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UC-33e Preset

Started by BuleriaChk, November 27, 2016, 09:26:35 PM

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Hi, Alexei,

En Fin -

Well, I've taken a lot of your valuable time, and this has been yet another learning experience for me.  I've decided not to pursue controllers any more than the UC33e, which is already beyond my wildest dreams, and just needs a tad more touching up (and if we don't get to it, I can always use my mouse for those mostly never needed functions)

In fact, NI's software and controllers are more than over kill for anything I would ever want or need (I also have Arturia's stuff, which is recognized by NKS), which can all be run as vst in Sonar with tightly integrated surfaces.  Also can run as vst in Live.  Subjectively, what really turned me on in Sonar was the comping and that gorgeous expanded display of the ProEq, so I may just stick to that and editing the raw audio.

I will certainly send flowers for you wife when it is time; just let me know how and when.  I must get back to practicing so I can get the raw audio down in the first place before I can even think of mixing, and the four-finger picado is really difficult to master; Flamenco guitar is a high maintenance girl friend who can turn on you any time on stage ... :)


One more note: I just hand the thought that Maschine Studio might make a fantastic controller for Sonar.  So I added it as a control surface put it in Midi mode, set it up in AZ Control and began tweaking knobs, wheels and buttons.  There are a LOT of options, and a fantastic editor to go with it.

That is REALLY something to think about.  Besides templates for Ableton Live, it has templates for Mackie Control and MCU Transport.  I just didn't think of it in the Sonar Context.  Incredble. Next step is to try some of the templates.   The Editor is beautiful..

Update: After installing your .dll fix, Mackie Template works for Sonar in Maschine Studio!!!!
So far, out of the box, I have master and track volume faders, mute, Solo, and record!
There's more stuff, too in Control Editor; various options to assign v-pots, whatever they are, add pages, etc. It even hooked up to the compressor, and turns the ProChannel off and on (with a v-pot, though - no other controls but plenty of blank v-pots)

Just saw the thread on the Sonar Forum with suggestions about the VS-700. More research....

I dunno, though. I really like your Display.  The actual control surface is pretty flaky, even with the Mackie Control.  The UC33e implementation is much more solid. I GOTTA start practicing!

The Ableton Live Template is just great!


Quote from: BuleriaChk on December 06, 2016, 10:32:49 PM

I guess if I were going to spend the time and effort, I would go with the x-Touch compact, since I don't need the scroll wheel, and it looks like it has all the assignable controls one would ever need for a complete template for Sonar.  Are there any downsides?  If that were really done right, I think that's what most Sonar users would want anyway.

Klaus apparently made a preset for the x-Touch Compact; do you have it on your site or are you in touch with Klaus?

Hi BuleriaChk,

I could certainly upload my preset for the X-Touch Compact but it's probably not very useful to you because I only use the X-Touch for standard tasks like Volume Fader, MSR buttons, Pan knobs, Transport Controls and some shortcuts/keybindings mapped to some of the rotaries push function.

I don't need it for ACT parameters because I use an additional control surface exclusively (more or less) for VST(i)s and thanks to Alexey's brilliant plug-in the combination of these two controllers handled by AZ Controller is exactly what I've ever wanted!

I use SONAR together with AZ Controller daily and it works not only flawlessly but also soo well, because I finally have the freedom to control what I want with all available buttons, faders, rotaries - you name it - on my hardware devices.
I'm still impressed and really, really grateful!

If you still want my preset for the X-Touch Compact or if you have any further questions about it (from a user experience view), I'm glad to share/help.




Hi, Klaus,

Thank you very much for responding.  I've decided not to pursue control surfaces further for the time being, since Alexei's work on the UC33e was so powerful, with only a few unimportant functions left to be implemented in the Pro-Channel.

The x-touch looks very useful, but I don't actually "mix" very much (I'm a guitarist who practices a lot, without much result these days...:)  So for right now, all my needs can really be handled by the UC33e and the Tranzport; I just got really excited by being frustrated with Cakewalk for SO long vis-à-vis ACT.  I just wish I had had AZ control a decade or more ago when I first launched into Cakewalk....

Again, thanks for your response, and it is good to know you're still around....



Alexei -
Just so I understand -
It looks like you assign them variables locally in the subroutine when it is called (dynamically), rather than storing them in a bank.  E.g., is "ACT R500" a variable, or does it actually refer to something in ACT (Sonar).  (I think it is just a variable)...

That is, I see your logic in setting up the command button in the UC33e.  Is that all that is necessary, or does it require some programming only you can do?




I have mentioned all 3 tutorials you should go throw to understand how everything is working, including banks.

Nothing is "hidden" from the end-user. There can be some bugs, some features not yet implemented, etc. But everything you can observe in any preset is implemented inside the preset. I mean there is no "hard coded" parts, other then implementations of actions/logic you can configure freely.


Ok, thanks.  I'll continue to struggle with it... I'm getting an idea  of your language....

Just so you know... I'm 76, and I HATE starting from the beginning in ANYTHING  :)
(When I retired in '65, I said to myself "Quantum Field Theory is the LAST time I am going to do this.. But I just proved Fermat's Last Theorem from the relativistic unit circle.  Actually, it is a very easy proof from the Binomial Theorem;  I can't understand why Dr. Wiles has such difficulty, unless he hasn't heard about Descartes... )
(Your startup tutorial answered a lot of questions... :)


I am not yet at your level with that...
But even at 43 I am faster getting nervous with new staff  :)
In defense, I can only say that AZ Controller is an "old school"  software. It is written in "C" (not C++) with no external dependencies (other then Windows RunTime, which is not possible to avoid in programs for Windows...), it has old style user interface and concepts are also quite old.


