0.4r1 released (comments are still welcome)

Started by azslow3, July 22, 2015, 08:51:45 PM

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Dear friends!

I thing current test version (b270, b273, b276) is a good release candidate. But I would really appreciate some confirmation.

Especially, please check that new implementation of Internal Display is working.

Thanks in advance,
your AZ.

EDIT: I decide to add a little bit more to it, comming soon ;)


Hi Alexey,
i´m back now and i will check this on weekend.


Thanks, but please wait for b273 or later (not uploaded, I have to check it myself first).
There will be nothing visibly different from 270, but I have done what I had to in internals (about evaluation of current parameter values inside logical actions, for example in case someone whans display value which was just set, so SONAR is not yet returning it).



Display font & color is nice!
but there is a small bug, which was not there before:
the display does not remeber it´s screen-position, looks like hard-coded coordinates.


I can not reproduce... In fact that part was not touched. Are you using 2 screens? Try to "save it" on second?

Coordinates are checked for "negative" (I have managed to move it out of screen completely, and that I have introduced the check).

Also is that happens on preset reload or also when use simply "Hide"/"Show" ?


it happens on every hide/show, but:
i have it normally just a few pixels off to the left, because i use a font size that produces a display-width slightly wider than my screen. To maximize the viewable area, i move it so that the borders are slightly out of screen (just a few pix).
Perhaps you could tolerate some (small) offset? As long as it is partially on screen, there is no problem in "losing" the window.


I have uploaded changed version.

Linux/Wine and Windows 8 have different behavior for windows handling. I have modified the code so:
1) the display can partially out of screen
2) the display size can be bigger then screen
I hope that should work as you want then.


QuoteI hope that should work as you want then.
Thank you, now i have the complete display centered on screen, and the window-borders are just outside.