: Reset to Standard
6. +Shift: Loop Selection
7. +Ctrl: Loop On/off
8. +Shift+Ctrl: Escape (switch BCR to Preset 2)

Now finally i can´t imagine that we could put much more functionality into the BCR.
Hope it works for you.


Moin moin:)

QuoteI decided to include Send2+3 in 8-Track-mode, while accessing the Send-Pans in ProCh-mode with Shift, this made most sense. And i discovered that i often wanted Track-volume in ProCh-mode too, so i put that on Shift+CE-Type (top-right rotor).
I also found the function "stop & back 2" quite interesting, so i decided to keep this in my preset. It works in Stop-mode too, so is a handy way of going back 2 measures. Thanks Heinz for the idea!

I more often use Send Pan than Send 3, but as you did it is more than OK;)

OK, so much more functions to learn, set's see if I can get it into my brain:) For sure I will love it!!!



Hi again:)


Have you tried ACT?? For me only Mute1, R1-8(Pan) and R9-16(Send) are working for ACT! All others do not. Of course 16 Rotors are enough, but 4 Knobs would be better than 1....



Hi Heinz,
leichter auf deutsch...

ich hab gerade nochmal alles durchprobiert - bei mir scheint alles OK.
Bist du sicher dass es keine ACT-Zuordnungsproblem ist?
Schau mal in AzController auf der Overview-seite, da wird der akt. ACT-Regler + Parameter angezeigt.
Was zeigt sich wenn du die anderen Mute/Solo-Buttons drückst?
Und die unterste Reihe wird als ACT-Slider, also S1-S8 gesendet.
Wäre auch interessant was das Az-Display für die anderen Regler zeigt (leer wenn nix zugeordnet).



Bin grad auf dem Sprung, aber im AZController zeigt es alle Buttons an, aber nur beim ersten mit Toggle, wenn das was zu sagen hat....
Im AZ Display zeigt es alle zugewiesenen auch an, allerdings kann ich per ACT Learn die restlichen Knöppe nicht zuweisen, genausowenig die 8 Slider, werden einfach nicht akzeptiert.
Also wenn ich auf ACZ Learn geh und alle 8 Slider bewege und Learn beende, zeigt es nichts an, ansonsten "das und das wurde bewegt"

Muss gehn, da wartet jemand auf mich.....Melde mich morgen früh oder vielleicht heute Abend noch....

danke erstmal;)


Du hast recht, im Learn-Modus ist etwas faul!
Ich habe momentan keine Ahnung was/warum, bzw. seit wann, da ich schon länger nichts mit Learn belegt habe. Hat mich immer wieder zum Verzweifeln gebracht, darum hab ich die XML editiert.

@Alexey: hast du eine Ahnung was da falsch ist?
ACT-Buttons bzw. Slider werden zwar korrekt in Overview angezeigt, aber die Learn-Funktion ignoriert sie.