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[Hermu] M-Audio Oxygen 61 3rd (blue)

Started by Hermu, May 11, 2015, 01:45:11 PM

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Preset for M-Audio Oxygen 49/61 3rd (blue) Preset 10:

Last Update 09.26.17:

- redesigned functional layout
- additional functional improvements

this preset supports only M-Audio Oxygen 49/61 3rd (blue) and Preset 10 must be selected.
to use this preset with M-Audio Oxygen 49/61 (silver), you have to reassign buttons, faders and rotarys.

How to use:
1. download and install latest AZ Controller version
2. Connect M-Audio Oxygen 49/61 3rd (blue) and select Preset 10
3. Start Cakewalk and load a Project
4. assign M-Audio Oxygen 49/61 3rd (blue) Input-/Outputport
5. use Cakewalk Plugin Manager and import "M-Audio Oxygen 61 3rd.spp" for AZ Controller
6. configure AZ Controller and select "M-AUDIO Oxygen 61 3rd (Preset 10)" preset

[Shift]+[<Track] - Shift Mixer to previous track -8
[Shift]+[Track>] - Shift Mixer to next track +8
[Shift]+[C18] - Unmute/UnSolo, Bank1=Mute, Bank2=Solo
[Shift]+[C19] - Select Track Mode
[Shift]+[C20] - Select Bus Mode
[Shift]+[C21] - Select ACT Mode
[Shift]+[C22] - goto Start of selected Track sequence
[Shift]+[C23] - goto End of selected Track sequence
[Shift]+[C24] - Select previous Bank 4..1 - Select Track, (Rec. Arm), Solo, Mute  -  Note: Rec. Arm is only available in Track mode
[Shift]+[C25] - Select next Bank 1..4 - Mute, Solo, (Rec. Arm), Track Select  -  Note: Rec. Arm is only available in Track mode
[Shift]+[<<] - Goto Previous Marker
[Shift]+[>>] - Goto Next Marker
[Shift]+[Stop] - Goto Start
[Shift]+[Play] - Set Marker

C1..C8 - Faders for Track/Bus/ACT 1..8
C9 - Main Volume for Stereo and ACT value control
C10..C17 - Encoder for Track/Bus/ACT 1..8
C18..C25 - Button for Track/Bus/ACT 1..8

C27 - Loop On/Off
C28 - << - Rewind or stop active playback and move to current play position
C29 - >> - Forward or stop active playback and move to current play position
C30 - Stop
C31 - Play or stop active Forward/Rewind and continues playback on new start position
C32 - Record

[<Track] - move 1 Tracks left
[Track>] - move 1 Tracks right


New M-Audio Oxygen 49/61 3rd (blue) preset released
all infos are in my updated 1st post with new updated M-Audio Oxygen 49/61 3rd (blue) preset version to download.