
CWP2Song, public beta.
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BCR2000-preset, beta 3

Started by MarKo, July 05, 2015, 10:43:48 PM

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Hi Alexey,

The quite complicated logic for my buttons seems to work perfectly now, with all Modes/Shifted States, long-presses and display too. Thanks again for this useful new feature!

But of course here is the next question: in one function i want to really select/deselect current strip.
"select strip" just sets focus (which is ok), but to really select, i have to use Key:Comma.
And this has problems:
1. it´s not alwyas reliable (depending on focus)
2. it does not work with +Ctrl, so i can not add tracks to selection.
But searching through all commands/functions i could not find a function like "toggle selection for current strip"
Do i oversee something, or is this not exposed?

@heinz: wir hatten heute auch knapp 40°


Quote from: MarKo on August 07, 2015, 08:25:57 PM
Do i oversee something, or is this not exposed?
Unfortunately, I also have not found it... And since CW is also using just comma in the MCU plug-in and nothing better in the VS-700, that looks like nothing else exists.


QuoteAnd since CW is also using just comma in the MCU plug-in and nothing better in the VS-700, that looks like nothing else exists.
hmm - is there anything additionally done before, apart from select strip?
i have to check again, because that seems not reliable.


API just has the call, from our "experiments" with dialogs, you know that it looks like I use it correctly. Why Sonar is not reacting as expected on "Ctrl+," but does for "Ctrl+A" is a good question.


Hi:) Sorry, my PC was down... SSD:(  Installed Win 10, was great! , Reset for to make a Backup, never get on again:( Tried to Boot with a CD  , SSD not available.....hang on the SSD on another PC, all OK:(  Buyed another SSD...installed Win 10....2 times ok, then nothing again!  i think it's my controller on the I'm frustrated!  I'll let another try tommorow.......have had phone calls with Microsoft...:(  I had to install Win 8 then Upgrade, what the hell?? Not possible in any other way...holy shit, so OK i'm so tired!!
We'll see us...


I had such kind of hell (but in software only) during Win8 upgrade. Installed ok, rebooted, some problem found... autorepair... and then: "Unfortunately I could not solve the problem" with SMILE on blue screen... Nothing could boot after that till complete re-installation.

I have installed 10 on SSD on my mother's computer, but I had no time to test it long (I am in village most of the time, went to Moscow for one day only so far).

I have seen somewhere that after you have installed 10 over 8/7 one time and activated it, you can install 10 strait (without installing 8 again). It can ask for serial number which you should know, but this number is the same for everyone in the world (real check happens during activation and identify your computer based on motherboard id).


HI Alexey:)

QuoteI have seen somewhere that after you have installed 10 over 8/7 one time and activated it, you can install 10 strait (without installing 8 again). It can ask for serial number which you should know, but this number is the same for everyone in the world (real check happens during activation and identify your computer based on motherboard id).

I got a new Serial for Win 10, but it doesn't work after a Hardware Change, so if you only change the order of the HDDs, you have to install it completely new:(
What a bullshit:(

Would be very nice if you can get this Serial;)




i didn´t have much time the last days but here is now the next preset - which i consider quite finished.
So if you find something unexpected, please report.
I´m now finishing description/readme for this and the usage (perhaps i´ll try i short video too) and then i´ll post this on official forum too.
I´m not sure which of the latest changes i´ve already mentioned and there have been many small optimizations and fixes too.

Solo long does now select/deselect track.
Stop long switches back to 8Track-mode and sets focus to Tracks.
This is a handy way to get back to "standard-mode", so whatever mode is currently active (ProChannel, ACT, BUS), you quickly return to standard.
ACT button toggles ACT-mode and opens/closes PlugIn. In ACT-mode, the bank-buttons switch through PlugIns.
Shift-mode in 8Trk and ProChannel optimized.

As always: attachment contains preset + picture, rename it to zip.
If you want a Hi-res pic or PDF for printing, then ask me - it´s too big for uploading here.
I use it also for printing labels which i stick to my BCR.
And i plan some HW-modifications too - if they are successfull i´ll describe it here.

Edit 2015.08.17: fixed some bugs and exchanged in upload (b5.4)




Thank you very much, I'm testing all tomorrow!! Today I have to reinstall everything:(
But the Motherboard is working again, so perhaps it was the heat from the last few days....?

So I hope I got a clean Windows 10 Install....



please wait for the next preset, i found some serious bugs related to the latest changes.
With so many different modes/states, it really get´s complicated sometimes!
But current version looks promising, so i hope to upload it in the evening.


i think i´ve fixed the bugs (Vol/VU & Shift not resetting correctly).
please reload the preset from previous post



Ok, thanks:)

Now I'm ready, all is installed, only have to make a Backup first....




Ich denke ich hab mal alles durchprobiert, lediglich ein paar Sachen sind mir aufgefallen, der ConsEmu Knopf und der EQ Type Knopf gehen nicht bei mir.

Dann geht manchmal der ProChannel Modus nicht, also die EQ Knöfe reagieren nicht, ich kann aber leider noch nicht nachvollziehen, wann genau das nicht geht, muss das morgen nochmal testen....

Die Plugins umschalten im ACT Mode ist super und mir scheint jetzt geht auch die Lernfunktion besser, die Regler sind nicht mehr durcheinander nach der Lernfunktion.

Manchmal funzte das Auswählen der Spuren nicht oder vielmehr wurde die falsche Spur aktiv geschaltet....aber auch dazu morgen mehr!

Bis denne,


Quoteder ConsEmu Knopf und der EQ Type Knopf gehen nicht bei mir.
bei mir gehen sie - aber sie reagieren etwas seltsam!
man muss recht flott rechts drehen um hochzuschalten, aber links rum gehts zu schnell.
K.A. warum die so reagieren.

QuoteManchmal funzte das Auswählen der Spuren nicht
Ja, das hab ich auch manchmal und auch noch keine Ahnung wodurch es passiert. Es hat was mit Focus zu tun, weil mit "Bus" hin/her wechseln (oder spätestens mit Mausklick) gehts dann wieder. Das hätte ich noch gerne verbessert...
Aber sonst ist´s für mich schon ziemlich optimal.


Quote from: MarKo on August 18, 2015, 11:51:08 PM
Quoteder ConsEmu Knopf und der EQ Type Knopf gehen nicht bei mir.
bei mir gehen sie - aber sie reagieren etwas seltsam!
man muss recht flott rechts drehen um hochzuschalten, aber links rum gehts zu schnell.
K.A. warum die so reagieren.
So reagieren diese Parameters auf kleine Änderungen. Ich habe in AlphaTrack preset dagegen gekämpft. Eine generelle Lösung habe ich noch nicht implementiert, der einzige Weg ist "Ausnahmelist" für bestimmte Parameters für jeder VST/ProChannel.     

QuoteManchmal funzte das Auswählen der Spuren nicht
Ja, das hab ich auch manchmal und auch noch keine Ahnung wodurch es passiert. Es hat was mit Focus zu tun, weil mit "Bus" hin/her wechseln (oder spätestens mit Mausklick) gehts dann wieder. Das hätte ich noch gerne verbessert...
Aber sonst ist´s für mich schon ziemlich optimal.
Ich habe noch nicht das Preset getestet, hast du Strip Type Monitoring mit korrekte Track/Bus Umschaltung? Zum Beispiel wie in AlphaTrack preset.