Processing Audio in Cakewalk causes AZController to zero faders

Started by michaylasaph, December 11, 2020, 04:23:15 PM

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Processing audio clip in Cakewalk by Bandlab such as bounce to clip, or rendering audio in any way causes all the faders on my Roland SI-24 zero out, then pop back to their settings. This only does it with some of the latest AZController updates... I can go back a year, or so and it doesn't do it. I could stay on older versions, but I would like to be able to use the latest stable versions. Does anyone have any idea's why this might be taking place? Thank you!


The first time such problem is reported...
Can you check with which version it works correctly? I can imagine only one change (in monitoring logic), but it was long time ago. So can be some bug.


Sure.... it might take a bit, but I will report back asap.


ok.... everything up to azctrl_0_5r6b380 is ok.... but from azctrl_0_5r6b380 / 2017-11-21 on it started and it still does it in your latest release. If I choose bounce to clip on audio file, or lets say converting a audio clip to Melodyne, all the faders drop to zero then pop back into place. Thank you for your time.


Thanks, that is exactly the change I have thought (in changes for 0.5r6).

I will think how to avoid that. It is not a "bug" on my side nor on Cakewalk side, that is unfortunate way both are working at the moment...

The problem is Cakewalk "stopping" surfaces (not calling them) when many dialogs are open. In one of preset we needed that to automate tempo dialog.
So AZ Controller continue working even when Cakewalk engine is paused, but in that state Cakewalk is no longer reporting anything correctly, the project is a kind of "temporary closed". So AZ Controller "think" tracks no longer exist.

Since I don't have motor faders, that has not disturbed me. As you can see I have even forgot that "features" (renovation in progress.... no place for studio devices... :( )


Yep, that fixed it! Thank u, thank u, thank u! If anything should arise, I'll let you know. So many blessings coming your way!
Thanks again!