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Channel Strip Control LCD on VS-700

Started by Mathimid, December 14, 2018, 01:32:38 PM

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Hello again,

Little question about the LCD assignments. I'm currently working on the channel strip controls of the VS-700. Assigning the controls and so on is not the problem, but i have a problem with the LCD above them. I can get a respond of the strip LCDs, but not from the channel strip control LCD.
If i understand the source code of the VS-700 on GitHub correctly, the order is not correct. I use the Prod. spec. send LC/MC/C4 LCD. And 0 i2 the first character on the strip LCDs. But according to the original source code, the channel strip control LCD is the first one in order of the VS-700 LCD index.

Best regards


Not that I have understood what you mean... But in general I recommend just construct required SysEx yourself. Prod.spec.send was introduced at the time I had no arbitrary SysEx construction. Also MCU emulator works fine with the method I use, it probably will not if there is a bug. Can it be VS-700 is not exactly MCU?


The issue is, that you apparently can't address the left LCD display by using the MCU way. The middle and right display respond on this command. The channel strip control is obviously the main extension to the MCU basis of the VS-700. As a MCU it works well with other DAWs, excepting the channel strip control. I use the VS-700 as a Mackie Control in my secondary DAW Reason, without any problem....I have to learn LUA code to build a complete VS-700 adaptation for Reason. ;)
So i don't think, that this is a bug, just the way to address that display is a little different, which has to be figured out. ;)


Well, I have checked TacomaLCD.cpp
You will need checksum to construct the message by bytes, I have to implement that first ;)
So the message will be:

f0 41 10 00 00 31 12 <msb> <lsb> <text> <checksum> 7f

Where <msb> and <lsb> define position.


It looks like you don't have to implement that first. The VM-C7X00 Checksum seems to does it.

So the current action list for the value is:

- SysEx/MIDI+: Begin: f0 41 10 00 00 31 12 01 (msb first column) 40 (lsb bottom row)
- Paramenter value
- SysEx/MIDI+: Append text
- Ro. VM-C7X00 Checksum
- SysEx: End: f7

It currently triggers the changes pretty slowly and i have to implement some monitor reset actions, but it works.

I just couldn't get managed to show the parameter name in the top row. It just shows me the name of the focused container, respectively plugin, (f.e. Track-EQ). And the first character in the top row of the display is empty. But that's just a matter of time and try and error.


Everything seems to run now. ProChannel , send 1-4 and the FX-bin can be accessed with the channel strip control with 4 pages of parameters. (Like the original surface plugin)

But i need a little help with a few details.

First: The feedback of the display is pretty slow. It takes 1-2 seconds to get a reaction, even though the parameter value monitors are set to "Ultra" and 0-execute first. It should react immediately, to change the values properly, without seeing the GUI.

Second: Sometimes the display generates random letters in some characters of the display. f.e. a lowercase "b" in column 2, character 8, bottom row, even though i limited the length of the entries to 7 characters.

And third: Reset monitors for the parameter names works fine, but for the values it doesn't. If i switch to a page where the rotary or button has no function, the value from the last selected parameter is still shown.

Can someone help me out with these issues?


Please attach your current preset, I can change several possible issues then.
Blanking values required extra actions in monitoring, so that behavior is expected.
But updates should be fast. I guess you have some "feedback generator" in the  preset, which continuously send something every cycle. The device is slow in MIDI processing, it is easy to saturate it. That is also possible explanation for random character.


Here is the VS-700 preset, which is still in progress. It by far not finished yet. Still plenty of construction grounds there. The current points of interest are the CSC Rotaries 1-12, CSC Buttons 1-4.

I started with the alternative MCU preset, so the other displays are using the prod.spec.send function. I will change that, when i know, what's going on with the CSC display.

As i said...Learning by doing. I want to understand how it works. And so i'm tinkering here, tinkering there and learn every day more.

Two things aren't currently possible. The x-ray control with the T-Bar and surround control. Correct?


The file you have uploaded can not be real complex preset... it is 780 bytes only...

You are right, surround and other features I (nor any other AZ Controller user) have never used are not supported.


Ah. Sorry. My bad. Was a preset for the original VS-700 plugin surface. Here is the right one.


You have busy loop and so hammer VS-700. The reason are "Resets" in monitors.

So, when something is triggered for the first time, you continuously re-trigger all the time. I suggest you start with removing all these resets, so all "Reset" in Value/Name monitors which target the same monitor.
Name/Value monitors are triggered which corresponding parameters are changed. Reset is only required for changes in processing. F.e. you do not display parameter value in current mode but you change the mode and want display it. The parameter itself is not changed in this case, and so only reset can do the trick.