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Discussions / Re: RA Micro4k Plugin Controll...
Last post by azslow3 - August 13, 2024, 05:18:13 PM
If you plan to use the controller the same way, so always control SOME console plug-in, I propose you do this in one preset. That way you will not forget to
switch AZ Controller presets... You can omit "fallback" case, that it will not set any value in case plug-in is unknown.
Discussions / Re: RA Micro4k Plugin Controll...
Last post by minminmusic - August 13, 2024, 04:28:04 PM
Quote from: azslow3 on August 13, 2024, 10:57:49 AM
  • Strip <Track> <Current>
  • FX "bx_console SSL 4000 E" Parameter 1
  • "Last Action: Failed" FX "bx_console SSL 4000 G" Parameter 5
  • "Last Action: Failed" FX "<some other FX>" Parameter 10
  • "Last Action: Failed" FX "<any>" Parameter 3
  • Value Endless could build every single SSL style plugin I currently have into this same preset so everything is more or less mapped the same and it will know if it doesn't sense one, it'll try for the next version "mapped out"?

I was meaning more for building a new "PRESET" for NON-SSL style plug-ins (I'm really intrigued by the new Metric Halo MBSI console plug-in.)

I'm guessing maybe it could make sense to have one for SSL and one for them all into the same "Micro4k" preset? Ultimately I'd love to get it to the point where I can fiddle with a know and NOT look at the screen and be confident that the adjustments are being made on the specific track I SEL'd on the iCON.
Discussions / Re: RA Micro4k Plugin Controll...
Last post by Bassman - August 13, 2024, 02:03:28 PM

I have time now for other things, but as I can see my help is not needed at the moment and the preset is growing on.....

So I'm reading the Thread and just let me know if I can help.

Discussions / Re: RA Micro4k Plugin Controll...
Last post by azslow3 - August 13, 2024, 10:57:49 AM
There is complete preset reset (in the Options tab). Otherwise "cleaning" is not user friendly.

But you don't have to clean in case you just want prepare preset for another console FX, just replace FX Action option.

BTW what you mean by "mapping my next plug-in"?

If, for example, you on one track use "bx_console SSL 4000 E" and on different track you use "bx_console SSL 4000 G" (but not both on the same track), you can have one AZController preset for both (3,4, etc. cases). You can "explain" AZController to use what is current on current track.

If in all plug-ins the position of parameter you want control is the same (may be the case for bx_consoles), you can select "<any>" instead of "bx_console ..". If parameter position is different, you need explicit record for each plug-in, duplicating "FX" Action and setting "Action Condition" "Last Action: Failed" for all except the first. Or combination. So:

  • Strip <Track> <Current>
  • FX "bx_console SSL 4000 E" Parameter 1
  • "Last Action: Failed" FX "bx_console SSL 4000 G" Parameter 5
  • "Last Action: Failed" FX "<some other FX>" Parameter 10
  • "Last Action: Failed" FX "<any>" Parameter 3
  • Value Endless

The last "FX" is a "fall-back", it will control parameter 3 in case no explicitly mentioned FXes found (really what iCON does till you define mapping for particular FX).
Discussions / Re: RA Micro4k Plugin Controll...
Last post by minminmusic - August 13, 2024, 03:51:51 AM

So I took what I built last night and opened up a new Sonar track. Loaded a bx_console, first position in the FX Bin on the audio track. I then duplicated that 47 times for a 48 channel console. Opened up a couple of the bx_consoles based on the track number. 1, 9, 25, 48. I pressed the corresponding SEL key on the iCON and guess what?!?

IT WORKED!!!!!!!!!

That is so awesome!!!!! By the time I got done mapping the Micro4k with the AZ Controller app I didn't really have time to test on a wider scale basis. VERY VERY COOL!!!

I guess I save that as a preset within AZ Controller (Micro4k - bx Console SSL 4000) then can rename that preset again and begin mapping my next plug-in? Is there a bulk way to wipe all the Logical Controls associations?
AOSC / Re: Air Access 18
Last post by gadeuvall2000 - August 13, 2024, 01:53:26 AM
New version, 1.8 uploaded as of today, 2024.8.12. 
Discussions / Re: RA Micro4k Plugin Controll...
Last post by azslow3 - August 12, 2024, 06:35:53 PM
Probably default RA Control MIDI settings are ok (as long as "relative").

