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Monitor Parameter Name

Started by sdupayage, October 26, 2015, 07:12:43 PM

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Finally got time to come back on this. And I am really impressed by all the work that has been done, great job.

I did some tests lately and did not figured out how I can monitor track name changes to be correctly reported over your internal display or even through the MC LCD... it looks like even if I use Monitor Parameter Name it does not capture anything over track name changes... I'm using Platinum and your latest beta.

Any idea why?

Best regards,


There is one case when the track name is not updated: in case you manually change it. I forgot to fix that, putting that into todo list...

Note that in all other cases (WAI move, track move, etc.) it should be updated.


Thanks. It's not so optimum to wait for a WAI move or a track move to see the name getting updated. It also starts to be inconvenient when you are doing some paning information where you assume to have "PAN" written instead of the track name and then coming back to thetrack name...

For now I'm using a monitor on parameter value to change both track name and value thus I have something updated but it takes more bandwidth each time I play with a control...


That should be be fixed in the latest test version (v291).



Hmmm So yes it now works when I change the name of the track but...

I had 2 monitors for param name as you indicated in your Mackie Tutorial one for the fader and one for the encoder. The encoder was supposed to display the name of the parameter (Pan) but now nothing is displayed here.

I assume that in the end we should only have one monitor for the name so that if something is changed at the name level only this monitor get called but then what would be your suggestion to display the parameter we are playing with? Including it in the monitor value for this specific control?



I attach an example. It monitors and display the track name for the first track in WAI and monitors Pan/Mute parameter name, depending either this track is focused.

Theoretically it is possible to use one Parameter Name monitor for parameter name AND the strip name. The strip name is "a part" of any strip parameter name. In practice, you normally do not want update the track name on display when you have just changed the parameter you control. So they are usually decoupled. Track name is separately monitored by some "fixed" parameter like "Volume" or "Pan" (these names are not changed, so there is no "false" triggering).

When you want display parameter name and parameter value, 2 monitors (for name and for value) are places one after another so they both catch the same parameter selection which can be complicated.


It's interesting but I think I haven't made myself clear :)

What I am willing to achieve is this:

When nothing is touched I display on row 1: Track Name and on row 2 volume value (normal display)
When I play with volume I display on row 1: "Volume" (parameter name) and on row 2: volume value being changed (value monitor) and then after I stop touching it goes back to normal display
When I play with pan I display on row 1: "Pan" (parameter name) and on row 2: pan value being changed (parameter value) and then after I stop touching it goes back to normal display

I thought that monitoring parameter name would be enough to capture the fact that I was playing with the parameter (Volume or Pan) and then display its name but it looks like it is not captured

Also weird thing is if I have 2 controls (a fader & an encoder) with fader set on strip volume and encoder set on strip pan with both their monitor name & value when I create a track it goes through both monitoring states sometimes messing around with what is displayed...


Quote from: sdupayage on October 30, 2015, 10:36:11 PM
It's interesting but I think I haven't made myself clear :)

What I am willing to achieve is this:

When nothing is touched I display on row 1: Track Name and on row 2 volume value (normal display)
When I play with volume I display on row 1: "Volume" (parameter name) and on row 2: volume value being changed (value monitor) and then after I stop touching it goes back to normal display
When I play with pan I display on row 1: "Pan" (parameter name) and on row 2: pan value being changed (parameter value) and then after I stop touching it goes back to normal display

I thought that monitoring parameter name would be enough to capture the fact that I was playing with the parameter (Volume or Pan) and then display its name but it looks like it is not captured

Also weird thing is if I have 2 controls (a fader & an encoder) with fader set on strip volume and encoder set on strip pan with both their monitor name & value when I create a track it goes through both monitoring states sometimes messing around with what is displayed...
Well, that is relatively complicated case. Your definition list is still incomplete: are your controls touch sensitive? do you want switch display mode in case you "play" with parameter in Sonar (not by surface)?

Attached preset is for the case:
* controls are not touch sensitive
* when parameter is changed within Sonar, display is also changed
* "stop touching" is defined as 2 second timer.

Note, I have no much time to test the preset intensively, there can be some glitches. Also note that is far from the only solution  ;)


Thanks it actually helped. Though I simplified it a bit to make it work for me :) but really many thanks