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Problems monitoring a track send output

Started by norfolkmastering, February 18, 2023, 12:57:05 PM

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Hi Alexey
I'm having an unexpected problem to monitor a track send output.  I've used similar techniques in other parts of my presets but for some reason this one does work!

I have a software state called 'DAWfeed' and it contains:
--- None ---
(down to)

These are the friendly names of the output ports available to the send.

I've attached screen shots of the Logic and Feedback for Track 0
I am trying to monitor the first track send output

When I change the track send output, I get no monitor output.
When I play the Feedback, I always get value 0

Could you have a quick look please and see if you can spot any errors in my actions.

Best regards


I have mentioned that in current release all outputs (strips and sends) are "bugged". The bug was introduced with caching I have tried to implement for you relatively long time ago. In some projects it "works", but in general it will not. Also if you change send output throw AZ Controller, Cakewalk react differently in comparison with change by mouse. That is also accounted in my current development version.

May be you have noticed that Mark has found and fixed renaming bug in Cakewalk, but you will need to wait till the next release to use the fix.

In other words any problems with inputs/outputs/sends I will investigate only in case they are present in current test version (which I guess will be release, I have checked everything in X2 but there can be more differences with CbB).


Hi Alexey
Thanks for getting back to me on this issue.

In case I have made an error in my AZ preset configuration, I have created a test preset 'DAW-1' which demonstrates the problem.
In the test preset:
The feedback monitor for the T1 Send Volume works correctly
The feedback monitor for the T1 Send Output does not work
I tested with the latest AZ test version you sent me already and the Send Output monitor does not work with this test version

Can I also check what you are saying please:
Are you saying that Mark has agreed to fix the Cakewalk bug?
If Mark has agreed to fix, is it mentioned in a post on the Cakewalk forum?

Best regards


Hello again Alexey

I did not realise that Mark had replied to your post.
It is good news he is going to fix the bug for the next release.

I was surprised or maybe concerned about his comment, 'As far as controlling sends are concerned.  You can't change the destination of the sends via the API'

You may remember we able to control send destinations using AZ Controller.  This is working reliably, so is Mark wrong? or have I misunderstood?
I attach a sample control logic for how controlling of send destinations is working for me.



Hello Robert,

I have just replied to Mark. Sure that was always possible.



Hi Alexey
I just added a comment on the same forum topic to ask whether getting feedback of a send's destination can be done.


Hello again Alexey

I thought it was illogical that it was possible to control the destination of a Send but not possible to get any feedback of the send destination.

So I did some more tests:

I took three pairs of outputs from my audio interface and gave them friendly names as follows:

You will be aware that the use of the '|' in the friendly name allocation allows 'left' and 'right' legs of a 'stereo' pair to be separately routed.

Then I modified my test preset, now called 'DAW-2.spp' (attached)

My software state 'DAWfeed' now contains the following entries:
DAW5 + DAW 6

Then I set up two controls:
T1 DAW Send (which monitors T1 send destination)
T1 Output (which monitors T1 output destination)

I added Feedback actions to show both on the AZ display.

Please look at the following images (also attached)

This shows both the output and the send routed to 'DAW1'
Note that the AZ display correctly shows the output destination name 'DAW1' (the 'left' leg output)
Note that the AZ display incorrectly shows the send destination name as 'DAW1 + DAW2' (i.e. the stereo pair)

This shows both the output and the send routed to '--- None ---'
Note that the AZ display correctly shows the output destination name '--- None ---'
Note that the AZ display incorrectly shows the send destination name as 'Output'

I would be grateful if you would review my findings and let me know if both issues are fixable within AZ controller or whether we need to go back to Mark and ask him to fix in Cakewalk.

At the moment it is necessary to force a Cakewalk control surface reset in order that changes to Send destinations are correctly reported.  It is not clear if Mark has included this as part of the fix he is planning.  I cannot see any reference to changing a Send destination as triggering a control surface reset on his list.

Best regards


Hi Alexey

I hope you are okay?
Have you time to look at my last post please and let me know if this is an AZ issue which you can fix or an error in the Cakewalk API?


Sorry, skipped it...

The first one I can't reproduce in X2. So we better wait till new Cakewalk with bugfix for name caching is released before digging deeper.

The second one was a bug (my), fixed (re-download test version).

In both cases, please modify both Feedback lists and insert Text="" as the first action. That was the reason in case of (2) you could see "Output" (the text left by monitor itself) and not "".
If there is no Send (or track) your current version can return unexpected values.


Hi Alexey
I'm glad you are okay!

Retested with the latest test AZ version and second issue is fixed as you said.

I understand you want to wait for the next Cakewalk with bugfix for name caching before looking at the first issue.
Are you aware that changing a send destination does not trigger a topology change?
I will drop a note to Mark so he is aware.

I have added Text="" as the first action on both Feedback lists.



Hi Robert,

I am scanning/caching myself sends/outputs values and names, when possible. At the moment I have optimized for
Sonar X2. After Cakewalk is fixed, I will check if everything works correctly there or requires adjustment.


Hi Alexey
Thanks for your continued support.  I am looking forward to getting the next Cakewalk version!
Very best regards