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Started by MarKo, October 05, 2015, 11:03:19 PM

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Fine, must be different classnames on your systems, but now i check for title only.
And i hope saving will work now too - sorry for a VERY bad mistake >:(
I did not change anything about the symbols, but i´ll look into that now.
Edit: re-uploaded with small change for font.charset


Great! It completely functional now. Sync works and saving works.

One small font fix till perfection....  ;)


Great that it´s now working for you too!
QuoteOne small font fix till perfection
So there was no change with last version?

@Heinz: do you see the symbols in the list for control-types?


Quote from: MarKo on October 10, 2015, 09:41:13 AM
Great that it´s now working for you too!
QuoteOne small font fix till perfection
So there was no change with last version?
No :(


Try this version:
because of dependencies it´s too big for uploading here.
Changed to listview with icons.

EDIT: Link removed, because uploading now possible (thanks!)
download the latest version here: SonActEdit


Yes, this one show control types. Thanks!

PS. I have modified the forum configuration so you (I mean "Power user" ;) ) can upload files into the "Downloads/Other". You can then make a link in the post to the section (as I do inside "About") or directly to the file. I do not want allow exe/zip in general attachments and there is no way to specify per user group attachments rules. That is why I use separate Downloads add-on.


Thank you for allowing uploading to Download-section.
i already moved it there and removed all previous versions from attachements.


I see I forgot to set auto-approval for your downloads... it should work now.
Also direct link can be used (easy for users), like ACT Editor


I have added a link to this thread from documentation and some additional information:,13.msg107.html#msg107

Comments about current Editor:
Sonar is periodically putting garbage into parameter names. It looks like that does not influence sonar operations, but the editor can not load the file then (with xml parser error). I do not have an example (I have solved the problem with my xml in-between), but may be you load the file as UTF8. I guess Sonar understand and generate at most 8859-1, so some not valid for UTF codes can appear.

1) an option to remove plug-in information from the file. It is easy by ACT Learn to make incorrect mapping with duplicated parameter ids and/or removed parameters. It is not easy to restore it by ACT Learn. And till that is done, the editor does not "see" missed parameters or behave strange in case of id duplication. Removing relevant section and letting Sonar recreate it solve that problem.
2) an option to save one plug-in/specified group of plug-ins/all changed plug-ins in separate XML file. I have tested that it works with "ACT XML import" in Sonar than. First, it is possible to test changes without restarting Sonar (by importing the file). And it is possible to distribute the resulting XML (I have already use that for FX Chain to answer question in official forum). Good BCR2000 mapping can be not so good on other devices, but I think the Editor is good for generic controllers too
3) save "Follow AZCtrl" and "Always on top" settings to avoid setting them after every restart.
3) (old, but I mention that since that is the only wish left) another row for sliders 9-16.

Another wish I have implemented inside AZ Controller: option to make XML file text editor friendly. I had to do this to understand why the Editor can not load the file (it was logging problem in line "0", since the whole file was one line only...).


QuoteI have added a link to this thread from documentation and some additional information
Thanks for linking and also your additional infos - you saved me some work  ;)
QuoteSonar is periodically putting garbage into parameter names.
i have never seen that - is this only with Platinum?
Quoteeditor can not load the file then (with xml parser error). I do not have an example (I have solved the problem with my xml in-between), but may be you load the file as UTF8. I guess Sonar understand and generate at most 8859-1, so some not valid for UTF codes can appear.
if this happens again, please send me example XML.
i have to read it as UTF8, because it declares itself as such: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
i´m using MSXML-lib, which does this automatically. Maybe it fails if content does not match the encoding, but i´ve never seen this before.
Quote1) an option to remove plug-in information from the file.
this is already done for next version.
The editor tries to avoid errors with removed params. if it finds params which are currently not assigned, they get assigned after the last used slider. And because also empty places are not valid in generic.xml (i´ve tried everything i could think of), i´ve included the "check" (which is also done on saving). This ensures that any empty places in the current layout is filled with neighbour-params, so the layout stays the same. Otherwise all following params would get shifted.
And duplicate params are perfectly valid (at least on X3) - that´s what i use all the time. I often use some "dummy" param to fill gaps if i want a specific layout. Let´s say i have an EQ with 4 bands, but my BCR has 8 columns. To get the layout similar to PlugIN-UI, i have to fill the 4 right columns with these dummy params.
Quotesave "Follow AZCtrl" and "Always on top" settings
will be in next version
Quoteanother row for sliders 9-16.
i´ve been experimenting with a more generic UI, but have to do i little bit more.
Quotemake XML file text editor friendly
i know - it´s just a stylesheet missing.
I use notepad++ (not only for XML) - it´s just one command to get XML "pretty-print".

thanks for your feedback!


