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SysEx messages all mapping to ctrl 85

Started by Linzmeister, July 21, 2016, 05:34:27 PM

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I do not think I will provide new version till tuesday, but I will check what is wrong. But some comment:

Each channel has separate Pan setting, but I in send "Sonar current channel Pan" to whatever 01V channel is "Selected" (from AZ Controller perspective). At some point they can be not synced (current track in sonar is still 1 while it sends to 01y channel 2). As I wrote, display on 01v for ANY channel except current can be wrong. Unlike faders, I do not send Pan for all 01v channels. I try to be in sync with with only once channel which is controlled by (the only available) encoder.

So, do I understand your right with the following observation:
Sonar track 1 - all the way left, Sonar track 2 - all the way right, track 1 is currently selected.
1) you press "Sel 02" on 01v (which should select track 2 in Sonar)
2) for "Ch 2" on 01v you see wrong Pan value (left) and so turning the encoder instantly "jump" Pan value for Sonar track 2 from right to the left.
Is that so? That I will find and fix the bug.

Lets stay realistic... 01v has 3 encoders. In addition they are low resolution. I do not mind make Pan working correctly and even partially make other 2 working for something. But keeping all internal parameters in sync so they are displayed correctly for all Sonar strips is an overkill.

If you ask me, it can be much simpler to define and use (!) 01v with Sonar if we use faders only. F.e. to control pan, press "Pan/Routing" and control pan by faders. Press "Home" to return to volume. Press "EQ" to control all ProChannel EQ parameters of current Sonar strip by faders and buttons. etc.
Our original problem was the luck of buttons to switch modes. And you have found how to use 15 buttons for that (Option IO and Remote are special, can discard that as well). So we already have 15 easy to switch modes for 14+1 fader and 14*2 channel buttons. That should be sufficient to control everything without tricky switching and indication on display which can work more or less adequate for Pan only...


Quote from: azslow3 on April 30, 2017, 10:43:32 AM
So, do I understand your right with the following observation:
Sonar track 1 - all the way left, Sonar track 2 - all the way right, track 1 is currently selected.
1) you press "Sel 02" on 01v (which should select track 2 in Sonar)
2) for "Ch 2" on 01v you see wrong Pan value (left) and so turning the encoder instantly "jump" Pan value for Sonar track 2 from right to the left.
Is that so? That I will find and fix the bug.
Yup, got it in one!!

Quote from: azslow3 on April 30, 2017, 10:43:32 AM
Lets stay realistic... 01v has 3 encoders. In addition they are low resolution. I do not mind make Pan working correctly and even partially make other 2 working for something. But keeping all internal parameters in sync so they are displayed correctly for all Sonar strips is an overkill.

If you ask me, it can be much simpler to define and use (!) 01v with Sonar if we use faders only. F.e. to control pan, press "Pan/Routing" and control pan by faders. Press "Home" to return to volume. Press "EQ" to control all ProChannel EQ parameters of current Sonar strip by faders and buttons. etc.
Ahhh huh...  Now I understand your perspective much more clearly..  This takes the Yamaha "sends on fader" concept and gives it steroids.  It has 3 physical encoders per channel.. And a gajillian virtual encoders on screen.

I am a live sound guy doing some studio mixing at home.  When mixing live, things move very fast.  Hands, eyes and ears are all in sync, reducing the thinking time.  My reason for wanting all the controls to be replicated was to get as close as I could to the speed of mixing live in the studio.  Using the on screen EQ and dynamics keeps the human senses in sync.. But I take your point. 

I have been working on an overlay template in Excel to re-label the 01V controls, and building a Sonar template to have sends already to use and busses already labelled, with a small number of plugins pre-patched.  I'll take another look at the overlay and consider some possibilities for including EQ and Dynamics on faders.

Quote from: azslow3 on April 30, 2017, 10:43:32 AM
Our original problem was the luck of buttons to switch modes. And you have found how to use 15 buttons for that (Option IO and Remote are special, can discard that as well). So we already have 15 easy to switch modes for 14+1 fader and 14*2 channel buttons. That should be sufficient to control everything without tricky switching and indication on display which can work more or less adequate for Pan only...
Sure, ditch the Option I/O and remote screens.  Feel free to delete Ch 17-24 and all the busses 1-14.

