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Preset for Platform M+

Started by Hermu, September 23, 2017, 03:07:44 PM

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Preset for  Platform M+:

How to use:
1. download and install latest AZ Controller version
2. Connect  Platform M+
3. Start Cakewalk and load a Project
4. assign  Platform M+ Input-/Outputport
5. use Cakewalk Plugin Manager and import "iCON Platform M+.spp" for AZ Controller
6. configure AZ Controller and select "iCON Platform M+" preset

this preset supports all basic functions with any extras
connected Platform D display shows names and/or values for fader, encoder or buttons
to select any other controll row (Encoder, Fader, Mute, Solo, Rec.Arm), press any button on this row, to show actual info to Platform D display.
first button press on any other controller row, activate this row and shows only actual controller info values and does not change any.

use of AZ-Display for actual value state overview

Shift Button:
hold down [Jog] button and press second button

[Jog]+[|< Chan] - Go to From
[Jog]+[Chan >|] - Go To
[Jog]+[Stop|] - Go To Begin
[Jog]+[Mute-1] - Mute/UnMute all tracks
[Jog]+[Solo-1] - Solo/UnSolo all tracks
[Jog]+[Rec-1] - Rec/UnRec all tracks
[Jog]+[Rec-2] - Mode: Track
[Jog]+[Rec-3] - Mode: Bus
[Jog]+[Rec-4] - Mode: ACT
[Jog]+[Mixer] - looped Mode switch: Track,Bus,ACT


[Mixer] - return to Track Mode Mixer
[Read] - read automation parameter values for Track and Bus
[Write] - write automation parameter values for Track and Bus

e1..e8 - Encoder for Track/Bus or ACT values, Track 1..8
f1..f8 - Faders for Track/Bus or ACT values with Track Select for Track or Bus 1..8
f9 - Master Volume
Sel-1..Sel-8 - Button to select a Track or Bus 1..8
Mute-1..Mute-8 - Button to select/unselect Mute for Track/Bus or ACT values 1..8
Solo-1..Solo-8 - Button to select/unselect Solo for Track/Bus or ACT values 1..8
Rec-1..Rec-8 - Button to select Rec. Arm On/Off for Track/Bus or ACT values 1..8

<< - Rewind or catch play cursor during playback and pause playback
> - Play or stops active Forward/Rewind and continues playback on new start position
>> - Forward or catch play cursor during playback and pause playback
[Jog]+[<<] - Goto Previous Marker
[Jog]+[>>] - Goto Next Marker
[Jog]+[Play] - Set Marker
Loop On/Off

[|< Chan] - move 1 Track to left
[Chan >|] - move 1 Track to right
[<<8 Bank] - move 8 Tracks left
[Bank 8>>] - move 8 Tracks right

Mode: ACT
[Jog]+[Rec-4] - Mode: ACT
[<<8 Bank] - select previous Bank 4..1
[Bank 8>>] - select next Bank 1..4


My modification of the preset, related discussion was in PM.


all preset modifications implemented as in my last version. 

now i have updated my latest version and the reason, why i use commands instead of transport functions is the different behaviour.

* FastForward/Rewind: i want to have a function, which brings the stop cursor to actual active playback cursor position. this works only with command "Wiedergabe/Pause" and not with any other transport function.

* JogWheel: the problem with active playback and use of "transport.pause On" lets jump stop cursor to any random position, but command "Wiedergabe/Pause" stops (mostly) on actual playpack cursor position.

changed now Play and Stop
* Play: transport.Play On and transport.Pause On and PlayBack has always the same state
* Stop: transport.Play Off and PlayBack has now Pause state

actual version is attached to my first post!