
CWP2Song, public beta.
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BCR2000-preset, beta 3

Started by MarKo, July 05, 2015, 10:43:48 PM

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maybe there was a misunderstanding.
i didn´t want to loopback midi to Sonar, i was talking about AzCtrl midi-loopback in the feedback-tab.
And therefor i wanted to use a virtual (non existing) control.
But anyway, i´m using now the approach with "magic" values, that works nice.


Ah... sorry.

You can loop send any MIDI (well, I have remembered that I forgot to add this option to SysEx Action, my bad). I mean not only assigned. Once sent, they are processed as the Last MIDI event and you can use them the same way as "real" one, so assign to some controls. I hope that answers the question how to use CC not existing on BCR.



Quote from: MarKo on July 31, 2015, 02:08:08 PM
ich tüftel noch an einigen Verbesserungen, zb. Spuren fokussieren/markieren mit Solo lang drücken.
auch bei den PlugIns muss ich nochmal schauen, aber das tat zuletzt schon ganz vernünftig.
Den Fehler bei +/-dB hab ich auch noch gefunden, und der TRK<> hat jetzt eine 1:5 "Untersetzung" - reagiert also nicht mehr so übersensibel.

Sounds very nice:)
Mit Windows 10 bin ich ganz begeistert, bessere Audiolatenz als vorher und der Desktop ist zurück und auch sonst etliche Verbesserunegen wie Mausfokus z.B. endlich kann man am Rädchen drehn und es bewegt sich was sich bewegen soll:)
Meine RME Karten laufen problemlos, allerdings hab ich zu Hause ein V-Studio 100 von Roland, das geht leider nicht oder noch nicht. Keine Ahnung ob die das alte Teil noch supporten:(

Ansonsten kann ich Win 10 nur empfehlen!!

Oki, gebt mir Bescheid wenn's was Neues gibt, wobei ich jetzt schon sehr zufrieden bin!!

danke und bis denne,


Hi Alexey,
i had not much time the last days and just downloaded the latest release.
One thing sounds very interesting - how is this meant?
QuoteCHANGE: the plug-in knows about change of parameters immediately, before SONAR update them, so LED/Display indication can be done inside control processing without tricks
no monitor neccessary to react to the new value?


Hi Heinz,
Quote from: Bassman on August 01, 2015, 12:24:23 PM
Mit Windows 10 bin ich ganz begeistert...
Ich wäre da etwas vorsichtiger, mein Produktivsystem bleibt jetzt sicher so lange wie möglich 8.1.
Das wurde viel schlecht geredet, weil auch wirklich vieles krank war (Kacheln, Charms usw..), aber mit Classic Shell und anderen Einstellungen passt mir das sogar besser als W7 (performance).
Ich hab W10 erst mal auf einer Virtuellen Maschine installiert und probiert - das wäre ja prinzipiell ganz OK, wenn da nicht das diese Frechheiten bez. Datenschutz(Heimtelefonieren), Updatezwang usw. wären. Und diese Inkonsistenzen im UI, also - alte/neue(schreckliche Tablet-) Dialoge finde ich für eine SW dieser Größenordnung einfach peinlich.
Ich warte lieber ab, mein 8.1 läuft super.


Hi Marko:))

I'm so happy with Win 10, so fast ......

Do you have a better Preset with Trk + and - not so empfindlich....that would be great;)



Quote from: MarKo on August 05, 2015, 08:17:07 PM
Hi Alexey,
i had not much time the last days and just downloaded the latest release.
One thing sounds very interesting - how is this meant?
QuoteCHANGE: the plug-in knows about change of parameters immediately, before SONAR update them, so LED/Display indication can be done inside control processing without tricks
no monitor neccessary to react to the new value?
Monitors are still good for what they are, when you change something in Sonar, they provide correct information.

But in case the value required in the action itself, to immediately update the indication (1/13 of a second is quite visible delay in some cases), it is possible now. The primary target was constructing full strip information in "one go", required for my accessible plug-in...


How to use this?
I tried it with "Value" but that did not seem to work.
It could be very useful, because i have now a quite complicated situation with monitors, where this would simplify things.


Quote from: Bassman on August 05, 2015, 10:10:13 PM
better Preset with Trk + and - not so empfindlich
kann ich dir abends schicken.


Quote from: MarKo on August 06, 2015, 09:30:43 AM
How to use this?
I tried it with "Value" but that did not seem to work.
It could be very useful, because i have now a quite complicated situation with monitors, where this would simplify things.
I repeat, that is not a replacement for monitors!

You can use it with Set State (map the value to state set) or Text (get the value text).

Value is there to set new value. It should use use the information as well, but that is just a side effect (so if you do 2x Toggle in one action list it should work logically).


Ok, i have a specific scenario where it´s quite complicated to achieve what i want in the monitors.
I have 8 buttons "Solo" with LEDs (for 8 strips).
And i´m using a "Shift-Mode", where the buttons temporarily (2 sec.) change to other functions. The Solo-buttons become Automation-Write per channel, and also show their state by the LED.
So i have now 2 Monitors for this control:
- the Param Value Monitor (for Solo, ACT, ProChannel, depending on current mode)
- and the Automation Monitor
Therefor i have to use Reset Param Value Monitor or Reset Automation Monitor to show the current value when i change the Shift-State between Solo and Automation-function.
So far so good and works perfect.
If i now want that on Solo-press the strip gets also focused, but only if solo is on, then i have a problem. Because if i do this in the monitor (Value=127 => select strip), it gets also called on shift-changes, for which i found no simple solution till now.
Therefor i would like to check directly in Solo-button-logic if solo is now on or off.
I hope you understand, even if it sounds crazy what i´m doing.


You are right, in this case that make sense. So, at the moment you should decide either focus or not, you can select the strip solo (I guess it will be already selected) and "Set state" from current parameter value (yes, this new feature) to some set with 2 states (On/Off) and then use the result as a condition to immediately focus the track.


Ok, i will try that.
I simplified my scenario a bit to make it more understandable - in reality my scenario is even more complicated because i also use different long-presses on these buttons, and so everything works on NoteOff.
But it sounds like this new feature is what i need!


Thank you very much Alexey!
This new feature makes it MUCH easier for me.

I just tried and checked it with one control-logic, but this seems to be THE solution for my latest ideas (although you didn´t know - did you?).
Now i just have to make ALL these changes...

@Heinz: da hab ich jetzt noch ein wenig zu tun, also warte besser auf das fertige Preset.
Der jetzige Stand ist Baustelle und ich möchte jetzt nicht extra Versionen zurückgehen.




Ja klar doch kann ich warten;) Hab noch 6 Wochen Ferien, insofern entfliehe ich jetzt ertstmal der Hitze und fahre an einen See.....
Heut Nacht keine Auge zugemacht ob des Hitzedrucks, leg mich jetzt ins Wasser.

Vielen Dank!