I appreciate your skill, experience, and perspective.


Quote from: Linzmeister on April 30, 2017, 04:55:13 PM
Quote from: azslow3 on April 30, 2017, 10:43:32 AM
So, do I understand your right with the following observation:
Sonar track 1 - all the way left, Sonar track 2 - all the way right, track 1 is currently selected.
1) you press "Sel 02" on 01v (which should select track 2 in Sonar)
2) for "Ch 2" on 01v you see wrong Pan value (left) and so turning the encoder instantly "jump" Pan value for Sonar track 2 from right to the left.
Is that so? That I will find and fix the bug.
Yup, got it in one!!
Will look for that... but you can help me there. Does that glitch happens with any channels or there is a fixed "shift"?
I mean if you switch from Ch 5 to Ch 2, does Ch1 Pan is initialized with Ch 5 value or with Ch 1 ?
I guess Ch5, but for you that is way more easy to check.

For the rest.
* Option I/O will be not so hard to incorporate, these are just "ch 17/24" (really 15-22 since 2 channels in-between are "stereo"). I have made ACT mapping out of them in some version which we have discarded now, was not a big deal.
* Remote function differently then the reset, it is for different purpose on hardware side.
* With Pan indication on display can be right, also transferring all 16 channels is possible with block transfer (as tricky as faders, while just for one encoder... but if that can help you that is acceptable).
* But other 2 encoders and all that "virtual" controllers... we can not make 01v display show correct Sonar value. Even with the same type of parameter, f.e. EQ Gain, the scala (in dB) inside 01v is most probably different from Sonar. I mean value "16" has different meaning in Hz for 01v and Sonar. For other parameters that is the same or worse (quantity will be completely different). And the effort to make them synced for all channels is enorm (4 time more then for faders/pans, because of 4 bands!). So even when we make encoders themselves work (and that is the plan, in big part implemented), you still have to look at monitor to see real value. So I do not see the reason, sorry.

While necromancing long time obsolete device is a lot of fun (uncovers interesting concepts and technology, in fact the same direction can be taken for modern devices with remote control but with limited Control Surface functionality, like all A&H mixers), I propose we draw some borders based on effort/usability ratio.


I have found the bug with Pan, but the solution can break something else...
so please check that Pan is now working correctly and Sel/Fader/On are still working.


Hi Alexy,

Pan now updates to correct value. 

You are right, 01V On Buttons respond to feedback from Sonar, but can not control Sonar from 01V - which also affects the ability to switch modes (transport, arming, automation R/W, edit).  I had to use the Mode control in Overview to test each mode.  Can not use On buttons to control Transport, mute, Automn Read, edit functions

Sel buttons on tracks and busss OK: Select Sonar track/buss
RTN1 & 2 not banking more than 1 bank left or right.  RTN SEL lights stay lit after pressing. 
Pressing Master Sel light permitted.  Does not jump back to current WAI track/bus +_Ch

Solo buttons still working fine.

Faders are fine also.

I did look at my overlay template..  with 14 faders, it nicely accommodates hpf, lpf, and 12 faders for EQ, Freq, Q and gain, or first 6 faders for Compressor - last 5 faders for most important Gate controls.


The latest fix of Pan could not produce such effects... so that had to be broken already before (can be in my v2, can be even earlier).
That is fine for now, except "On" buttons. It my local test they work fine. Are you sure you are in Home fader mode?
If yes, what you see as "Last MIDI event" when you press "Ch 1 On"?


Ch 1 On Last MIDI event is <43>10 3e 4 60 1 [30 0 ]  or  [30 8 ]

On Btns 1-8 <43>10 3e 4 60 1 30

Have you turned the 30 into a variable parameter?


My cleanup has uncovered a bug in SysEx processing. Thank you for spotting.

Please install b361 from;sa=view;down=28
The preset to test is still the same.



On buttons are working again in all modes.


Cleanup is almost complete.

