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X-touch mini

Started by almeister_65, July 14, 2017, 04:11:46 PM

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Hello again Alexey,

Did what you said, Act controller was also listed as controller, I just deleted it as I don't plan to use it
and could not see were to set it to "no in/output" and I have no other devices plugged in.

I checked the vst's and the "Enable VST output" was greyed out and not checked and input was checked but greyed out also.

All lights seem to be working correctly and no notes from Syths are sounding when buttons pressed.

As I'm checking thru the preset:

I noticed encoder 6 "V Zoom" isn't zooming but scrolls widow up and down instead.

When I toggle Multidock (from tracks to console), the focus is on bus and it doesn't defualt to last track used
(f.e. have console view with track 2 in focus, toggle multidock to track view, track to still in focus, toggle back to Console,
focus is just on bus and no track focus until I hit "Focus Strip" encoder button)
This doesn't happen if I close Console view, open PRV, and then open Console view back up (have to use mouse for that), now as I was testing I realized that
when I had toggled multi dock before, Console had been primary viewn and is not "linked" to Multidock button (D) so maybe that was what caused the focus problem?
Now if I close PRV, and toggle with console, all is fine. I loaded up Staf, Matrix, PRV, and Console View and all works and no lost focus now.
I will try this in a new project to see.
I tried in a new project with just audio tracks and it behaves correctly, however when I insert a Synth, open PRV with shift+multidock,
I get same behavior as before (loss of track focus when multi dock toggle)?

I went thru with new project, adding sends, multiple vst's, effects etc.
Everything else I try appears to work as it should.

Now that I've had a chance to use the shift+button on Multidock/PRV, browser/inspector, undo/redo....I'm thinking it may be a better idea (which I think you suggested)
to have long press for these buttons instead? I tend to forget that I left shift on when I hit multidock and if I had closed PRV it opens it back up instead of console
Is that possible to do and if so, would it be much trouble to do?

And is there a way to switch which view is current in Multidock? We have one encoder and encoder button left in strip mode, is it possible to do something with that?

Again Alexey, ( I may be redundant but feel I can't say it enough :) ) Thank you for all your efforts and sharing your vast knowledge with me.
Other than the few minor things I came across, this is really working great!  :) 8)
I also thank you for your patience with me and my lack of knowledge of the ins and outs of midi routing with in Sonar.


Quote from: almeister_65 on July 27, 2017, 04:55:40 AM
Hello again Alexey,

Did what you said, Act controller was also listed as controller, I just deleted it as I don't plan to use it
and could not see were to set it to "no in/output" and I have no other devices plugged in.
ACT controller was the reason for the "leaking"

I checked the vst's and the "Enable VST output" was greyed out and not checked and input was checked but greyed out also.
But something was sending MIDI back to Mini, and that was not AZ Controller nor ACT controller. There had to be some MIDI track with the output to Mini (if there was no VST with midi output, most probably the same MIDI track had input from Omni).

I noticed encoder 6 "V Zoom" isn't zooming but scrolls widow up and down instead.
Should be fixed now.

When I toggle Multidock (from tracks to console), the focus is on bus and it doesn't defualt to last track used
AZ Controller is not changing the focus implicitly. So till you operate the focusing knob, it just follows what Sonar think is in focus.
Sonar is know to have focus inconsistencies, especially when used with folders, take lanes, hidden strips. It behaves differently when Console View is opened (even when hidden in multidock) and/or bus pane is opened. I mean nothing I can change.
Just check in the Control Surface preferences you follow "all strips" (not Console or Track view, that triggers extra bugs in Sonar).

Now that I've had a chance to use the shift+button on Multidock/PRV, browser/inspector, undo/redo....I'm thinking it may be a better idea (which I think you suggested)
to have long press for these buttons instead? I tend to forget that I left shift on when I hit multidock and if I had closed PRV it opens it back up instead of console
Is that possible to do and if so, would it be much trouble to do?
No trouble, done  ;)

And is there a way to switch which view is current in Multidock? We have one encoder and encoder button left in strip mode, is it possible to do something with that?
Sonar "forgot" to expose Multidock operations to surfaces... In general, once any preset is doing a lot, related Sonar bugs and limitation are what become obvious. They simply have not touch the thing since more then 10 years.

Again Alexey, ( I may be redundant but feel I can't say it enough :) ) Thank you for all your efforts and sharing your vast knowledge with me.
Other than the few minor things I came across, this is really working great!  :) 8)
I also thank you for your patience with me and my lack of knowledge of the ins and outs of midi routing with in Sonar.
You are welcome. You have brought an interesting idea to use 8enc+8button controller in one strip mode. I had one strip presets before, but they all was for dedicated to one strip devices. So the knowledge was flowing in both directions!


Good after morning! :)

"But something was sending MIDI back to Mini, and that was not AZ Controller nor ACT controller. There had to be some MIDI track with the output to Mini (if there was no VST with midi output, most probably the same MIDI track had input from Omni)."

Again, you are correct, after I posted last night and went back to my original test file, there was one lone midi track not linked to any Synth, so yes, I believe that is part of the problem. I believe I used a the "basic" Sonar template to create file and it starts with one audio and one midi track,  ::) my bad. This is something I will look out for in the future.

I'm understanding better now how the focus works, multidock and the limitations faced with Sonar itself affect things , thank you for the explanation.  :) 8)  Too bad Cakewalk wouldn't invest a bit more time into that end of development. 10 years , wow.

I will test the two "fixes" tonight and let you know, I expect that they will work fine  :D  and again, thank you!


 :) 8)
It all works! (and I knew it would  ;) ) Long press now instead of shift on 3 buttons, V zoom works, re-tested some other functions and all works.
I think it's good to go to "release". Works for what functionality I desired. Some other folks might have ideas to add too (or be smart enough to customize to their liking). I'm going to read up on the mapping for the vst control and tweak that to my needs. I may have a question or 2 but I think you explain it very well from what I've already read.

Thanks again Alexey, great job!  :D


Super! I have moved the preset post into "Presets" board. I will also post in CW Forum, that is the first complex integration for modern controller  ;)

Thanks for your ideas, time and patience!


Thank YOU, Alexey!
Your willingness to help others is very admirable and inspiring!

I managed to do some mapping for Act too. Your Actfix program and "tutorial" are really helpful!  :) 8)