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BCR2000 beta7

Started by MarKo, September 16, 2015, 11:40:22 PM

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Quote from: MarKo on July 02, 2016, 05:24:06 PM
I appreciate your suggestions, so i´m really sorry to say that your solution is working for me worse than all others before!
It changes the type with every single tick of the rotor (this is what i did not like - it´s much to sensitive), it loops around from last type to first (and opposite)
Well, that is exactly the way I like it for myself... sorry if that is worse for you. But nice side of AZ Controller is that you can configure it the way you want,
even if the author had different opinion  ;)

and i have no feedback at all.
That was my fault. I forgot that you have value monitor at the end of the list...

So turning the rotor results in very fast looping through all types.
Encoders on my StudioMix are rather "grained". So switching something tick by tick is natural. My Nocturn is a crap in general, your approach is definitively better for it, but I use that device for short tests only. So in fact that looks like particular hardware knob characteristics depended.

Also i do not understand why my preset did not work at all for you, because Heinz is also using Platinum, so i hope he gives feedback too.
But you are correct with your first point!
That first point could produce fancy results. For you it was bugging strip switching only. But in fact the result was strip volume dependent... and so it could work, partially work or not work at all based on particular project and some other dependencies...

But I am glad that is clarified.


QuoteEncoders on my StudioMix are rather "grained". So switching something tick by tick is natural. My Nocturn is a crap in general, your approach is definitively better for it, but I use that device for short tests only. So in fact that looks like particular hardware knob characteristics depended.
Ok, it seems clear now that device-characteristics are important.

If you remember: in the beginning, i was using normal controller msgs, because i did not know about endless (accellerated) messages. But reprogramming the BCR to send these endless messages was an important tip in getting everything to work, like it does now. The BCR has a quite fine resolution now, with acceleration getting coarsely (in fact i very rarely need switch to "fine-mode" for the rotors).
But this is much to sensible for switching with every tick, because this results in unintentionally switching by just touching the knob slightly.

With current preset it works prefectly for me: the EQ-type rotor has now exactly the 4 quarters for the 4 EQ-types.
Changing the EQ-type in Sonar causes the LED-rings to jump to exactly this 4 positions (0, 0.37, 0.8, 1)
And turning the knob slowly i see the LED-ring moving slowly up/down until you reach a point where it switches to next type and the LED-ring also reflects this jump to the next type. Turning the knob faster results in faster switching. This gives perfect feeling for me.

Thanks again for spotting my mistake and for all your work!



HI there:)


EQ Type works in 9.07 better than in 9.06, in 9.06 it sometimes does nothing sometimes it jumps.



Hi, all,

Is b9.07.spp  the latest version, and is it working correctly? AZ is working on my UC-33e, and I have been thinking of other alternatives, but the BCR now looks really attractive, especially with both 8-track and Pro Channel modes.

What do you think?



I have not observed Martin for a while, I just hope he is ok and just a bit busy.

BCR2000 with his preset is the most powerful Control Surface for Sonar at the moment. If you do not need touch sensitive motor faders (for overwriting automations), this device is a good choice. But let us finish UC-33 first.


Sure!  I just got a little excited, is all... :)