I have re-organized "Select" buttons reaction. So please check selection is still working. There is no other useful changes so far.
But it is important to check "SEL" buttons are working as expected (and I understand things correctly).

You have defined SEL Bus, SEL FX, SEL AUX which was doing nothing. I am not understand when they was called and how.

My proposal (and how it should work now):
1) SEL 1-15/16 select WAI strips, synced with Sonar current strip.
2) Master is "Selected" (on 01v) when current Sonar strip is outside WAI
3) all other SEL buttons do not select corresponding channel. AZCtl sends back selecting last selected channel with (1)+(2) rules. SEL Return1 and Return 2 are already used for WAI moving. SEL Master and Ch 17-24 can be used for some commands. SEL Bus,FX,AUX will do nothing.

That effectively avoid Returns, Master, CH 17-24 , BUS, FX, AUX (all that on 01v, NOT for Sonar!) selection and makes configuring Pan and possibly EQ F/G, ATT, Comp (if/when we implement them) simpler.


I also propose we start to define final road map. I will mark hard changeable and easy changeable things:
1. Ch 1-15/16 control Sonar strips + transport in some modes, as it is now. What is controlled exactly is easy to change. Currently the whole set of channels is bound to one Strip type (Track/Bus). I can change that to some variations, so it is possible in some modes get 7+7, 12+2, etc. But if you think that is useful, it is better to do right at the beginning. So let me know (that Strip type is used in almost all other controls, so if I make it Strip(_CH) and  so channel dependent, many places have to be changed. Still better to do this before we add extra Sonar related logic)
2. As before, I propose to use Ch17-24 for Plug-in Dynamic Mapping (I remember I have done that already once). That channels are easy to access ("Option I/O" button) and can provide reasonable good control over any plug-ins, including EQ/Comp/other ProChannel modules/FX/Synth. Continuous parameters will be controlled by faders, switch by "ON" buttons. "SEL" buttons can be used to select plug-in (f.e. "First ProChannel", "First FX", "First Synth", "Previous" "Next", easy to define/change so exact layout is not important by now).
3. 01V "Pages" and "Fader modes" will be used to select strip related operations. In Sonar we have Track/Buses (switched by Returns buttons now) and Sends. So in fact we do not even need a lot. Exact behavior of Channel controls in different modes is easy to (re)define.
4. Since all selectable on 01v channels (1-16 + Master) have 4 band EQs, we can try to adopt 2 encoders to do something useful. The worry is low resolution of corresponding 01v parameter (as you have mentioned) and incorrect values on display. That will be a bit boring to define, but almost everything is already prepared. So we can try.
5. We can try to define Compressor, I also leaved corresponding input processing (redefined yours), so also partially prepared. But all parameters there have not dedicated hardware controls, probably also have limited ranges and will have incorrect indication on display.

So, 4 and 5 are still questionable for me. But we will try to define them to see how that works in practice. I propose to do this after 1-3 since I still hope once you understand how 2 is working, you will no longer need 4 and 5  ;)


I love what you are doing Alexy. 

I am beginning to see the underlying pattern to your new thinking - aggregating midi messages into a single hardware control.
I also now understand that  _POS is for the grouping of adjacent controls - different positions within the midi messages and position, is the fader, encoder value.  I was getting confused between those functions.
Quote from: azslow3 on May 05, 2017, 06:12:25 PM
Cleanup is almost complete.

I have re-organized "Select" buttons reaction. So please check selection is still working. There is no other useful changes so far.
But it is important to check "SEL" buttons are working as expected (and I understand things correctly).

You have defined SEL Bus, SEL FX, SEL AUX which was doing nothing. I am not understand when they was called and how.
Initially, the SELect was not correct, I just had to read the overview Tab to see which values were being changed and with 2 little edits it was all good.
By moving the call to _fSCreenPage below compare value=30, and applying an offset to:
- 7bit value from sysex  position 1  in SYSEX <..> Sel Input()  - changing from 0 to 1 it all worked.. 
Position 0 always = 1 - indicating this is a sel message,
position 1 is the SELected channel,
position 2 is the Screen#/HWFaderMode
position 3 is the Page #

The <Sysex SEL Aux/FX/Bus1-14> would have been some rubbish thinking of mine before I understood where you were heading.  They would have overlapped the functionality of OutOfWAI and SEL ST/MASTER ..  Deleting them was fine.  Changing from tracks to busses and using SELect(1-14) gives me better control than I would have been able to achieve with my rubbish way.

