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Multiple, concurrent controllers via AZ Controller

Started by BobF, April 18, 2016, 04:35:19 PM

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Is this possible?  For example a FaderPort and MIDI keyboard/controller both configured and operating in the same Sonar session.


Yes, and there is more then one option!  ;)

But WARNING first: Sonar has a nasty bug with CS preset saving, so:
1) NEVER save preset with 2 preferences for the same plug-in opened simultaneously, the preset in once instance will be saved into preset in another instance, you will loose the preset...
2) you will always see the same preset name in all instances. So if you want modify presets, open one (and only one, see (1)) preset window and type the preset name manually. Only then press Save button.

Now the good part:
a) you can just use 2 devices separately, with different preset
b) you can use second (third, forth, joystick, soon OSC...) device as an EXTENDER to another. Then you define only one configuration for both. For example you can use "Shift" on faderport for MIDI keyboard control. See "Cooperation mode" in the Manual ("Standalone"/"Master"/"Slave" options in the "Options" Tab)

(b) has advantage that it does not has big preset, you just specify it as an "an extender". So you never need to open its preferences again and so no problem with preset saving. Just put it as the second in the control surfaces list (you can not change the order later...) since Sonar shows the first instance by default.

BACKUP YOUR PRESETS using Cakewalk Plug-in Manager before attempting to use these features !!!


Thanks Alexey

I gotta say this is kicking my rear in a bad way ... still trying to get my head around the logic/action list syntax

I'm still plugging away ...


While I still believe my action list approach is simpler in this case then using C++/JS directly, once the logic rise above "ACT MIDI Explained" (and Faderport is on a bit higher attitude), it is no longer average user friendly. Unfortunately I do not see how to improve the situation.

That is why most of presets are created by me, with final users as a "scenario writers" and tester.

The next version is going to be the game changer... Just imagine a combination of cheap controller with 10'' touch display (any tablet) working together, so it can show you all ACT parameter names for your current hardware layout without 8 characters / 16 strings limitation, any number of tracks with long names (and may be proper colors). I think all "Advanced" and "Control Standard" devices can be superseded by this solution since they have rather small displays.  For some reason it took a while till I have uncovered the power of OSC for myself  ;)