And you do NOT HAVE TO change 0.4%, I just have mentioned you can. I set the value "from the sky"  :)  I use significantly different settings for X-Touch and M-32, since encoders are different.
Discussions / Re: RA Micro4k Plugin Controll...
Last post by minminmusic - August 12, 2024, 05:32:13 PM
No, better find out how to make this "RA" just send what hardware controller sends, without any "manipulations". I mean hardware "tick" should be sent to AZ Controller.
Probably best to leave the RA Control MIDI settings at their stock value and leave the encoders mapped in AZCon at 0.4% as a starting point? They seem to work pretty "fluidly" right now and when I turned the encoder on the iCON for the same plug-in parameter, the iCON encoder seemed way more sluggish. I'm not really concerned with how the iCON encoders react for this scenario.
Discussions / Re: RA Micro4k Plugin Controll...
Last post by azslow3 - August 12, 2024, 05:13:24 PM
Quote from: minminmusic on August 12, 2024, 04:48:55 PM
As for your second and third sentence...they are tied together I think? I'm guessing the "0.4%" is the sensitivity adjustment within AZ Controller for the adjustment of the parameters. But...much of what your are seeing in RA Control's MIDI Mapping software beyond the MIDI values are speed and sensitivity adjustments. Now...I'm not totally sure the Micro4k can run with Cakewalk without having started RA Control first...THEN Cakewalk. In the system tray it states RA Control is connected to the controller. If that's true...then maybe the sensitivity adjustments in AZ Controller should be set to the most neutral and the fine tuning can be done in the RA MIDI Mapper?
No, better find out how to make this "RA" just send what hardware controller sends, without any "manipulations". I mean hardware "tick" should be sent to AZ Controller.

Back to track 1 with SEL pressed and Plug-in button pressed bringing the SSL plug-in into focus. The Micro4k is controlling the SSL. Now I don't know if it matters unless there's a numerical conflict...but INPUT on the Micro4k is set to CC1. That is mapped to the INPUT GAIN in the plug-in. Turning it works. BUT INPUT GAIN on the iCON shows up in display window 4 (track 4) and that encoder CC value is 19. Turning the encoder on the Micro4k adjusts the plug-in but also the iCON is receiving MIDI from Cakewalk and is showing controls for Input Gain moving (so two different encoders, from two different controllers with two different MIDI values controlling the same function. Do you see that being an issue?
That is not a problem, that is how it works. "MIDI" is used just as transport in your current setup. Micro4k is NOT MIDI controller (that is why you need this "RA" thing...), and MIDI never reach bx_console nor anything else in Cakewalk (it is "consumed" by AZ Controller and Mackie). You can have 2,3,10,etc. controls on the same or different controllers for the same parameter. And you can have 2,3,10,etc. different parameters controlled by the same control (obviously only one at any particular time, you just need some buttons to "switch" modes, as you do with iCON).

Discussions / Re: RA Micro4k Plugin Controll...
Last post by minminmusic - August 12, 2024, 04:48:55 PM
Yeah...that's how I did it. Once I had set up a basic encoder, I duplicated as many times as I needed. Did the same for the buttons. Also did the same in the Logic tab. Once the basics were set up, copy and pasted and just changed the variables per entry.

As for your second and third sentence...they are tied together I think? I'm guessing the "0.4%" is the sensitivity adjustment within AZ Controller for the adjustment of the parameters. But...much of what your are seeing in RA Control's MIDI Mapping software beyond the MIDI values are speed and sensitivity adjustments. Now...I'm not totally sure the Micro4k can run with Cakewalk without having started RA Control first...THEN Cakewalk. In the system tray it states RA Control is connected to the controller. If that's true...then maybe the sensitivity adjustments in AZ Controller should be set to the most neutral and the fine tuning can be done in the RA MIDI Mapper?

The only issue I can see that you and Heinz should be aware the RA MIDI Mapper you can see the default assigned MIDI values by RA. I built the AZ Controller presets based on those values. Now...I load a new Sonar project. 16 tracks. Both the iCON and Micro4k are working. Track 1, I insert a bx_console SSL into the first position in the FX bin. No other plugins in an FX bins.

I press, SEL on Track 1. Track 1 is on focus. I press Plug-In on the iCON and it brings up the SSL plug-in. I press SEL on Track 2. Track 2 is now selected and I press Plug-in and no plug-ins come up for track 2. Working as expected.

Back to track 1 with SEL pressed and Plug-in button pressed bringing the SSL plug-in into focus. The Micro4k is controlling the SSL. Now I don't know if it matters unless there's a numerical conflict...but INPUT on the Micro4k is set to CC1. That is mapped to the INPUT GAIN in the plug-in. Turning it works. BUT INPUT GAIN on the iCON shows up in display window 4 (track 4) and that encoder CC value is 19. Turning the encoder on the Micro4k adjusts the plug-in but also the iCON is receiving MIDI from Cakewalk and is showing controls for Input Gain moving (so two different encoders, from two different controllers with two different MIDI values controlling the same function. Do you see that being an issue?

There is a slight bug with the iCON controller and iMAP not allowing scrolling of the plug-in parameters in the display windows...but let's handle one thing at a time. The plus is that for the first 16 display windows on the iCON...I can see parameters that I wouldn't be able to fully map to the Micro4k due to lack of encoders. At that point...if I'm just trying to set up the basics of a console, with some EQs, comp-gates and filters...that deep dive stuff in the bx_console would slowdown that workflow process anyhow.