Regarding the cleanup, I have used Marko's export utility and loaded the text file into Excel.  Deleted most of the content leaving only the SYSEX <43>xx xx xx messages.   I then sorted the messages and added leading zeros on some single digit values to get the sort order cleaner.  I think you have probably figured most of it out already, but I can attach later if you wish.

With this last version, Ii noticed that some of the ON and SOLO feedback is getting out of sync. - Primarily around changing button modes.  Mute a track and switch to track arming, and the channel that was muted pressing the Arm button would be out of sync with Sonar.  Ii could get them back in sync by Turning LOCAL ON.. changing the Sonar switch State and turning LOCAL back OFF.

Quote from: azslow3 on May 05, 2017, 06:12:25 PM
SEL Master and Ch 17-24 can be used for some commands. SEL Bus,FX,AUX will do nothing.
From memory, you did not permit selecting the Master, as that was indicating OutOfWAI

Quote from: azslow3 on May 05, 2017, 06:12:25 PM
I can change that to some variations, so it is possible in some modes get 7+7, 12+2, etc. But if you think that is useful, it is better to do right at the beginning.
Still better to do this before we add extra Sonar related logic)
I am deliriously happy with 14 tracks and 1 bus.  With the _fScreenPage function I have all the control I could ask for because I can also switch to 15 Busses with 01V Home screen Page 2.  I just need to add an offset somewhere so that Ch 1 and the Master fader don't mirror each other.  ie Master is WAIbus 1, Channel fader 1 is WAI Buss 2   -->   Ch Fader 14 is Buss 15.. easy enough to get that working properly..

Quote from: azslow3 on May 05, 2017, 06:12:25 PM
2. As before, I propose to use Ch17-24 for Plug-in Dynamic Mapping (I remember I have done that already once).
So, 4 and 5 are still questionable for me. But we will try to define them to see how that works in practice. I propose to do this after 1-3 since I still hope once you understand how 2 is working, you will no longer need 4 and 5  ;)
Yup, that's all good.


With SEL that was bad assignment... constant "1" had to be inside assigned message. Should be corrected now  ;)

With buttons it is unclear... I have not reworked buttons yet. For that I need the following info:
In different fader modes, which messages are sent by buttons? I mean all of them. Can be that some buttons are the same (f.e. SEL), but what is with ON and SOLO?

Also I have not configured the Master fader yet. It controls the first WAI bus, but without feedback and only in Home fader mode...
So, which messages it sends in other fader modes?

Probably required SysExes are is some of your posts... but I think it will not take much time for you to check  ;)

I have shifted controlled buses, so Ch1 -> WAI + 1, etc.

I have defined Ch17-24 faders and "Dynamic map faders". You can try to check that. Select (by mouse) some plug-in. In AZ Controller switch to the "ACT" tab to see which faders are defined. Probably no... so "ACT Learn" ("A L" button on top of any plug-in), press it, move some parameters, move corresponding faders on 01Y, press it again, confirm the assignment. "ACT" tab should show new assignment (if my preset is working...). Note that the assignment probably will drop when you restart Sonar. Do not worry, that is the subject for removing some files and use "AZ ACT Fix" utility. I will explain later.


Hi Alexy,
Quote from: azslow3 on May 08, 2017, 05:38:00 PM
With SEL that was bad assignment... constant "1" had to be inside assigned message. Should be corrected now  ;)
Yup, all good

Quote from: azslow3 on May 08, 2017, 05:38:00 PM
With buttons it is unclear... I have not reworked buttons yet. For that I need the following info:
In different fader modes, which messages are sent by buttons? I mean all of them. Can be that some buttons are the same (f.e. SEL), but what is with ON and SOLO?
I thought something went horribly wrong.  Going back to previous versions and testing functions that I know worked in them, I was getting no feedback at all.  Then I started to notice that NO MIDI was arriving at 01V... and the MIDI lights at the bottom of SONAR were only showing MIDI IN and no MIDI OUT. 

