No execution of logic if hardware declared as Pad

Started by sdupayage, January 10, 2015, 03:12:33 PM

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I've made some tests and did not find any documentation on this so may be it is a misunderstanding on my end or an issue somewhere. When I create a hardware control under option as "Pad" then it is not possible to execute any action. Does Pad react only to specific things? Though when I did all the setup I clearly saw the proper selection of the proper hardware and logic state... I run on the latest version of your plug in and in Sonar Producer X3.



While I have noticed now that the Last Midi Event for Note Off is in fact strange (report value 127), everything
works like expected for me.

1) Which event type you use for the pad?
2) Does Last MIDI event reported it?
3) If you switch to another Logic Control in the Logic Tab and then press the pad, does proper Logic Control is selected again?

In case (3) is not happening, post probably you have incorrectly assigned MIDI.



Thanks for your answer.

1/ The midi event is not a note event but a CC event (value 0)
2/ Yes it is properly reported by your plugin
3/ Yes when I change to an other logic control and press the pad again it goes back to the assigned logic control

It simply does not execute the control out of it. I changed the hardware type in the option tab to "unknown" and it is working. As well as with Slider.



Quote from: sdupayage on January 12, 2015, 10:30:18 AM
1/ The midi event is not a note event but a CC event (value 0)
This "zero" is the reason. "Normal" buttons/pads trigger not zero value when pressed and zero when depressed (or one time not zero another zero in "switch" mode).

While there is separate "Note Off" MIDI event, there is no "CC Off". To simplify processing for "normal" buttons/pads, I set "Note Off" state in case CC Value 0 is received and the type is "Pad". Default action condition is "Note: On". So, it is not executed for "Pad CC Value 0".

In case you really want to use "CC Value 0" for button, you can either set the type to something else (as you have already discovered) or stay with the Pad type and change the action condition to "Note: Off".


In fact I tried with other values as well without success. i did not try value like 127 but in between.



Can you try to put some action which "guarantied" execution, like fixed Text, and check with the Overview tab?
Also please try to select "Note:off" to see if that helps.

I repeat, the only different for the "Pad" type should be interpretation of CC Value 0. So, in case you can see "CC Value 20" for example,
there should be no difference with "Unknown" or other types (except System, which is "hidden" then).