Next little strange thing with the VS-700

Started by Mathimid, December 11, 2018, 07:42:38 PM

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Hi again,

It developes step by step. Next stumble stone....

I need to re-route some CC values to use the Jog-Shuttle. The hardware device has some strange CC assignments.

The shuttle is on Ch.1 CC.68. So far so good.

But now the values from far left to far right....

79 (far left) - 76 - 72 - 68 - 65 - 0 (middle/stop) - 1 - 4 - 8 - 12 - 15 (far right)

I can use the LFE send rotary as shuttle, which works fine, because 63 is the middle. But the the VS-700 shuttle assignments are pretty strange.


You mean they are discrete, like there is no 2 or 3 between 1 and 4? I know I can check in the source... but ;)
If that is the case, you can define a Soft start with just 11 states (the number of positions) and use
Value:79  Set State <sh> -5
Value:76  Set State <sh> -4
Value:0   Set State <sh> 0
Or do what you really want to do directly, with "Value:XX" condition.


I forgot about the resident software state set "Value"  :o

This works as expected....

: Set_state tmpShuttle MIDI
  Value.79 : Set_state 'tmpShuttle.<<5'
  Value.76 : Set_state 'tmpShuttle.<<4'
  Value.72 : Set_state 'tmpShuttle.<<3'
  Value.68 : Set_state 'tmpShuttle.<<2'
  Value.65 : Set_state 'tmpShuttle.<<1'
  Value.0 : Set_state tmpShuttle.Stop
  Value.1 : Set_state 'tmpShuttle.>>1'
  Value.4 : Set_state 'tmpShuttle.>>2'
  Value.8 : Set_state 'tmpShuttle.>>3'
  Value.12 : Set_state 'tmpShuttle.>>4'
  Value.15 : Set_state 'tmpShuttle.>>5'
  : SHUTTLE 4 $tmpShuttle