Try to configure Novation LaunchControl Mini

Started by binbinhfr, October 06, 2021, 01:42:42 AM

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Well CSI is obviously not as complete as your AZControl !!!

Now that you moved to Reaper, is there any chance that you adapt AZControl to reaper ? It would be huge !   ;D

Is JSFX suitable for that ? JSFX can receive, treat and send MIDI as far as I know. So it can exchange with a controller ? But it would mean adding a MIDIFX to a track and not using the "preference / control surface" menu...

But then, can it send command to reaper ? There is a hint here :

Maybe not enough to transfer volume, pan, and target specific channels, etc...  :-\

I see there is also a Reaper API , but it's too much for my knowledge...


Yes, I still have a plan some day write something like that for REAPER. But AZ Controller was a big project...  ;)

I don't know why Justin has considered EEL2 for OSCII-bot, but not as a REAPER add-on for surfaces. I mean I don't know why OSCII-bot is a separate program.
Writing particular controllers support in EEL2 should be ok (like in Python and JS for other DAWs). Whiting platform like AZ Controller in EEL2, while somehow possible,
is harder then in conventional languages (AZ Controller is written in plain C).


Quote from: azslow3 on October 23, 2021, 06:53:30 PM
Yes, I still have a plan some day write something like that for REAPER. But AZ Controller was a big project...  ;)

Oh yes, now I really see it !   I wonder if something intermediate between CSI and AZControl complex logic could be written (to make it more accessible to "average" human beings  ;D )

Why do you talk about OSC ? I thought it was a protocol for network connected device, not USB/MIDI control surfaces ?

I do not get your point (my english understanding not always good) : do you think it's actually possible to write a AZControl-like plugin in EEL2 in Reaper, but you consider EEL2 is not adapted ?

CSI seems to be also written in C, like AZControl.


CSI is in fact not so difficult to understand and it is quite flexible. I mean you can create a preset similar to your current AZ Controller preset.

OSCII-bot works with MIDI and OSC. It can communicated with REAPER throw OSC (bi-directionally), so people which don't want/know C++ programming
write MIDI communication in EEL2 as OSCII-bot script.

Writing AZ Controller in EEL2 is like playing drums with e-guitar... You can use audio2midi plug-in and then map midi notes to drum kit peaces. So, possible.
But there are better approaches to play drums  ;)

CSI (as REAPER and all its extensions) are written in C++. Justin has claimed it is not possible write GCC compiled REAPER add-ons.
Well... "NotA" extension and "ReaCWP" are written in plain C, cross compiled under Linux with GCC.
Noel has thought exporting Cakewalk projects is not possible without internal knowledge (someone before me has even tried, without success), yet  ReaCWP is the first (and for the moment the only) cross-DAW project converter ;).

I mean many things are possible, but hard to implement. Some of these "hard to do" things have a good reason to exist. At the same time, if something is hard to do that does not mean it should be implemented  ::)


> CSI is in fact not so difficult to understand and it is quite flexible. I mean you can create a preset similar to your current AZ Controller preset.

Well, that's what I try to do know, but alas, it's not as flexible.
Seems to be hard to simulate a jog wheel AND classic encoder usage at the same time.
But I will do a basic setup that will suit my needs of a recording remote.

> OSCII-bot works with MIDI and OSC. It can communicated with REAPER throw OSC (bi-directionally), so people which don't want/know C++ programming
write MIDI communication in EEL2 as OSCII-bot script.

ooooooooh, that's for me !!!     ;D
I'll have a look at it.


Alexei, maybe you could be interested by this post, that describes the new and awaited  implementation of MIDI into REAscripts.
It's in the DEV version, but will be soon in a stable version.

Could be helpful for exchanging with control surfaces, no ?


There is "programmers community" in the REAPER world. They write fancy staff, and once something is inconvenient, they ask Justin for build-in solution.
In this particular case, a solution for RR (Retrospective Recording) for MIDI. So, you have jammed with your MIDI keyboard and some synth, without recording
anything. At some moment you think: "WOW that was brilliant improvisation! I wish I have turned on recording before playing it :(..."
With mentioned function the implementation is strait forward, you can render everything you have played "post mortem".

For control surfaces it make no big sense, surfaces control parameters irrespective transport and so there is no "performed but not remembered" situation.

PS. diving into scripting challenge can be fun, but that is outside of my current objectives.

PSPS. in Cakewalk MIDI processing is unfortunately horrible, "thanks" to used MIDI FX API with several design mistakes. I have implemented LuaMFX, so a kind of
JSFX but for Cakewalk and Lua language (someone has requested such feature...). It was never popular  ;)


Hi Alexei,

just a little hello, and also to thank you to lead me to Reaper, it's really the tool that I needed ! So many customization. I really can modify it to my needs  ;D. Sorry but bye bye Cakewalk  :(


You will probably remember some Cakewalk features later...
But REAPER in fact is the only DAW which can be customized to something different. I have not realized that till I had a look at Ultraschall (Podcast studio). It still has "REAPER inside", but lol, its interface and behavior has little to do with original REAPER  ;)


> You will probably remember some Cakewalk features later...

The fact IS that I often miss some cakwalk features, but with a little search, I always find that there is a solution, in reaper itself, or in a script.
And so many features that are lacking in cakewalk are here.
But Cakewalk was very good, I do not spit on it at all. I made a lot of projects with it, and was very happy. But I just did not realize that I could be even happier  ;D