TouchDAW with AZ Controller (or "Mack.. Logic Control explained")

Started by azslow3, December 03, 2014, 09:40:50 PM

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Reference for the MC preset

Just short description what is what here.

Software State Sets

  • Device - indicate either we have finished handshaking or not (yet)
  • M1-M4, Edit, Numeric, Zoom - define that "modifiers" is active, M1-M4 are "Shift" like (active when the button is pressed), other are "Caps Lock" like (active till pressed again)
  • Assign mode - Single/Multi, changed when you press the same assign button after that assign mode is activated
  • Assign - change the mode
  • LCDUpdate - enable  LCD Display output
  • Meters - enable level meters
  • Strip - use strip names or number on LCD display
  • LCD - use parameter names or values on LCD display
  • Navigation - how to interpret transport navigation keys
  • CtrlGrp - which strip type we control
  • JogParam - use Jogger for parameter navigation or for time line
  • Jog - units for Jogging
  • JogDir - supplementary state for jogging actions definitions
  • Faders - enable motors
  • TimeFormat - format of Time Display
  • Flip - flip sliders/encoders
  • FlipDisp - flip lower/upper LCD display lines
  • EQMode - supplementary for EQ FG mode
  • OffXYZ - X is Assignment, Y is CtrlGroup (Track/Bus), Z is Single/Multi Assignment mode. Define the first parameter to control
  • OffACT - first controller ACT parameter offset
  • PlugNY - Y is Track/Bus, FX plug-in number to control
  • MasterFaderTouched - set when it is
  • FTouchedI - set when the Fader I is touched
  • The rest are temporarily "variables" for the logic

Hardware controls always have one Context and so one Logical Control. MC defines no hardware presets (unlike other, general oriented surfaces).

  • There are many controls with the same names as corresponding Software Control States already named, I will not list them here
  • Hello - react on "EHLO" message, means