
AZ Controller plug-in for Cakewalk SONAR => Discussions => Topic started by: Jashk@ on August 16, 2019, 01:12:39 AM

Title: X-Touch One (overlay: Cubase) - little help needed
Post by: Jashk@ on August 16, 2019, 01:12:39 AM
Dear friends,

Please find attached an SPP file including a preset for X-Touch One (under MC operating mode).
This file includes 3 presets:
- X-Touch One (Custom 6) : the preset published earlier in this forum by Boblev (THANK YOU!);
- X-Touch One - overlay:none : based on (Custom 6), tweaked to meet default layout (MC) on the device itself;
- X-Touch One - overlay:Cubase : based on (Custom 6), tweaked to meet the Cubase overlay sheet.

I have also attached 2 PDF files that list the functionality after my modifications. Personally I prefer the mapping according to the Cubase overlay sheet, as it contains the functionalities I use the most, thus is very efficient & time saving.

If you have already installed AZ Controller, you can add this SPP file via the Import button in the Cakewalk Plugin Manager.

Not exactly being a programmer myself, I do need some help with a few minor things: I hope AZSlow3 or boblev can help.

1. The knob above the fader wasn't fully mapped, so I've created hardware controls VPotPush1 thru 8. When I push the knob, I'd like to set the balance for the selected track to 0 (center). How do I do that? (what should be in my action list)

2. I've mapped F5 and F6 to toggle Automation Read and Automation Write on the selected channel. This works fine, but I'd very much like to see the LEDs of these buttons work as well. Can you help me with this? This, by the way, is only required for the 'overlay:Cubase' presets; the others don't have this functionality.

Have fun with the presets; I hope they are of any use to readers out there, and I hope I can get some help with the 2 questions above.

UPDATE 29-08-2019: the earlier attached PDF describing the Cubase layout had a few inconsistencies (marker buttons had wrong description). Attached correct PDF.

Kind regards,
Title: Re: X-Touch One (overlay: Cubase) - little help needed
Post by: Horsepants on January 05, 2021, 04:41:51 AM
Hi All,

Starting from the base Boblev and Jashk@ made, and with help from AZSlow, I've modified the preset to go with my workflow as well as some nifty shortcuts (in PDF).

I've sorted the two questions above Jashk@, as well as the tracks / busses context switching which was the big deal for me (Thanks AZSlow), so you can copy them out of my preset into yours :)

Hope this latest iteration is of use to folks,

Cheers all

Title: Re: X-Touch One (overlay: Cubase) - little help needed
Post by: MusicMan on December 19, 2022, 11:20:30 AM
Thank you all for this great preset! I bought a X-Touch One and with this preset and AZController I can get so much more benefit of the controller!

I'm trying to modify it for my personal needs (if wanted I can post it on this forum when it is finished, I'm going to create a printable overlay for the device as well) and I've got a couple of questions. Hopefully someone is able to help me.

- I see several conditions based on M2, M3 and M4. Are they actually used or how can I (easily) see how and/or when they are used?
- I see several "Detached XX" Logical controls (eg Detached 60). Can they be removed savely? Or am I missing it purpose?

Many thanks in advance!
Title: Re: X-Touch One (overlay: Cubase) - little help needed
Post by: azslow3 on December 19, 2022, 11:31:20 AM
M1, M2, etc. are "user" created. You can see current state in the "Overview" Tab.
In AZ Controller there is no dedicated modified switches. But anything can modify current State of some Set. From quick check
some Detached controls do this.

In the "Options" Tab, click on "Export" and select "Text preset". Then you can check in any text editor where particular sets (f.e. "M3") is used and
what can switch it.

You can remove any control, including Detached. Don't forget to "clean" it first (remove all Actions in it). But it can be some of them are useful, if re-attached
to a button.
Title: Re: X-Touch One (overlay: Cubase) - little help needed
Post by: MusicMan on December 19, 2022, 12:03:33 PM
Wow, thank you for your quick response!

Didn't think of the Export button, but that's a great help! I'll export the preset and will check the text file for references for state usage.

Thank you!
Title: Re: X-Touch One (overlay: Cubase) - little help needed
Post by: dee3d on August 02, 2023, 12:40:16 PM
First of all, thanks to everyone involved in the hard work making X Touch One working with AZController. I have a question though - unlike Cakewalk's own Mackie Control, all the AZ settings files for XTouch One I've tried have the same problem with the fader overshooting the target volume when switching channels, so for instance if you switch channels from 0 db volume one to -6 db one the fader goes down to some -60 db then immediately backs up to the correct -6 db. Is this something unfixable and is a feature of AZ Controller? I guess it's putting additional wear on the fader and is kind of scary when the fader moves like that.
Title: Re: X-Touch One (overlay: Cubase) - little help needed
Post by: azslow3 on August 02, 2023, 03:19:38 PM
I don't have (and never had) the device, so its hard to guess.

