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1. Tutorials 2. BCR2000 Preset

Started by Bassman, June 20, 2015, 02:17:09 PM

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First of all thank you for this work!!

But I've a lot of Problems, perhaps it's on Sonar? (BCR2000, Sonar Platinum)

Tried to work through the Tutorial and I've made all exactly as written, but on Tracks nothing works, if I set the focus on p.e. Prochannel EQ, I can map the Rotarys in ACT Learn Function.

I close Prochannel EQ and can't do nothing, In AZ Controller-ACT  is written No Mapping, on the EQ I can see the parameters but not on the tracks.
What's wrong?

Now that I've seen the preset for BCR2000, I loaded it in the PlugIn Manager, but after I activated it in AZ Controller, nothing appears, no Hardware Controls, nothing, only the controls from the last loaded preset.

What's wrong?

With the Quick Tutorial I got 8 Rotarys to work with the Tracks, but with the focus on the EQ I can't map them to the EQ:(

After all, I think I need help with it:)



Hi and welcome!

For 1. Tracks has no ACT mapping, only plug-ins (but all of them, inclusive ProChannel). That is why 2 modes should be defined, ACT and strip control. That is done in the "Startup preset", so you can check how that can be done.

For 2. As I understand, you should also load BCR preset into BCR to get the mapping in hardware. I think better BCR preset is in development, but you better ask the author of it.

For general understanding how all that work, read my "ACT MIDI Explained" post. It is not short, but all that (and other) aspects are covered with, with step by step tutorial.



1. OK I have to read more
2. BCR Preset (mh for AzCtrl) is loaded into BCR! But in AZ Controller no Hardware Controllers, only these from the last loaded preset.

In AZ Controller I can see the Midi Data coming in, but attached to the latest loaded preset Hardware Controllers!

OK, I've downloaded PC EQ.spp, and for that file the Hardware Controls are there and I can attach them to my Controller Settings (or to these of mh for AzCtrl, they work too) and all is working fine! I only had to change from "Endless Midi" to Direct...

So I have to read read read...for now I'm very confused about the Controller...

Thanks, Basie


I am not  sure what you mean by "mh for AZCtrl", I have thought you try,208.0.html

AZ Controller is a bit confusing since it is a kind of unique. It is not a conventional Control Surface plug-in in Sonar, it is not even Automap like. It is more complex.

But the general idea is pretty simple: you configure BCR which MIDI messages it sends, you configure AZC to recognize them and then you have a list of actions what to do with that messages. That can be changing ACT parameter, some strip parameter, some explicit FX/ProChannel/Synth parameter or something else like commands/functions/transport/WAI movement/etc.

Note that unlike conventional "MIDI learn", you have a possibility to select what one control of your BCR should do depending on so called "conditions": you can define key modifiers (unlimited number), modes (unlimited number) or use transport state, context, etc. MCU is so famous because it has long list of what each control does in each situation (you can look at MCU preset inside AZ Controller, it almost completely mimic original MCU logic). But with AZ Controller you can go further, the road is endless. I have mentioned several times, AZ Controller in comparison to other plug-ins is a DAW compare to a multitrack recorder.


Hi Basie!

i´m the one who created the BCR-preset (beta) and i´m in last steps of finishing a much improved version.
This will have much more functionality and also include a new preset for uploading into the BCR (with all encoders set to endless with acceleration). Perhaps i can upload something later in the evening.
i can understand the confusion in the beginning, but i´d suggest going through the QuickStart and get a little warm with the logic. AzCtrl is the most powerful PlugIn, but it needs quite some learning and reading in the beggining.
For now: if you have loaded the proper preset into BCR as described, and then also load the BCR.spp in AzCtrl, then it sould work as described. We have another BCR-user already using it.



This BCR2000 Preset is exactly what I want to do with it, if it works! I'm working on understanding this powerfull PlugIn ! Takes a bit time, I know the error sits in front of the PC:)
The problem i s, that the preset for the Az Controller is not really working, this PC EQ worked! So just upload your newest preset, I'll even give money for that!  That's not the problem....
OK: I have loaded BCR preset into the BCR2000, B-Control doesn't work so I used midiOX to send the syx-file to the machine, there i t is, I loaded in Sonar with the PlugIn Manager the BCR preset, but I can't see on load any difference, I just see the Hardware Controls from the last loaded preset, there must be something wrong...
Let's see tomorrow! Tried the whole day to get through.....must sleep over it..
Thank you fo the answer!


Hi Basie

Welcome on board, I have exactly the same setup as you have (BCR2000, Sonar Platinum) and Marko's first preset works exactly as described
I followed Marko's instructions and used BC-Manager and all worked well, so I am sure you will get there too  :)

I am currently trying to get more familiar with  AzCtrl so I can be of more help to Marko and Alexey when testing MArko's new preset the more of us who can test the better

@Marko & Alexey

Keep up the good work really appreciate the effort and following with interest

