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BCR2000-preset, beta 3

Started by MarKo, July 05, 2015, 10:43:48 PM

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Hi Heinz,

Das Programm selbst ist ziemlich kompliziert und es gibt nicht viele Beta Testers. Die Fehler sind irgendwo drin, da bin ich sicher. Aber in Alleingang kann ich die nicht finden, deswegen bei alles ungewöhnliches bitte genau beschreiben. Was ich reproduzieren kann wird gefixed.



Quote from: azslow3 on July 07, 2015, 11:30:19 AM
Quote from: MarKo on July 06, 2015, 11:34:50 PM
So here is the very short list:
PC76U: Effektanteil
PC4K: SC-HP-Frequenz
Tube: Ausgang
Should work in b254.
I couldn´t resist, and installed it now, although i´m not at the BCR currently.
But so far all filters and params show up correctly!
So, this seems to work - thank you!


Some more infos/questions for Stevie & Heinz:
how do the level-meters react on your systems?
do you feel that they are too slow?

I forgot to mention that, but i found out something interesting.
You might want to read up here:,197.0.html
In short: the levels reported to plugins use the settings from preferences/level-meters/release-time.
My release time for meters was default at 1000 ms! 1 sec! much too slow.
So i lowered till 100ms, but now i find 200ms quite ok.
And now the meters shown on the BCR feel like "real" ones!

i would be interested how this is on other systems.


Hi Alexey:)

do you feel that they are too slow?

No, it's how it should be, fast!


Jetzt hab ich es geschnallt mit dem +/- Regler, das ist prima, weil ich ziemlich oft den Inspector verwende und da meistens Velocity, sehr schön:)

Das mit dem Tempo funzt auch sehr prima, mir hat zwar die Version von Alexey besser gefallen, weil es halt schneller ging, aber das ist so komfortabler, wie oft kommt man sonst an irgendwelche Regler und merkt es gar schon gut so!

Jetzt hab ich nur noch diesen Jump, wenn ich +/- dB mehrmals drücke, gestern waren es manchmal 24 Spuren PgDn, nicht den Fokus wie ich gestern gesagt habe....allerdings merke ich gerade, dass ich den Sprung nicht exakt reproduzieren kann, manchmal springt es manchmal nicht, hängt glaube ich mit der Geschwindigkeit zusammen wie schnell ich die Tasten drücke....

Oki, muss eigentlich schon längst wieder arbeiten.....

Eins noch, beim Fokus auf dem ProChannel im EQ kann ich wunderschön die Frequenz auswählen, wenn ich aber z.B. versuche im ACT Mode im Sonitus FX EQ die Frequenz einzustellen, springt er jeweils um ca. 170 Herz, müsste man dann im ACT Mode die Regler auch hochauflösend einstellen??

Danke und bis denne:)


Sorry to say, but I give up with clip editing for the moment...

ALL my attempts to find a way to predictable select a clip on FOCUSED strip have failed. Let me explain in details (that is also true for Num keyboard, CW has just exposed the calls they are using for these keys for Control Surface).
1) all clip edit/select operations are using so called DataCursor. So, the whole problem is to set it predictable.
2) unfortunately, its so called "vertical" position (on which track/folder it currently is) is NOT controllable. The only predictable place where you can ask it to be is THE CENTER OF THE WINDOW. If you do not do this, its initial position is kind of "random". It depends on other parameters and in general is going to be either on the first or on the last currently visible track IN THE WINDOW.
3) the "center" is really GRAPHICAL center of the window. In case you slightly zoom some track, it can be changed
4) my last and the only "close to successful" attempt was put it "somewhere" (does not matter where) and then "move it up 1000 times". So it is on the first track and them "move it down <current strip number> times". That is working fine (and fast, there is no redrawing in between), but... that stop working once you have folders. This DataCursor can be on a Folder! Not that it can do something useful there, it will not even select "all foldered clips" when used. But it can be there, and that breaks "move down" counter (Folders are not visible from Control Surfaces).

Generalizing this and other observations: everything CakeWalk has written since ~SONAR 6 time is bad from programming point of view (what I can see in API and its description, so not only Control Surface related part). Everything they have written starting X serie time is a garbage from programming point of view. Everything they have recently (re)written is an "epic fail" from programming point of view (CCC and RP, second year IT student should not pass Windows programming exam in case he/she does such mistakes). I really have worries where all that goes...


Hi Heinz,
Quote from: Bassman on July 08, 2015, 08:38:42 AM
Hi Alexey:)
do you feel that they are too slow?
No, it's how it should be, fast!
ich glaub da hast du dich verlesen - das hatte ich geschrieben ;)
egal, mich würde interessieren wie deine Voreinstellungen waren (siehe screenshot).

+/- Regler: ich finde den auch super, auch der ganze Arpeggiator lässt sich einstellen, oder Programmwechsel - eben fast alles.

