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Started by fostiras, December 03, 2015, 05:02:46 AM

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Just bought an AKAI MIDIMIX. I tried for several hours to assign my rotary faders to FX plug ins on DIFFERENT tracks permanently.
I was so dissapointed I could not have the functionality I wanted. As soon as I landed here and used AZ, I finished the job in less than an hour for ALL rotary faders (24) !!! I will use the controller for live performances with Sonar so I need the dedicated assignment of the rotary faders to EQs (although it is the same FX plugin on different tracks).

Thank you SO MUCH for this excellent free software!!!

Next step is feedback!!! I got some MUTE/ARM lights...I would like to use them as signal/clip !!! Saw your corresponding tutorial!
There was a time I wanted to build 8 X VUs for Sonar but could not figure out how to get the MIDI info concerning the levels out of Sonar...only new about the Mack protocol.



Hi George,

Thank you for giving my plug-in a try! I hope it works for you without problems. While you can notice relatively low activity on this forum, I am still actively working with the project. If you spot some bug, need some extra functionality or have any questions, you are welcome.

Quote from: fostiras on December 03, 2015, 05:02:46 AM
Just bought an AKAI MIDIMIX. I tried for several hours to assign my rotary faders to FX plug ins on DIFFERENT tracks permanently.
I was so dissapointed I could not have the functionality I wanted. As soon as I landed here and used AZ, I finished the job in less than an hour for ALL rotary faders (24) !!! I will use the controller for live performances with Sonar so I need the dedicated assignment of the rotary faders to EQs (although it is the same FX plugin on different tracks).
While AZCtrl support Track/FX searching by name, I recommend to avoid that for live case (not that I have ever had problems in that part).
I mean it is possible to define 'Second "EQ" on "Drums" tracks', but '3d FX on track 5' is better armored against possible glitches.

Next step is feedback!!! I got some MUTE/ARM lights...I would like to use them as signal/clip !!! Saw your corresponding tutorial!
There was a time I wanted to build 8 X VUs for Sonar but could not figure out how to get the MIDI info concerning the levels out of Sonar...only new about the Mack protocol.
Please note that Meters information sent from Sonar to the plug-in still use the same settings as Sonar meters. I mean decay time for example. The plug-in is called ~13 time per second. Sonar updates the screen faster.