I closed Sonar and restarted, and got all the feedback returning.  Sonar glitch??

The ON and SOLO buttons are now syncing correctly - again because of above...  And it wasn't a HW mode, it was the Transport, Arming, Automation, Edit mode.  BUT, I checked the MIDI messages anyway.. just to be sure..

On ALL Screens and Fader modes except Option I/O / ACT, ON and SOLO always send the same messages.. 

In Option I/O screen it sends:
                 *** On Btns 17-24 *** () and
                 *** Solo Btns 17-24 *** ()
                The SELect buttons send different values 17-24 instead of 0-13 ( 0xd ) 
                Channels 9-15/16 are silent when pressed/moved.  no output.
                RTN 1 & 2, and the Master fader still send the same HOME screen messages.. so can still bank left/right, play, prev marker and change modes

Quote from: azslow3 on May 08, 2017, 05:38:00 PM
Also I have not configured the Master fader yet. It controls the first WAI bus, but without feedback and only in Home fader mode...
So, which messages it sends in other fader modes?

Probably required SysExes are is some of your posts... but I think it will not take much time for you to check  ;)
Master Fader sends the following messages in each HWFaderMode
(SysEx:<43> 10 3e 4 30 0 1c ) Aux 1 :
(SysEx:<43> 10 3e 4 30 0 1d ) Aux 2 :
(SysEx:<43> 10 3e 4 30 0 1e ) Aux 3 :
(SysEx:<43> 10 3e 4 30 0 1f ) Aux 4 :
(SysEx:<43> 10 3e 4 30 0 25 ) Fx 1 :
(SysEx:<43> 10 3e 4 30 0 26 ) Fx 2 :

All these messages are correctly calling Faders Input 00().  With the Paging I had setup before and WAI 14+1, I was able to move WAI to correct bus (matching sends on fader) and control busses 2-15 (1 at a time) with Master Fader.  Currently broken, but not stressed.

Quote from: azslow3 on May 08, 2017, 05:38:00 PM
I have shifted controlled buses, so Ch1 -> WAI + 1, etc.
yup, that works beautifully, when WAI is focussed on 15 Busses.  No more master mirroring fader 1.

Quote from: azslow3 on May 08, 2017, 05:38:00 PM
I have defined Ch17-24 faders and "Dynamic map faders". You can try to check that. Select (by mouse) some plug-in. In AZ Controller switch to the "ACT" tab to see which faders are defined. Probably no... so "ACT Learn" ("A L" button on top of any plug-in), press it, move some parameters, move corresponding faders on 01Y, press it again, confirm the assignment. "ACT" tab should show new assignment (if my preset is working...). Note that the assignment probably will drop when you restart Sonar. Do not worry, that is the subject for removing some files and use "AZ ACT Fix" utility. I will explain later.
:-*:-*:-* HALLELUJAH !!! :-*:-*:-* 

For all my efforts over the years to try and get ACT working with the 01V since Sonar 6 or 7 came out... This is the first time I have had even the slightest success!!!  THANK YOU!!! :-*  I was able to map the first 6 faders to control the Sonitus compressor.

and of course it worked flawlessly - with feedback !!! just like all the you tube videos I have seen of Mr Anderton explaining how easy it was... Alexey, You're a champion - a god among men!!!


Quote from: azslow3 on May 08, 2017, 05:38:00 PM
With buttons it is unclear... I have not reworked buttons yet. For that I need the following info:
In different fader modes, which messages are sent by buttons? I mean all of them. Can be that some buttons are the same (f.e. SEL), but what is with ON and SOLO?
I thought something went horribly wrong.  Going back to previous versions and testing functions that I know worked in them, I was getting no feedback at all.  Then I started to notice that NO MIDI was arriving at 01V... and the MIDI lights at the bottom of SONAR were only showing MIDI IN and no MIDI OUT. 

I closed Sonar and restarted, and got all the feedback returning.  Sonar glitch??
Let hope that was Sonar glitch... but let me know id that repeats.