Zum Tempo: das zusätzliche bestätigen mit "Stop" kann ich jetzt hoffentlich eliminieren (trigger), dann stell ich es mir ideal vor.
QuoteJetzt hab ich nur noch diesen Jump, wenn ich +/- dB mehrmals drücke
das hab zwar noch nicht bemerkt, aber ich könnte mir vorstellen wie es passiert.
in dem Fall hat er dann wohl keine (oder eine falsche) Gain-stufe genommen, oder was passiert stattdessen?
ich glaub aber auch das sich das mit einer kleinen Verzögerung lösen lässt.
QuoteACT Mode im Sonitus FX EQ die Frequenz einzustellen, springt er jeweils um ca. 170 Herz
das schau ich mir noch an.
QuoteOki, muss eigentlich schon längst wieder arbeiten.....
na dann üb mal fleissig weiter ;)

ich hab leider auch viel anderes zu tun, obwohl ich am liebsten da dran bleiben würde.
mir bleibt dann meistens nur nächtens über für die Hobbys.


Quote from: azslow3 on July 08, 2015, 12:54:43 PM
Sorry to say, but I give up with clip editing for the moment...
ALL my attempts to find a way to predictable select a clip on FOCUSED strip have failed.
i know what you mean, i saw the same unpredictable behaviour.

But in one of my last posts, i described how it works reliable for me -
but only if we take care that we have the neccessary initial scenario!
The Track must be maximized, and one clip must be selected.
That is not so bad for me, because when doing this kind of editing, then i usually maximize it anyway.
And IF it fails, then only the first time, which you can quickly undo.
If you then work throughout the whole track, it´s really ok, i have gone through quite some tracks from start to end, cutting silent parts.

But i needed quite some time to bring this "selection cursor" to the now-time.
Perhaps you have also seen that the horizontal position is independent from NOW, and also not really predictable.
But for this, i found a nice workaround:
1. center now time in view (command)
2. center edit cursor (0,5)
the complete numkey-list for clip-selection: 0,5,3,9,0

Did you try it with my preset?
you just need to assign 2 buttons: Ctrl and WAI left.
and maybe something to move the now-time - don´t need to explain that ;)
Now take care about initial view (maximize + select one clip), hold Ctrl and press WAI left.
it should be split exactly at the now time.
i´d be interested if this works on other systems too.
the only part which is currently not fully reliable, is that you better press/release slowly - Sonar needs a little time to really move. That´s why i split the actions in two parts for NoteON/OFF. But that should be solveable with triggers now (thanks for that).

Everything they have recently (re)written is an "epic fail" from programming point of view (CCC and RP, second year IT student should not pass Windows programming exam in case he/she does such mistakes). I really have worries where all that goes...
yes, i have similar worries, although i wouldn´t say it so extreme.
That´s also the reason why i avoid the OF - too much bad comments.
And currently i have no plan to go to Platinum-subscription, although there may be nice additions too.


I have understood your solution. I have also understood the API behind. But the fact they do not have an option to position data cursor on currently selected track drives me crazy... In fact they have 2(!) independent selection sources. One is mouse based and it is aware about current track (in case you select with mouse or do "Loop to selection" command, unfortunately they are not executed immediately, the same with keyboard based "," track selection). Another is keyboard oriented, it has this separate "cursor" and completely ignore focused track. I have tried many combinations, including hybrid in attempt to find a way to control/deduct this "cursor" vertical position, no luck...

At the same time, this cursor horizontal position is easy to control. So, "select clip under timeline on the track which is in the (vertical) center of the window" is easy to do. Funny, they return current time of this cursor, but not current track! Everything could still be ok in case the cursor can not stay on folders on Control Surface could get some information about folders. But that all was introduced by "new developers" of Cakewalk (it is clearly visible that the "old" part is significantly better, from design and implementation point of view, while all additions and changes are...).


QuoteI have understood your solution.
i didn´t want to sound educational, i was not aware that you know that, because you said that you give up.
Quotedrives me crazy
me too, but i see it more pragmatic: even if it´s not a perfect solution (from programmers view) - if it´s useful and there is no better way, then i just do what´s possible.
QuoteAt the same time, this cursor horizontal position is easy to control
do you mean that can be done by API?


Quote from: MarKo on July 08, 2015, 06:25:44 PM
QuoteAt the same time, this cursor horizontal position is easy to control
do you mean that can be done by API?
Yes. Selection time position can be precisely controlled from API, it is just "second axis" which has "up" "down" "center" options only (without any way to get current value).


Quote from: azslow3 on July 08, 2015, 06:37:20 PM
it is just "second axis" which has "up" "down" "center" options only (without any way to get current value).
ok, that´s not really helpful, because we need to use key-simulation anyway.


I am going to expose that part of API to avoid keys. For clip splitting, "Select clip in central track" function is fastest solution (I have already "select clip" in my latest version, but it is not working with folders, "Select clip in central track" can be simplified version or it without an attempt of vertical search).

Also Sonar has "undocumented" commands "* EC xxxx". I have tested some of they and they work.


QuoteI am going to expose that part of API to avoid keys
if all neccessary commands are available, then this is even better.
QuoteAlso Sonar has "undocumented" commands "* EC xxxx".
Uff, that sounds like some crazy experimenting and hacking around.
You don´t get more infos from devs?


That is not hacking... Sonar expose a list of command ids in the source. Theoretically, all of them which still work should be available "dynamically" in the list of supported commands and you should see more human readable names (all such commands are without "*"). For some reason many still working commands are not in the list.


I have uploaded b256 with "Select Clip on centered track" function. Note that "Select Clip" unfortunately is not working well (any folder in the project breaks it).
"Select Clip..."+"Split clip" in one list (without delay) are working for me.