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FaderPort w/BeatStep

Started by watercourse, May 30, 2015, 10:58:10 PM

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Hi Alexey,

Would you mind taking a look at the attached preset I put together?  It's based on your FaderPort preset combined with an EQ section I added using the Arturia BeatStep as a slave.  I'm mostly really happy with what I have so far.  I just want to add two more features for the slaved BeatStep that I'm having trouble figuring out:

-Set pad #9 (P9) to act as a shift that changes an encoder from EQ-Gain control (default) to EQ-Q control (shifted) for the selected track/bus (applies to encoders R13, R14, R15, R16)
-Set computer keyboard Ctrl key to do the same as above

If you make a preset example, one encoder is fine to get me started and I can copy over the settings to the rest.  Also, if you wouldn't mind taking a general look at the preset to make sure I don't have any unnecessary or problematic entries, I'd really appreciate it.



Hi John!
Quote from: watercourse on May 30, 2015, 10:58:10 PM
Would you mind taking a look at the attached preset I put together?  It's based on your FaderPort preset combined with an EQ section I added using the Arturia BeatStep as a slave.  I'm mostly really happy with what I have so far.  I just want to add two more features for the slaved BeatStep that I'm having trouble figuring out:

-Set pad #9 (P9) to act as a shift that changes an encoder from EQ-Gain control (default) to EQ-Q control (shifted) for the selected track/bus (applies to encoders R13, R14, R15, R16)
I have made P9 duplicate Shift key on the Faderport. The action list is exact copy, with changed Feedback MIDI. In you want "decouple" these two shifts, let me know.

I have rewritten R13-16 definitions.

-Set computer keyboard Ctrl key to do the same as above

That is not possible. Sonar does not inform control surface plug-ins about normal keys. You can "send" some key combination to Sonar, but not reversed.

Also, if you wouldn't mind taking a general look at the preset to make sure I don't have any unnecessary or problematic entries, I'd really appreciate it.
I have "cleaned" the rest. You can restore the functionality (in case I have removed to much) using ideas either from R4-7 (not shifter) or from R13-16 (shifter).

In general, it is better to remove all actions you do not need. Also leaving unnecessary conditions is looking for troubles.

Faderport has only one encoder, and so it is "heavy overloaded" with different functions under different conditions. Till you want to do the same with Arturia knobs, it is better to keep things simple.

I have modified the preset name so it does not overwrite your original one during importing. That has no intention to put "AZ label" on your preset  ;)


Thanks so much!  Can't wait to try it.


Hi Alexey,

Hope all is well with you! 

I've been working with, and tweaking, my Arturia AZ preset and have liked it so much that I've ditched the Faderport and am now using just the BeatStep as my surface.  There's only one issue I'm having at the moment:  In a previous Faderport version, you had included the ability for the WAI (and hence control surface) to follow the mouse click on track/bus focus and strip selection.  Somewhere in the process, I seemed to have lost that functionality.  I think it's because I used an earlier version of the Faderport preset (not the final) as the basis for the Beatstep preset.  Anyway, I'm wondering if you wouldn't mind looking at the attached BeatStep preset and possibly identify what's missing.  I've also attached a Faderport preset that I know has the functionality I'm trying to restore in case it's helpful as a reference.

Thanks as always for your assistance and for your wonderful plugin!



Hi John,

I am glad you still use it ;)

On comment: you have 2 times "Scan ACT", in Ctrl:Timer and in Bank:Timer. That is quite heavy operation, you can remove one of this monitors.

I will try to explain you first, so you can make the change yourself. If that does not work, I can modify myself, just let me know.

Generate "fresh" FaderPort preset to see the configuration I see (just in case your faderport preset is not the same).
The key for WAI following mouse is Fader control there. There are 2 parts:
1) detect strip type changes. That is done in Fader:Time, by recalling current focused strip and saving its type (not "Set engine state"!). You can put it in your "Ctrl:Timer" for example.
2) detect strip changes to move WAI. It is a bit more tricky. You need somewhere (many be separate control, lie "WAI follow") create "Parameter name monitor" for "Current Strip Volume". We are not interested in the name change, but it will be triggered every time the strip is changed. It will be triggered on strip type changes as well, since that will change the strip.
We monitor "Current Strip", and so we just need to call "WAI" action (Strip type dependent).
I hope you can understand it.


I followed your instructions and everything's working as it should.  Thanks!

Oh, and thanks for the info about "Scan ACT"--I never would have caught that.  I've removed the 2nd entry so now there's only one.