RA Micro4k Plugin Controller - iCON p1-M/X DAW Controller - ACTing as One!!!

Started by minminmusic, August 11, 2024, 08:29:05 PM

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If you plan to use the controller the same way, so always control SOME console plug-in, I propose you do this in one preset. That way you will not forget to
switch AZ Controller presets... You can omit "fallback" case, that it will not set any value in case plug-in is unknown.


Haven't forgotten about things...just have a minor musical emergency come up that i'm forced to put this on the back burner a little bit. I'll return to it though...  :D


Had a couple of minutes to mess around tonight.

If I have within a plug-in a 3 way toggle switch (lets say for a compressor attack speed of: F/M/S). I'm using one of the rotary encoders push functions. Right now, pushing that encoder with toggle applied...it cycles from F then S, but can't get to M. Is there a way to have that encoder button push cycle through the 3 options. Press after S and it cycles back to F, then M, then S, then F and so on?



Possible. Example attached. But it may be dependent from numerical value each attack speed has, f.e. in Cakewalk such "switches" are not always homogeneous in value (so the third state may be not 0.5, and so map to unexpected state, more states in the map are needed then).

But you are moving toward "advanced" use of AZ Controller, not sure "a couple of minutes" is sufficient to do that  ;)


Yes...so I created the 3States in Options-Software States tab then added the Logic Action List items you had in your example to the button I'd like to use. So now...it cycles between 1 and 2 but does not go to 3. I'm going to assume that's might be what you were referencing above? I'm not sure I understand how I would determine what value either the plugin or Cakewalk assigns to the 3 states? Is it playing around till you find the right one? Does it move numerically from L-R and low to high? :)

Maybe interesting questions considering where I was with AZController 2 weeks ago lol.


After "Track Volume" (in example, so after you have selected parameter in question) insert Action "Value Current".
Now set the switch (in GUI) to the state you can't change to. Press your button. Open "Overview" Tab.
You should see "Current, timeout touch -> X.XX". The value is from 0. to 1.. That way you know which value you need.
Then calculate the number of states you need, with 3 it covers "0 - 0.33, 0.33 - 0.66, 0.66 - 1", with 4: "0. - 0.25, 0.25-0.5, 0.5 - 0.75, 0.75 - 1.".
I hope you have got the idea :)

These things are tricky, I know. But you want "trick" the DAW and plug-in, they have not foreseen such behavior and so there is no simple way.
BTW there is right way for plug-in and DAW to implement 3state switch parameters, describing what they are in VST API. But almost no-one is
doing that. BTW if you have 3 states and values are from 0.0 to 0.1, is that not "logical" to use 0, 0.5 and 1 for them? For some reason plug-in developers not always think logical...


Slowly getting there. 1= .500, 2= 1.000, 3=0.800. (According to the Overview tab).

If I set the switch on the GUI to state 1 and flip the button it now cycles from 1 to 3...but does not flip back to one (or reverse cycle if it can't flip back to 1). Once the sequence of moving it through 1,2,3 is done...hitting the button does nothing. There's three of these within this one plug-in. If we get this working I'll copy those additional Action List steps to the other parameter.

Now weirdly, if I'm reading this right...in the Overview tab open and with the Current Value line inserted in the actions list...it "looks" like flipping through the states that 1=0.00, 2=0.50 and 3=1.00, which makes sense in my head but the only way I could get the switch to move in the GUI via the controller was 0.500, 1.000 and 0.800 respectively.


Make "_3states" with 5 states. That will be sufficient to distinguish between 0.5, 0.8 and 1. In conditions use 3,4,5  (currently 1,2,3). And set 0.8 instead or 0.0 in corresponding Value action. The order you regulate by changing which value you send in which state.



My general rule - what works is "right" (even when something looks a bit ugly...)  ;)


I think that's a very good approach "general rule wise"!!! Thanks Alexey!!!



As an example here's Rotor 1 of my preset which set's the grid from 1 bar over whole note, half note ..... to OFF and back.
SelCo (SelectCount) is a Software State in the Options Tab.
Just an example, in my preset are more of these actions, I attached it. So look into the rotors and sliders for many more examples;)


SoftSet SelCo { 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
        17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
        33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
        49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
        65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
        81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96
        97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112
        113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 }

Control Ro1 MIDI 00900051 'Ch\:1 CC\:81' {

MO.Nor BK.1 PRE.1 : Set_state SelCo MIDI
  SelCo.1 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 1154 'An Taktgrenzen einrasten'
  SelCo.1 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.Bar
  SelCo.8 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 1154 'An Taktgrenzen einrasten'
  SelCo.8 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.Bar
  SelCo.9 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 817 'An ganzer Note einrasten'
  SelCo.9 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.1
  SelCo.18 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 817 'An ganzer Note einrasten'
  SelCo.18 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.1
  SelCo.19 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 818 'An halber Note einrasten'
  SelCo.19 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.2
  SelCo.19 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state Ndge.On
  SelCo.28 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 818 'An halber Note einrasten'
  SelCo.28 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.2
  SelCo.28 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state Ndge.On
  SelCo.29 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 819 'An Viertelnote einrasten'
  SelCo.29 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.4
  SelCo.38 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 819 'An Viertelnote einrasten'
  SelCo.38 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.4
  SelCo.39 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 820 'An Achtelnote einrasten'
  SelCo.39 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.8
  SelCo.48 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 820 'An Achtelnote einrasten'
  SelCo.48 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.8
  SelCo.49 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 821 'An Achteltriole einrasten'
  SelCo.58 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 821 'An Achteltriole einrasten'
  SelCo.59 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 822 'An Sechzehntelnote einrasten'
  SelCo.59 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.16
  SelCo.59 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state Ndge.On
  SelCo.69 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 822 'An Sechzehntelnote einrasten'
  SelCo.69 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.16
  SelCo.69 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state Ndge.On
  SelCo.70 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 823 'An Sechzehnteltriole einrasten'
  SelCo.79 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 823 'An Sechzehnteltriole einrasten'
  SelCo.80 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 1072 'An 32stel-Note einrasten'
  SelCo.80 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.32
  SelCo.89 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 1072 'An 32stel-Note einrasten'
  SelCo.89 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.32
  SelCo.90 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 1073 'An 32stel-Triole einrasten'
  SelCo.99 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 1072 'An 32stel-Note einrasten'
  SelCo.100 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 1074 'An 64stel-Note einrasten'
  SelCo.100 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.64
  SelCo.109 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 1074 'An 64stel-Note einrasten'
  SelCo.109 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.64
  SelCo.110 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 1075 'An 128stel-Note einrasten '
  SelCo.110 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.128
  SelCo.110 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state Ndge.On
  SelCo.119 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 1075 'An 128stel-Note einrasten '
  SelCo.119 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.128
  SelCo.119 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state Ndge.On
  SelCo.120 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 501 'Am Raster anordnen ein/aus'
  SelCo.120 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.Off
  SelCo.120 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state Ndge.Off