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Feedback action

Started by werewindle, November 01, 2015, 12:17:10 PM

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I am trying to reset LED lights on a controller (midimix) and having a bit of confusion as turning them on works but using same method to turn them off is not?

Feedback Action configuration MIDI Note channel 1 number 7 Value 127 Sends: 09 90 07 7f (light comes on)
Feedback Action configuration MIDI Note channel 1 number 7 Value 0 Sends: 08 80 07 00 whereas I am really after 09 90 07 00 to turn light OFF am I doing something wrong?

Regards Nick


Hi Nick,

Change "Send 0 as OFF" to "Send 0 as ON" in the corresponding MIDI action. That should send what you want then.



Thanks eventually figured it out just me being dumb.
But now I have a more difficult query which looking at the documentation (excellent product by the way) seems possible I think.
So I push the SOLO(shift) button once and it clears all the MUTE/SOLO lights (easy part) but I then need to reset the lights to what the DAW is showing as being soloed and when pushed again it does the same but for the Mute's.

Cheer Nick


Can you explain in more details what you want? From the text, I understand that you have:
1. 2 LEDs (Mute + Solo) for each strip (?)
2. A button SOLO for each strip (?)
3. A button SHIFT

And by SHIFT+SOLO (on some strip) combination you want either
a) switch indication on this strip for both LEDs
b) switch indication on all strips for all LEDs
c) switch indication on one particular LED
Depending on that, there are different solutions. Also it depends either you really want "forced no light" or just use it for different indication (like "strip selected").

General idea:
1) you set one LED from one Value monitor (only! till special case when button press in hardware switch LED on its own, in this case there is "an addition")
2) you change the parameter to indicate before the monitor in the same list, depending on some conditions (State) and also use states in the indication (when required). For example, you want one LED display Mute or Selected status, depending on "mode". In this case:
2.1. you define State Set "LED1 mode" with states "Mute" and "Selected".
2.2. you define switching button with the Action "Set State "LED1 mode" Next (looped)"
2.2. the (logical action list) can be:
  "LED1 mode":"Mute" - Select Strip WAI 1 Mute
  "LED2 mode":"Selected" - Select Strip WAI 1 Selected
  Monitor Parameter Value
In this case when you change the mode, corresponding parameter (Mute or Selected) for the monitor will be changed and that re-trigger the monitor (even in case the value is unchanged, for example in case the track is not muted nor selected).



Basically there is a strip of buttons which show either MUTE or SOLO  dependant on whether another button x is ON or OFF.
So if x is OFF (not lit) then the strip effects the MUTE on the track if x is on (Lit) it effects the SOLO on the track.

Which means when x is selected say ON the MUTE/SOLO strip needs to have their LED's reset to OFF and the status for each track SOLO needs to be read from the DAW. Then any button pushed on the strip will toggle the SOLO on the track.
When x is selected as OFF then it's the MUTE that is being toggled.

Hope that makes more sense.



I attach an example preset. Please note, it is made in the latest test version (b293), you will be unable to load it into current release. Just install the test version (it is "release candidate" in any case).

Open AZCtrl Display (from Options) to see how it works.

1. "X Btn" has State Monitor which track current mode. It display it in the first cell, you will probably use LED On/Off (State dependent) instead. The only other action is toggle the state. Note, that "State Monitor" is completely unrelated to this action, it could be placed in other control. But if placed there, it SHOULD be before toggling in the list. Why? Monitoring execute the actions before (in special "monitoring" mode, without affecting actual states, but what monitor code will see). So, in the feedback list, you will see REVERSED from current real state in case you put "Set state" before the monitor. A bit confusing, I know. But that will make sense once you actually need such behavior  ;)
2. "MuteSolo Btn" is one (of many in your case) strip buttons. Depending from the state, it selects either Solo or Mute. There is a Value Monitor to track that as well as "Toggle" value in Sonar. This time "Toggle" and the "Monitor" use common part: parameter selection. But again, when you actually press the button "Monitor" has no effect.


Many thanks for your assistance will give it a whirl.

Regards Nick


Brilliant works perfectly thanks again for your assistance