PS: if you are still missing my message on OF - i have reasons.
First, i still have not finished a good description.
The second you could guess if you look at the last pic here:,237.msg1082.html#new
In short: i think it works best, if you can really see this all in full action.
So i´ve started trying videos, but that´s not so easy as it seems and will take some additional time, but i think it´s worth.

PPS: it happend now the third time that the forum crashed and was not reachable at all.
i´m saving my text now separately because i lost already written messages while clicking on "Preview" or "post".
maybe i wrote too much  ;)
i guess this is somewhere hosted - or do you know more about this?


Quote from: MarKo on October 15, 2015, 11:22:42 PM
PPS: it happend now the third time that the forum crashed and was not reachable at all.
i´m saving my text now separately because i lost already written messages while clicking on "Preview" or "post".
maybe i wrote too much  ;)
i guess this is somewhere hosted - or do you know more about this?
I have not seen any problems since long time, and I do not see any errors in logs.

The site is hosted on supported German service, please let me know which error you get the next time it happens. Or the site was just get "not reachable"?  They are friendly (well... then have to be, I pay for that  ;) ). I am not a big company and I do not rent dedicated host, so I think several minutes of downtime per month can be tolerated, but not more.


Quotelet me know which error you get
no error at all, it just stays at "fetching preview" and nothing happens for minutes.
if i then try to refresh, go back,... the text is lost and sometimes the whole domain keeps unreachable for some time (checked that from smartphone too). But that intermediate message (fetching...) says that it has been transferred - but it never returns.

after rethinking: maybe just some general provider/inet errors between us...


Quote from: MarKo on October 15, 2015, 11:15:18 PM
QuoteI have added a link to this thread from documentation and some additional information
Thanks for linking and also your additional infos - you saved me some work  ;)
Documentation part is the last thing anyone want to do... I know  ;)

QuoteSonar is periodically putting garbage into parameter names.
i have never seen that - is this only with Platinum?
No, that is plug-in dependent. Some old (included into Sonar) produce garbage in parameter values and names. I had to put some protection against that into Text Action, that is how I hit that initially.

Quoteeditor can not load the file then (with xml parser error). I do not have an example (I have solved the problem with my xml in-between), but may be you load the file as UTF8. I guess Sonar understand and generate at most 8859-1, so some not valid for UTF codes can appear.
if this happens again, please send me example XML.
i have to read it as UTF8, because it declares itself as such: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
i´m using MSXML-lib, which does this automatically. Maybe it fails if content does not match the encoding, but i´ve never seen this before.
That has happened after "MIDI learn" of one FX Chain templates. Sonar writes that garbage "as is", but it looks like it can load it then.

Quote1) an option to remove plug-in information from the file.
this is already done for next version.
The editor tries to avoid errors with removed params. if it finds params which are currently not assigned, they get assigned after the last used slider.
I have got the problem with test FX Chain. I have assigned the same parameter to different knobs and then have "ACT Learned" them. Instead of putting "id=5 name=Pxx" and "id=6 name=Pxx", sonar has created both records with "id=5" and even when I have assigned that parameter to button control, it is still used "id=5". I guess that is the case when people report "ACT Learn does not work with XYZ", because it really looks like you can not get rid of it with ACT learn. I will let you know in case I reproduce that.

Quotemake XML file text editor friendly
i know - it´s just a stylesheet missing.
I use notepad++ (not only for XML) - it´s just one command to get XML "pretty-print".
As I have mentioned, I have done that inside AZ Controller (I also filter not printable characters there). It was faster for me to implement simple alignment then find some editor which does that (or remember how to ask emacs to do that...). But then I have decided to practice file operations in Windows API (AZ Controller is not reading/writing anything so far). And then I have noticed I can just compile it with AZ Controller by adding 2 lines to call it from "Tweak..." and so I did  :D


i´m not sure if i understand...
QuoteI have assigned the same parameter to different knobs and then have "ACT Learned" them.
you did this with my editor? and afterwards ACT-learned? that makes no sense to me.
I´m using editor as replacement for ACT-learning (because that´s so buggy).
Mixing editor and ACT-learning will likely produce strange results - is this what you are saying?

QuoteAnd then I have noticed I can just compile it with AZ Controller by adding 2 lines to call it from "Tweak..." and so I did  :D
sorry, but i really can´t guess what you mean  :(