
CWP2Song, public beta.
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Modifying button assignments

Started by dcumpian, August 28, 2016, 05:44:19 PM

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I'd never thought of using Loop as Shift. Great idea.

Loop + Stop = RTZ+STOP
Loop + REW = Go to Previous Marker
Loop + FFWD = Go to Next Marker
Loop + REC = ARM/Disarm current track
Loop + Play = Solo/Unsolo current track or bus

Not sure if the last two are possible, but would be cool. Forget about navigating tracks with encoder because, a) it isn't any better than keyboard and b) it interferes with NI Komplete Kontrol Software. Modifying the Transport controls works no matter what mode KK software is currently in.

Best Regards,


Preset is attached.

Please install the latest test version of AZ Ctrl 0.5r3b340 or later to use it.

PS. I think I have to explain why I am asking you to install test versions(s).... It is not because the preset requires something not available in release, such preset could be created with more then year old version. I just always have the latest test version installed on my computer and presets are not always backward compatible (early presets are working in any future versions, but not reversed).


Thanks again! I really appreciate your help!
