Cakewalk Not Receiving Commands From AZ Controller

Started by sethmopod, December 21, 2021, 06:39:44 PM

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I used AZ Controller for years and have loved it. I am grateful to you for the work you've done and for sharing! I haven't been recording in a while, but am getting back to it. I'm having some trouble getting AZ Controller to work with the current setup. I have updated to the latest release. You can see from the attached screen shot that AZ Controller is receiving commands from Touch OSC (play shows up as last MIDI event). Cakewalk, though seems to not be communicating with AZ Controller. It is not receiving the command or sending information - track name, timeline, etc - back to Touch OSC.

I would love to get this working again. If there is any help or advice you could offer, I would be greatly appreciative.



I guess AZ Controller send OSCs, but TouchOSC is not receiving them for some reason.
There can be many reasons... I will start by checking OSC settings in AZ Controller and TouchOSC, restarting TouchOSC and Cakewalk, reloading standard OSC preset in AZ Controller and related layout for TouchOSC.
I have not checked for a while this staff is still working, but I don't see any reason it can be broken in general.