Quote from: azslow3 on December 09, 2016, 07:17:42 PM
I am not yet at your level with that...
But even at 43 I am faster getting nervous with new staff  :)
In defense, I can only say that AZ Controller is an "old school"  software. It is written in "C" (not C++) with no external dependencies (other then Windows RunTime, which is not possible to avoid in programs for Windows...), it has old style user interface and concepts are also quite old.

Hey, I can send you a link to my take on the proof of Fermat's  if you like.  But IMO it is really obvious from inspection of the Binomial Theorem ... :) (I just applied linear algebra and special relativity to nail it shut)....

As far a c vs c++ is concerned...  the Bleeding Edge of Technology is not always good... :)
(I retired because they were going to introduce Visual C++ as an alternative to Visual Basic in the database program (I was converting a database Records/Parking/Animal Control/ etc  program for the SBPD that I hadn't written and we had no documentation for from VMS to Visual Basic). Visual C++ was totally unnecessary IMO... but that's a short boring story... I did get about half written and working before they wanted to scrap everything and start all over;  but the job was a grant, and allowed me a pension to live in SB, so everything wasn't all bad... :)

Eventually they hired a big company for umpteen millions to do it, but the Parking Records supervisor was busted for embezzlement a year after I left ....  :)


Theorems proofing can be quite scaring to read... I remember that after digging deep into Gödel's incompleteness theorem, I was playing online RPG games for many years since any "science" no longer had any sense for me  ;)
That time I have built non relational multi-root tree based DB for controlling an experiment. All algorithms was "brute force", so with this DB complexity, loading it into the Visual Editor was taking almost a night... I was searching for some theory in that area. I have started from practical realizations, available for "knowledge bases" since some of them was tree based. Then reading some mathematically fancy publications about finding optimum routes and whatever else I could find. After 2 years I have declared my work as "epic fail".  Since then, I use SQL only... Recently I have developed an "object oriented" PHP front-end, so an user can build own DBs by defining the structure interactively, so that the rest (entering data dialogs, views, reports, etc.) is generated automatically on the fly. This time with success, I use the result for my BD collection at home and Scintillating Fibre (SciFi) Tracker  production at work  ;)


Goedel's Theorem can be paraphrased by: "This sentence makes sense"...:)

Wittgenstein had some interesting things to say about it.... but you first have to understand Zen and what it means to be a relativistic observer w.r.t. quantum mechanics...

"There's me and thee, but I am not completely convinced of thee"... :)

Descartes started it all with "I think, therefore I am..." (He also introduced the Cartesian coordinate system...)  Einstein took that, and together with Maxwell and Newton, we got STR - and QM from the photo-electric effect, for which he got the Nobel prize, NOT relativity.  A wise choice, IMO, on the part of the Nobel committee, who were reality oriented ....

But Einstein is right, if you understand him.... (at least according to me... :)



I finally have found some time to look at the preset again.

All knobs seems like defined this time.
I have noticed "Num 1" is mapped to "CC 75" instead of "Note", as all other buttons. May be it is in "Toggle" mode or "Release" is set to not zero. And so strange behavior with the Display toggle. Please check Last MIDI Event when you press/release this button to understand what is going on.

Quote from: BuleriaChk on December 02, 2016, 06:43:52 PM
Possibilities: A separate bank for just channel controls
For the channel strip, there should be a bank for strip controls not as often used:
(per Channel Strip):

Gain (R)
That we have in the Mix mode for all 8 channels.

Pre/Post (pad)
Global On/Off (pad) (Audio Engine Reset)
For what? For ProChannel?

Bypass Effects rack  (pad)
Not exposed to CS... Only global "Bypass all effects".

Sends Enable (Pad)
Post (pad)
Level (R)
Pan (Pad)
There is only "per send" enable option. The level for the first send we already have in Mix.
So that make sense if we define separate "Send" mode, with several Sends and corresponding controls.

Interleave  (Stereo) (Pad)
Phase (Pad)
Read enable (Pad)
Write enable (Pad)
Mute (pad)
Solo (Pad)
Record (pad)
Input Echo (Pad)
Pan (R)
Volume (Fader)
3 Rotors
14 pads
1 fader
Just an extra button bank in mix mode for the extra buttons?)
And we have only 9 pads...

There is absolutely no reason to assign (limited) controls (without display on the surface) to some functions just because that is possible. If some function is not used all the time, it is hard to remember where (if at all) it is. Ask any MCU owner which functionality of buttons with modifiers they are using, I guess most of them will not understand the question since they have never tried to use them with 4(!) modifiers defined in the plug-in.
So if you need some changes, please let we know what exactly you are missing. Sorry, but I have hard time to believe you are missing "interleave" switch in case your Input is set correctly   ;)


Everything is OK, thanks.

I'm good....  :)

(I just went greedy....:)

(I'm not going to do anything more until I see what comes out at NAMM; I just noticed a black Launch Control XL, available now.  In any case, I will probably do all my work (recording) in Live, dragging tracks into Sonar for multiple take editing (comping), and back out into live for any additional processing, if necessary...)

So thanks again for the education and the implementation on the UC33e, and be sure and let me know when and where to send flowers.... :)