The ON and SOLO buttons are now syncing correctly - again because of above...  And it wasn't a HW mode, it was the Transport, Arming, Automation, Edit mode.  BUT, I checked the MIDI messages anyway.. just to be sure..
I have started to rework Select and On. Many things are touched, everything can be broken:
* I have removed your "Does that course problems?" in ON Input 9-RT. So something can go wrong again with selection when you press ON. The preset assume that 01v sends "Select" when you press "On". It will a kind of "ignore" it (immediately selecting "correct" channel). If that re-selection interfere with something 01V for some channels/returns, that can produce problems. If 01v is configured to NOT send SEL on ON (is there such option? reading the documentation, I remember some options for "auto" choosing for different things...), then the preset will skip next real SEL... We have to clarify that.
* I completely reworked ON feedback, including MODE feedback. Please check all modes and corresponding feedback.
* In AUX/FX Fader modes (so current Sends logical mode), ON buttons should control (and indicate) corresponding Send Enable.
* 17-24 "ON"s should be mappable and Dynamic Buttons (some people report difficulties in mapping buttons in plug-ins, at least the first time).

Quote from: azslow3 on May 08, 2017, 05:38:00 PM
Also I have not configured the Master fader yet. It controls the first WAI bus, but without feedback and only in Home fader mode...
So, which messages it sends in other fader modes?

Probably required SysExes are is some of your posts... but I think it will not take much time for you to check  ;)
Master Fader sends the following messages in each HWFaderMode

All these messages are correctly calling Faders Input 00().  With the Paging I had setup before and WAI 14+1, I was able to move WAI to correct bus (matching sends on fader) and control busses 2-15 (1 at a time) with Master Fader.  Currently broken, but not stressed.
It should "back to life", with feedback, in all Fader modes (controlling corresponding Bus Send).

:-*:-*:-* HALLELUJAH !!! :-*:-*:-* 

For all my efforts over the years to try and get ACT working with the 01V since Sonar 6 or 7 came out... This is the first time I have had even the slightest success!!!  THANK YOU!!! :-*  I was able to map the first 6 faders to control the Sonitus compressor.

and of course it worked flawlessly - with feedback !!! just like all the you tube videos I have seen of Mr Anderton explaining how easy it was... Alexey, You're a champion - a god among men!!!
Thanks  :)

But to really work with that reliably (so, how it had to be all the time but was and partially is broken in all Sonar versions):
1. in the Windows explorer, open %APPDATA%\Cakewalk\ACT Data directory. And REMOVE everything you see there. It is garbage already in Sonar distribution, future bugged by Sonars before 2017.01. Even more, in the form you see files there, it CAN NOT work correctly with "ACT Learn", even theoretically. Funny? Yes it is  8)
2. Download AZ ACT Fix and read,297.0.html .
3. To make things predictable, every time you have "ACT Learn"ed some new plug-in:
3.a. Exit Sonar !
3.b  Start Sonar.... Does plug-in in question still mapped correctly ?  Do ANY OTHER (previously mapped by you) plug-in still mapped correctly? Remember the answer...
3.c  Exit Sonar !
3.d  Run AZ ACT Fix. So, the mapping was correct? Then press "Save and exit" (that will create a backup). If you have broken mapping (yes, it CAN be completely broken, including ALL plug-ins mapped before! thank to MS XML library and several Sonar bugs...), select backup you know was ok and press "Save and exit" (you will have to re-do the latest mapping and hope it works this time).

If you want ACT Learn VST3, read in the linked page how to do this.

That was a kind of bad side of dynamic plug-in mapping.

The good side is that as long as you do not use new plug-ins (yes... not only do not map since once you open new plug-in, default mapping for it is created, and it can be broken out of the box...), the mapping will stay in tact. And with AZ ACT Fix and its backups (easy to create, just do not forget to CLOSE Sonar before doing that!), you can return working mapping within seconds.

When I map something, I "clear" default mapping first (using the utility). Recent Sonar versions have one related nasty bug fixed, but still starting from scratch is simpler.

