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Controlling Sends on AUX tracks?

Started by cupax, December 27, 2020, 10:06:32 PM

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If I map a knob to control a Send volume on normal tracks it works just fine.
When I switch to AUX track the knob doesn't work anymore. While I can map a second knob to control track's volume or pan normally, I can't make it to work for Send volume.

In Logic I put:
- Selected Track Volume
- Send+0 parameter Volume
- Endless Native accelerated, timeout touch

BTW: If I remove the second line I can control track's volume without troubles


Another thing:

If you are on a normal track and if your Send is mapped to go to an AUX it doesn't work either.
If you map the Send to go to a Bus it would work fine.


From what I remember, that is a bug in Cakewalk since introduction of AUX tracks... I have no other explanation.
AUX tracks was introduced for one specific purpose, to record audio from soft synth during performance.