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AZ Controller vs other solutions.

Started by azslow3, May 19, 2015, 05:55:15 PM

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The only DAW I have is Sonar. It will be nice in case someone can briefly compare AZ Controller with good Control Surface solutions in other DAWs.

Have you ever seen something comparable with AZ Controller?


AZ Controller is the most powerfull Control Surface which i have ever seen compared in other DAWs.
most Control Surfaces of other DAWs allows basically to configure hardware controller elements and assignements to DAW controller elements. Main benefit, it's more simply for most users, which are not ready to use more time for complex controller configuration. And that's ok, because the hardware manufacturers should take care, that their hardware is supported by popular DAWs and contrary.

AZ Controller is not comparable, because it's more powerfull and enables a almost endless opportunities which are closer on hardware controllers. AZ Controller can get the best of every hardware controller potentialies than all the others. I would say AZ Controller is for most DAW users to complex and is more qualified to create controller plugins in cooperation with hardware manufacturers, but also for some hardware freaks is AZ Controller realy to prove itself valuable.  :)


I would agree with what Hermu said - if you wanted to take the structure and flexibility of the plugin and port it to other DAWs, you may find there's interest there - as a third-party solution that allows seriously deep integration with a variety of surfaces... but at the moment it's probably too complex for most end-users...


Thank you for replies.

Reading that, I decide to rename AZ Controller from "Universal MIDI plug-in" to Control Surface Integration Platform  8)

May be I should also pack at least 50-60 MB random numbers into installer and claim the original price was at least $370. I think people have hard time to believe 400 kB free executable can be a "platform"   ;)


I can only agree with the others - there is no compareable solution.
This is definitely the most genious plugin ever seen!
Although i admit that i didn´t spend the same time on other DAW/Surface solutions (a bit Reaper and Ableton), but surely nothing can compete with the power of AZC.
But as also mentioned before (and you do that yourself), it´s always flexibility vs. simplicity.
So i would agree that this is not for average users - the power of endless possibilities has it´s price.
I know some friends, who would not spend 5 minutes to get some useful SW working - even if they are shown the advantages. Average users/musicians are no programmers.

What i would consider, is providing presets for the most common gear, with a bit more descriptions and pictures too. Perhaps a Wiki could be useful, but maybe a section "Surface & presets" does the same.
So the freaks can help in building the preset-base. But as Hermu already said, that could(should) be the duty of HW manufacturers (and cakewalk).
I have even considered making a short video to see the full power of AZC in "action", because most people will not read through all manuals and tutorials, so can not see the real power.

And about "blowing up" the installer: i really did that - put large pictures in resources, so the EXE grew from some 100kb to 5MB - it helps  ;)


Quote from: MarKo on May 20, 2015, 10:22:38 PM
What i would consider, is providing presets for the most common gear, with a bit more descriptions and pictures too. Perhaps a Wiki could be useful, but maybe a section "Surface & presets" does the same.
Yes, I will move all build-in presets threads into separate section. Use solutions (from Hermu) can feel the gap between "nothing" and "build in". And so big range of known surfaces is already covered (StudioMix will come soon).

I do not think any pictures of the plug-in can attract someone. Some video can be useful for sure, but with reasonable music content. While I can play piano (friends say good, for home player), by listening my "compositions", especially mixed by me, potential users will run away from my site, internet and computer and will never come back  :o


i didn´t mean pics of the plugin itself (although some of the logic could give a glance at the possibilities), more like layout-pics for surfaces with descriptions, so you get an idea of the "feel".
for a demo-video i would use perhaps one of the free available remixes, but the music shouldn´t matter, we´ll focus on the usage!
And i´ll do my best to support the BCR2000 preset - when it´s finished - my problem is that i find no end   :-\
thanks to all the possibilities :o  you have every day new ideas, so it´s always "work in progress".

Currently i´m even thinking about completely disassembling/rebuilding the HW-layout of my BCR, because i can see a better layout (only the top row encoders can be switched to "meter-style", and i "need" the faders in the first row)
But i think it would be good to first finish a preset for the standard BCR, so let´s hope i have no good ideas in the next time  ;)


The closest applications I know of are those of Stray's at NativeKontrol, particularly the new Arsenal for Ableton Live (he also developed Clyphx for Live, which is incredibly powerful).  The various devices under Arsenal really come alive; I have the versions for Launchpad Pro and the APC Mini.  (The LP Pro version gives you a note mode like that of Push 2 - very nice.

Stray is just another genius like AZ and all the others.  I am just a tiny grasshopper in their presence... :)