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BCR2000-preset, beta 2

Started by MarKo, June 21, 2015, 11:12:13 PM

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i checked that several times, and it always works on the selection - it would not make sense otherwise?
and i don´t think that is an "effect" that is upgraded - this is more some setting (or a bug).



It was my fault, I took a Loopfile, and for that always the whole clip is gained. Normal Files are working on Selection as expected.

I mixed my las project with X3, so I'm not yet experienced with Platinum, it always took about half a year till I change to the next Version! Now I do!

So it is very fast to work with! "s", "t", "sch" I often gain manually, cause I've never heard a Deesser to work fine.



Hi again:)


So I need 6 Knobs for Gain, can I use the Solo Buttons from EQ Mode? Are they different from Track Mode? Or can I use shift or Ctrl Button with them?

Thank you:)


Quote from: Bassman on June 28, 2015, 10:22:15 AM
So I need 6 Knobs for Gain, can I use the Solo Buttons from EQ Mode? Are they different from Track Mode? Or can I use shift or Ctrl Button with them?
i was already thinking about how you would integrate this best (without cutting other functions).
Yes, Solo buttons in Channel-mode could be used. Although currently they still control Solo (also in Channel-mode) but this is not so important. I use it sometimes, if tweaking e.g. EQ or Comp in Soloed State, and want to quickly un-solo, to hear it together. But anyway, they could be used with Shift or Ctrl.
Disadvantage i see: you have to switch to Channel-mode, and there you are missing Scrubbbing/Shuttle-functions, which would surely be helpful while editing.

I would think/suggest it this way: why 6 buttons? if you have to switch modes, it´s more cumbersome to use, than to have it directly accessible.
What about just 2 Buttons, which do +/-1dB ? To do +3dB is just 3 presses of this button (but without additionally mode-switching). In current layout there is even a very nice free place for this: Ctrl+Bank <>
I think this could be a comfortable way - what do you think?


Quote from: MarKo on June 28, 2015, 11:11:14 AM
What about just 2 Buttons, which do +/-1dB ? To do +3dB is just 3 presses of this button (but without additionally mode-switching).
The processing is destructive, I am almost sure 3x +1dB produce significant distortion compare to 1x +3dB

I propose 2keys + 2modes, I mean something like Shift+Cut (-1), Ctrl+Cut(-2), Shift+Ctrl+Cut (-3) and the same for burst.


Quote from: azslow3 on June 28, 2015, 11:17:26 AM
The processing is destructive, I am almost sure 3x +1dB produce significant distortion compare to 1x +3dB
hm, i´m not sure this is true - at least it can not be significant, but we could check and analyze that.

QuoteI propose 2keys + 2modes, I mean something like Shift+Cut (-1), Ctrl+Cut(-2), Shift+Ctrl+Cut (-3) and the same for burst.
yes, that would be fine, but currently i see no way of integrating that directly without losing 2 other functions. But it could easily be done in another mode, or use Channel-mode (or ACT) as Basie said. But i would prefer it without mode-switching.

As we are just thinking, i had another idea:
we could have one of the knobs in the bottom-row to select gain-dB(-3 to +3), then we only need 2 button-functions for boost/cut. this could also work quite nice.



6 Knobs are not necessary, -1 and -3 will be enough, so 2 Knobs, perhaps +1 and +3 with shift, the most I use minus instead of plus!



Quote from: Bassman on June 28, 2015, 03:30:30 PM
6 Knobs are not necessary, -1 and -3 will be enough, so 2 Knobs, perhaps +1 and +3 with shift, the most I use minus instead of plus!
Ok, another idea, for me this seems like the best until now:
As i have now timeout-states for Shift+Ctrl, we could use double/triple-presses.
That would work like this:
- press/release Ctrl (timeout is activated)
- then press Bank Buttons (directly above) as often as you want +/-dB.
So for -1dB you just press Ctrl, then Bank-. For -2dB you press Ctrl, then 2x Bank-.
The command is executed after not pressing any more, so there is no possible distortion, like Alexey is afraid when doing 3x -1dB.
Would that be ok?


Hi again:)

What the hell:)  Just figure out what you want to do and I care for myself:)
Lovely that you care about me, thank you:)
Don't wanna you to work for me! I love what you have creatit, it's wonderful!!



Hi Basie,

I´m not really sure how this was meant...
So let me explain: i´ve been explicitly asking for additional ideas/wishes, because everybody has different workflow and needs. And first i´ve implemented the basic stuff that i really needed, but then i saw more and more possibilities. So the plan was getting bigger, and i really wanted input from others, because sometimes you don´t think about the obvious. So far, the additional wishes/ideas, which came from you and stevie (thank him for zoom!), were really helpful and inspiring for me.
So even if i know that the special "gain-command" is probably nothing for me, it brought me a big step further, because until now i didn´t think about such stuff (dialog automation).
So this produces really helpful input, which i´m sure i will use elsewhere.
And if you are really sure that you don´t want the "work from me", then you can always delete it ;)


I think I understand what was the meaning of his statement... and I guess you interpret it incorrectly. But I am (as Russian) is not the right person to explain English sentences  8)



I have to work with it, at the weekend is a recording session which I have to mix immediately, so  let me see how it works.....

On Monday I let you know if I need more stuff on  the BCR...

Thank you;)


Hi MarKo:)

Here are my additional HotKeys, perhaps you get any Ideas:)

First what I often use is Scale Velocities, the most per cent 90/110, if there's a possibility to increase/decrease per Knob, that would be faster than per Key Command!

So here they are, a few of them are not necessary any more, cause you have the functions on the BCR;)
(Don't wonder on the Letters, I'm working with the German Version of Sonar)

A - Automatic Latency Compensation
O - Tempo
U - Previous Display
Y - All Marked Tracks Solo

PgUp - Fast Backward
PgDn - Fast Forward

Ctrl - B - Smartgrid On/Off
Ctrl - F - Fit all Tracks
Ctrl - J - Normalize
Ctrl - U - Transpose
Ctrl - Y - Hide Marked Tracks
Ctrl - F9 - Select From
Ctrl - F10 - Select To  (The Normal Key Commands as written in the Manual have never worked!! F6....)
Ctrl - Pad 0 - Studio Ware Yamaha 03D (To work with my 02r)

Shift - J - Gain
Shift - U - Length
Shift - Y - Piano Roll View

Num Pad
2 - Set Grid to 16th Triad
3 - 8th Triad
4 - 4th
6 - 16th
8 - 8th

That's all! So the Only to work faster is the Velocity Scale, if you can set the Numbers 90 and 110 by AZ Controller...

Thank you very much:)


Quote from: Bassman on July 01, 2015, 08:31:01 AM
(Don't wonder on the Letters, I'm working with the German Version of Sonar)
Just a small unrelated comment...

You are using German Version of Sonar, MarKo has German keyboard and I am in Heidelberg. I have nothing against using other languages I understand in this forum  ;)


HI azslow3:)

Na denn:) Und ich müh mich hier ab mit meinem SchulEnglisch....

Klar, wenn das für alle besser ist! Dann gibt's auch keine Missverständnisse;)

Bis denne,