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Air Access 18

Started by gadeuvall2000, February 08, 2022, 06:29:57 PM

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I just want to say a huge thank you for this update. I'm so happy that you still support this great unit! I still hope for the ability to use RTA on this unit, when out gigging. I know that it doesn't have an ocilator like the Behringer X32 but it can analyse an incoming signal and tell what frequences are bad. But besides that this program really rools!


In first post the zip file does not contains exe file.


This thread is about Air Access 18, the zip contains corresponding files. But you need AZAOSC v2 to use them, from;sa=downfile&id=82 to use


Ok, I thought it was a bug, not a feature.
By the way, I wanted to ask about how to connect to x-air. I plan to create a small tool for reporting several values ��sent by the mixer using sounds. I'm wondering about the following line in the xml file:
<osc inport=10023 outport=10024 flags=393216 peer="" enabled="yes"/>
I haven't found an explanation of these flags anywhere, nor a way to automatically find a device on the network. Can you suggest something?


Flags are internal for my OSC implementation. 393216 is really 0x60000 with meaning that program is a client to one peer and only one message per OSC packet should be sent. Outside AZAOSC that number has no meaning.

There is X32 OSC protocol unofficial documentation in PDF format, which you can find in Google. Works for XAir as well, with several exceptions in details.

Device discovery is Behringer mixers specific, not just OSC feature. Unrelated to the rest.

I don't know your background skills. Sending OSC request and getting mixer value is something anyone with minimal programming skills can manage. Recreating all features of AZAOSC requires way more knowledge and time.


I don't want to duplicate the capabilities of your program. It would be unnecessary work. I plan to make a simpler tool that won't compete with AZAOSC. I know the documentation for these mixers and I know that their automatic detection is not related to OSC.


You have probably misunderstood my comment. I have absolutely nothing against competition to AZAOSC. I also can consider extending AZAOSC if you have good proposals. My point was different. Implementing any part of AZAOSC functionality is not one minute job, people may get such imagination based on the size of the executable and simplicity of using it.