
CWP2Song, public beta.
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StudioMix discussion

Started by azslow3, May 14, 2015, 11:44:00 PM

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Updated 24.06.2015:

There will be preset for this old but nice device.

As most important, it looks like I have solved the problem with jitter (spontaneous transfers from faders). Encoders are not perfect either (when turning right the sometimes transfer "left" signal), but I have workaround for that as well.

Planned features:
* Transport section: multifunction, Loop/Selection/Markers set/goto (using button combinations)
* Jogger: multi-resolution (with mod keys) jog. The control is fortunately works better then encoders.
* Shuttle: horizontal (vertical with mod key) zoom. The control has some strangeness, but usable.
* Middle buttons: 3 from them are mod keys, 1 is mode switch (Mix/Act)
* One strip button can be used for many operations with mod/transport keys (select,mute,solo,rec. arm, rec. automations, play automations)

In case you have some ideas or wished, they could be taken into account.


Jogger + zoom is the hammer! I also manage to use them with mod keys by one hand. With multi-functional transport, this section is really nice.


I have tried to use the device with one of my simple presets variation in more that just a test.

Faders: "no go". They still produce some changes. With my work around that does not happened all the time, but still happened. The device can stay like 10 minutes untouched and then "BUM", 4th fader indicates it was moved. The precision of faders is worse then normal MIDI (127), they send some "random numbers" in-between.

Encoders: "no go". As soon as I start turn them right a little faster, they start continuously indicate they are turned left.

Next step can be open the device and try to clean it, may be tight sensors on encoders if that is possible (I remember on old mouses that could help for a while). I would really like to use this old peace, but at the moment it looks like the hardware is unrepairable aged and useless, software tricks are not helping...