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Novation Launch Control (not XL)

Started by bbergen, December 14, 2015, 03:45:19 PM

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Thanks for the explanation!

My newer/better knobs came in today from the UK.
The labels aren't the most perfect labeling job ever done but hey, it works!
Here she is:



Thanks again for this fine app and creating the LC preset for me!
It works great!!!


I am glad to know it works fine.

In case you spot some crashes, please let me know. Unfortunately I have seen some with ProChannel under Mackie Control preset, also with MC native plug-in. My guess it does not come from AZCtrl directly, probably parameters monitoring related somewhere inside Sonar. Extremely rare and not reproducible so far, so any reports can help (me and Cakewalk) to find and fix the origin.


Just noticed that the HP slope pot works in the opposite direction that it should.
What do I do to fix that? (don't want to lose my button color settings so I'd like to make the change on my end)


Open "_fSetValue", click on the first Action "Catch Linear, timeout touch".
Click on "Copy" button (on the right).
Change to "HP slope", click on the last Action "Call ((None)) _fSetValue". Click on "Delete" button.
Click on "Paste" button (so, you have replaced the "Call" with "Catch Linear").
Keeping pasted Action selected, check "Reverse" box (at the bottom).

I think "Fine tuning" (with Shift) is not interesting for this parameter, so I have not copied it.



Just for future reference for someone that might use this preset, sometimes the LC goes into User Template mode and I haven't been able to drill down the exact reason why, I thought I had it but it happens, sporadically.
My workaround is, by using the Novation Launch Control Editor from Novation, I copied the factory template settings to all 8 user template positions and now it's a moot point. It works correctly whether it's in factory or user template mode.