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Nektar Impact LX88+

Started by Paul P, December 19, 2016, 12:04:08 AM

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Paul P

Hi All, newbie here from the Sonar forums.  Santa is bringing me this keyboard/controller and I'm wondering if it is worth my while to become familiar with the AZ Controller.

I understand that integration with Sonar is already pretty good from the manufacturer (but I've only prior experience with an Oxygen 8 so I don't even know what that means).  I'm interested in knowing what, if anything, could be gained by also using the AZ Controller.  In general terms is enough for the moment.  I was a software designer in a previous life (realtime and office automation) so I can't imagine I'd have trouble with learning the ins and outs of using the Controller, but there wouldn't be any point if there's nothing to be gained.



Hi and welcome!

The difference between AZ Controller and the native plug-in is the flexibility in the configuration. But creating smart configuration takes time. I would definitively try to use the native plug-in first. And switch to AZ Controller only in case you find something worse the effort.
But you are always welcome here in case you have any questions. I do not have LX but I know the API all surfaces are using with Sonar.

Paul P

Thanks Alexey.  I'll be reading your documentation (and watching your videos) just to get a feel for things (I like flexibility) but will probably wait to really dig in until I've learned how well the native plugin works.


There are many possibilities to "play" with AZ Controller apart from LX: you have mentioned Oxygen, maybe you have some Tablet/Phone so you can see what OSC can do (TouchOSC is $5, Lemur $25) or if you have some game controller (joystick or USB gamepad).

Usual sequence to understand AZ Controller: Quick Start, Youtube/Startup preset, ACT MIDI Explained, Buttons or Pads with LEDs (with reference to the Manual), read throw the Manual to understand what is possible/implemented.

But please do not make the same mistake as me, try to not sacrifice the time you usually spend for playing/writing the music  ;)

Paul P

QuoteBut please do not make the same mistake as me, try to not sacrifice the time you usually spend for playing/writing the music

Good advice which I can have trouble following.  I can spend more time working on tools that making real things.
I usually limit my studying time to when I eat (which I just did while reading your docs).

I'll come back here if I encounter anything interesting with my keyboard.