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Controlling Send Output by MIDI Value

Started by norfolkmastering, January 18, 2022, 06:10:17 PM

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Hello Alexey

I want to control the send destination of one track send by inputting a MIDI value.
I have attached the test preset.
The Software State 'DAWfeed' has 24 states which are the friendly names of 24 outputs from my Cakewalk system.

Here is the problem:
If I manually set the T1 send destination to 'none' as a starting point for the test:
No matter what value I feed on Ch12, CC1, I always get the output set to 'DAW1', that is the first friendly name in the software state list.
So I know that the MIDI message is being received by AZController and is changing the send output, but always to the same output.

I tried rearranging the order of the software state entries and the problem is consistent.  Whichever entry is first in the list, this is the destination which is set on the T1 Send, no matter what value I feed on Ch12, CC1.

Could you have a look and tell me please if I have made a configuration error in the preset?



With loopback MIDI I could set DAWfeed to other states, all MIDI values (0-127) are mapped to all Set values (in your case 25, 0-24), what Overview tab is showing when you receive that CC? It should indicate what AZ Controller is doing, so which state is selected. F.e. if I send 127, DAWfeed is set to "default".

Note that Cakewalk is rather buggy when setting sends outputs, it reorder sends visually, the list of possible values is broken if the project has any plug-in with side chain, etc.


Hello Alexey
Okay I now remember that you need to have 128 software states if you want to map each MIDI value to a specific output.  It is working now.

Please can you tell me if it is possible to control multiple hardware controls from a single CC?

I can't find a way to do that under the Hardware Tab.



There can be just one Logical control with particular CC assigned. And Logical control can be in one Hardware Control only. So one CC can be used in one Hardware Control only.
There can be situation when one Hardware Control produce several MIDIs and so have several Logical Controls associated, and that is supported.
But what you ask does not make sense for me... In fact multiple (real) Hardware Controls producing the same MIDI message should be avoided.

But you can do many things sequentially in one Logical control, I mean you can set several parameters in Cakewalk when processing one MIDI message.


Hello Alexey

Let me explain the application where is would have been convenient to target multiple controls from a single MIDI message:

I want to ensure that each Cakewalk track (up to 24 tracks) is assigned to the correct send for that track.  The sends are used to send an analogue version of the Cakewalk track to my mixer.  So:

Cakewalk Track 1 to DAW1 (mixer channel 1)
Cakewalk Track to to DAW2 (mixer channel 2)

However I want to ensure that if the Cakewalk tracks are rearranged on the DAW control screen, e.g. If what was Track 6 is moved to the Track 2 position, then the track feeds need to be automatically remapped to match.

So I used a slightly different form of action statements to achieve this but still using the Software State 'DAWfeed'
Now I map each track to its correct send using:
Cakewalk T1 -DAWfeed >DAW1
Cakewalk T2 -DAWfeed >DAW2

(This is instead of mapping the send from the incoming MIDI value which is how I started this exercise).

However I still need to trigger 24 'controls' (one for each track send) so a single trigger to remap all 24 track sends (one track send for each track) would have been elegant.

So instead I send 24 MIDI messages from my PIC, each with a different CC number, each targeted to one control in AZ controller.
It works!

Sorry for the long explanation but I wanted explain.



Hi Robert,

Some digital mixers use combined messages for several controls, f.e. one sysex which is sent for many faders. They was using hardware MIDI and MIDI is slow, so that way they could save traffic when you want set all faders at once or user move several faders simultaneously. AZ Controller is able to work with such approach, but believe me, sending one CC per parameter is better.



Hi Alexey
Thanks for the advice.  I have the track send refresh function working just fine with one CC per parameter.
Best regards