Current test preset is not yet complete for Dynamic mapping (even in case ON buttons work). 8 faders is not sufficient for most plug-ins, there will be 4 banks of faders+buttons, directly selectable using 4 SOLO buttons (with indication which it the current). We can make more banks if required.
Also to indicate what is what (without using a bit inconvenient ACT Tab inside AZ Controller), I will add AZ Controller Display (you have already "discovered" it). It will show current plug-in name and currently controllable by faders and buttons parameters. Size, font and color are configurable, and we can use one SOLO button to open/close it. An alternative is iPad/iPhone/Android ... can be used as touch sensitive extra display for 01v  ;) But we should solve all basic problems first.


Quote from: azslow3 on May 09, 2017, 07:38:19 PM
The preset assume that 01v sends "Select" when you press "On". It will a kind of "ignore" it (immediately selecting "correct" channel). If that re-selection interfere with something 01V for some channels/returns, that can produce problems. If 01v is configured to NOT send SEL on ON (is there such option? reading the documentation, I remember some options for "auto" choosing for different things...), then the preset will skip next real SEL... We have to clarify that.
Ah, no. 01V Sends select message with SOLO button not with ON button..
The only auto options are for Pan Screen and EQ screen - which I have turned off.  They do not output MIDI when changed.  That is up to me to manually set.

* I completely reworked ON feedback, including MODE feedback. Please check all modes and corresponding feedback.
Intermittent problem:
In Default Mode, on buttons are acting like momentary buttons.  Sonar track MUTE state toggles each time 01V ON is pressed. 
After pressing 01V, LED turns off for a moment then always reverts to LED on - regardless of Sonar mute state.  After flipping around quite a bit I noticed it was working well.  Seemed tied into AUX 1 page 2.  Changing modes a couple of times with RTN ON buttons fixed the behavior..

Transport mode is fine.

Automation mode:  1-13/14 are fine. 
15/16 is always on and doesn't appear to change anything visible.  Pressing 15/16 the LED turns off and back on immediately.

Mon/Arm mode:  1-12 are fine.  13/14 & 15/16 are trying to be ACT R500
I deleted the Mode Arm ACT R500 and copied the Call (None) _fOn Set(_Ch) to after the monitor and the last 2 ON buttons worked.

I don't think we have defined any actions in Edit mode yet...

* In AUX/FX Fader modes (so current Sends logical mode), ON buttons should control (and indicate) corresponding Send Enable.

Sometimes 01V LEDS constantly on.  Pressing turns LED off briefly.  No State change of Sonar Send..

After flipping MODES with RTN1 ON and it was working again..  I think going to AUX 1 Page 2 may have upset the ON buttons. when I come page to AUX1 Page 1, the fault re-occured.  Change modes to ARM/Automation and back to default and it came good again.

Sonar Send ON Logic is inverted with respect to MUTE logic...  Up to this point we were working with Sonar MUTE button, so we reversed the 01V LED feedback.  Because 01V button is an ON button, and the Send is an ON button.. is it possible to revert to positive feedback logic for Sends ON but negative logic for MUTES??

* 17-24 "ON"s should be mappable and Dynamic Buttons (some people report difficulties in mapping buttons in plug-ins, at least the first time).
First atempt to assign CH 1 ON to Sonitus Compressor TYPE - resulted in Attack time changing. So I assigned Attack time to Fader 1, and re-assigned ON 1 to TYPE and ON 2&3 to LIMITER and TCR and they appeared to work better.. exit, restart, exit, ACT FIX save and exit.. etc.. restart, all seemed to be working still.

It should "back to life", with feedback, in all Fader modes (controlling corresponding Bus Send).
I think there is some of your testing logic still in place.  When I look at overview tab, the HWFaderMode and _CH is changing depending on the Master fader level.

I don't know if it is important or not..  I appended extra Software States to:
           _FaderMode      ACT  and
           HWFaderMode  Option I/O
and in _fScsreenPage I added a couple of lines to set these states when VAL=10

It seemed to be working without, but for readability of the overview window it made better sense to me as I think it was indicating AUX 4 when actually in Option I/O mode.