AZ Controller is flexible, if the reason comes from it, the preset can be fixed.

Check the behavior of the fader when the value and/or strip are changed by:
* controller
* selecting by mouse
* moving WAI by mouse
* instant change in volume (f.e. click on 0dB and type -6)

With AZ Controller and Mackie (note you should not have more then one surface plug-in enabled for one device, better test with just one surface plug-in configured and no other MIDI devices enabled).

Depending from the results, I can try to guess the origin. But no quarantine I can even guess...

Note that these controllers are not top notch by definition. Check you have current (or best working according to other forums) firmware. At the beginning they have all kind of bugs.
I know you have written "unlike Cakewalk's own Mackie Control", but sorry to say I don't trust that part 100%, at least till you complete proposed tests.
Title: Re: X-Touch One (overlay: Cubase) - little help needed
Post by: dee3d on August 02, 2023, 03:53:28 PM
I just tested the last setting file attached (X-Touch One - Cubase Modified.spp), it appears there's even no need in any volume difference - I just created 6 empty audio tracks, all with 0 db default volume. Once you start selecting tracks with the mouse, the fader quickly goes down then backs up to zero. This behavior appears to be intermittent - sometimes the fader stays put for 5 clicks in a row, sometimes it jerks each time. Appears to be random. It doesn't matter if I select a channel with the mouse or with the Channel buttons on the surface, it just keeps jerking. Other than that everything works normal.
Title: Re: X-Touch One (overlay: Cubase) - little help needed
Post by: dee3d on August 02, 2023, 06:11:40 PM
As a follow up - what I believe is happening is that X Touch One gets re-initialized on each channel change, even some unrelated lights like Pan are blinking as you change channels. When it gets shut down (when you exit Cakewalk for instance) the fader always moves in the bottom position. So what's happening is it's momentarily shuts down and tries to move the fader down but receives new command from AZ and then moves the fader to the proper position.
Title: Re: X-Touch One (overlay: Cubase) - little help needed
Post by: azslow3 on August 03, 2023, 12:28:44 PM
Quote from: dee3d on August 02, 2023, 03:53:28 PM
I just tested the last setting file attached (X-Touch One - Cubase Modified.spp), it appears there's even no need in any volume difference
switching tracks by mouse with "Cubase Modified" loaded into AZ Controller sends NO updates to (any) fader position (checked). It (should, not checked) send just "off" and "on" to corresponding Select buttons LEDs.

You can perform proposed tests and reply with results or wait till someone with device confirm (or not confirm) your problem. In the second case I can't help.
Title: Re: X-Touch One (overlay: Cubase) - little help needed
Post by: dee3d on August 03, 2023, 12:47:45 PM
Quote from: azslow3 on August 03, 2023, 12:28:44 PM
Quote from: dee3d on August 02, 2023, 03:53:28 PM
I just tested the last setting file attached (X-Touch One - Cubase Modified.spp), it appears there's even no need in any volume difference
switching tracks by mouse with "Cubase Modified" loaded into AZ Controller sends NO updates to (any) fader position (checked). It (should, not checked) send just "off" and "on" to corresponding Select buttons LEDs.

You can perform proposed tests and reply with results or wait till someone with device confirm (or not confirm) your problem. In the second case I can't help.

Can you please check if it sends any "init", "restart", "device on/off" or something of the sort whatever it's called on each channel change? It obviously re-inits on channel change, thus the back fader movement. I'd gladly check myself but the settings are so complex I don't even now where to start looking, I'm only learning this stuff.
Title: Re: X-Touch One (overlay: Cubase) - little help needed
Post by: azslow3 on August 03, 2023, 04:05:42 PM
Quote from: azslow3 on August 02, 2023, 03:19:38 PM
Check the behavior of the fader when the value and/or strip are changed by:
* controller
* selecting by mouse
* moving WAI by mouse
* instant change in volume (f.e. click on 0dB and type -6)

With AZ Controller and Mackie (note you should not have more then one surface plug-in enabled for one device, better test with just one surface plug-in configured and no other MIDI devices enabled).
Please provide observations in ALL mentioned cases, after checking the environment is sane (as described in the last sentence).

Alternatively you can install loopback MIDI device, point MIDIox on it, set AZ Controller to output there, change "Device" to "Online" in AZ Controller Overview tab and observe what it is sending.

Note that is the only way for me to test that part (since I don't have the device). But whatever I observe,  will required from you following my future instructions verbatim. If you can't follow simple set from the beginning on, that just means I will waste my time...