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SysEx messages all mapping to ctrl 85

Started by Linzmeister, July 21, 2016, 05:34:27 PM

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Quote from: Linzmeister on October 01, 2016, 03:23:16 PM
QuoteNow I see why you only want 1 MIDI message per physical control.... and I can see a way to get there with both you and the yamy being happy..

On further reflection... no I can't :( - I can only reduce the messages a physical fader sends to a count of 7 (channel level, and 6 Aux/Fx levels), but I can't make it 1 message per fader.
Yes, that is why I have mentioned that this part is "complex"  ;)

On another note I have realized that I can set multiple Action (Pre)conditions per Action Configuration/Statement, which reduced the length of the Action List/Function and the text of the Last Control Actions list on the Overview Tab quite a lot..  This tells me that the Action Conditions are effectively an IF programming construct.  If X==A AND Y==B AND Z==C   Slowly putting the pieces together. :):):)   Those deceptive little drop down boxes can do so much more than I initially thought...  So I have modified my Screen page function as shown below.,11.0.html
It covers everything except monitoring.

PS. I am still without Internet at home and extra busy (at work and home). That is going to continue at least another week. Sorry.


Thank you, I have seen the programming for musicians post.  I am quite familiar with everything that is written there.  It explains quite well the fundamentals of logic and operators and operands of pretty much every language ever written

The thing that page is missing is how to say IF, AND, Start loop, End Loop... with the drop down boxes in AZ controller.  I am getting very comfortable with the interface now, but it just takes a little time.

I have been merging your version 15 with my version 13 and other changes I made.  I have an idea to modify the Select feedback to include the current screen# and page# which I have successfully deciphered.

I'll send you the merged updated preset when I am done.


Hi Alexy,

After putting the preset configuration aside for a while to focus on other projects, and the holidays, I am back into thinking about it again.  Please see the attached attempt at merging the previous versions.  I know I have broken a couple of things, which I can't figure out how to fix.  I tried to change the WAI width from 12 Tracks, 2 Busses, 1 output, to 14 Tracks, 1 Bus. 

I made changes to the Select buttons functions _Sel 1-12 Set(_Ch) & _Sel 13-16 Set(_Ch).  That may be the source of my problem, but I have finished thinking through it correctly.  RTNs 1&2 Select buttons also show problems now in that it will move a bank left and right, but not as expected.  RTN1 moves WAI to Chs 1-14 and RTN2 moves WAI to Ch 28-41.  Multiple presses of either button do not move additional banks left or right, always those 2 banks of 14 tracks.

I am aware that the ordering of the functions is getting a little messy too.

I used the AzCtrlExp tool to export and the Total commander file comparison to match up everything I could see.  I couldn't see any of the Monitor priorities in the export so I may have completely screwed them up.

I have added the _fScreenPage Logic which accompanies the SELect MIDI message which also has WAI commands - some of which may well be poorly thought out at this stage.


I had bad feeling that I left this preset in unfinished state. Good we can return and polish it.

I am in the middle of new and rather interesting for me development, partially AZ Controller related but mostly pure accessibility tools. And I have promised to fix yet another related preset for AZ Controller. So I can not jump to your preset right now. But I will look within several days and let you know when we can continue.


It was me who left it unfinished.

My studio is not air conditioned and it is summer here.  It has been too hot to spend much time in there.


I think I found one of the errors I introduced. 

On the RTN 1&2 SELect buttons, (for some unknown reason) I have changed WAI +/- 12 to Selected Track +/- 14.. 

I will change, test and verify tonight..


I am still in my "new generation screen reader" staff..

Your guess is correct, you need WAI as the reference (current - 14 is always the same, till current is changed)

For 14 strips: you have difference between your _Sel(1-12) Set and _Set(13-16). Before they was doing different things, but now you want all 14 control the same strip type. So you no longer need _Set(13-16) and have to replace calls to it to (1-12) in "Sel (13/14)" and "Sel (15/16)" controls. Also do not forget to do the same change in "Sel (13/14) : :Parameter Value Monitor" (and 15/16) feedback (I mean you should no longer call "_Sel 13-16 ValMon(_Ch)" there, but "_Sel 1-12 ValMon(_Ch)")


And I presume that in:     
((None)) _Sel 1-12 ValMon(_Ch) :

I need to add:
'_Ch:13' - Selected -> 13, set engine state
'_Ch:14' - Selected -> 14, set engine state


Ah... yes. In general since you have the device, the probability you notice something should be added is hi  ;)


Hi Alexy,

Are you finished with your screen reader?  I see a lot more activity here recently.  I have not done very much myself since posting last.

One of the things that I am struggling with is to get the screen and page modes working.  Your original _Sel Feedback function is:

_Sel Feedback :  : State Monitor
- SysEx/MIDI+: Begin:  f0 43 10 3e 4 23 1
'Selected:17' - SysEx: End:  16 10 0 f7 *
- SysEx/MIDI+: Append: position of (Selected)
- SysEx: End:  10 0 f7

My updated and broken attempt which is supposed to allow Screen and Page Mode switching is:
_Sel Feedback :  : State Monitor
- SysEx/MIDI+: Begin:  f0 43 10 3e 4 23 1
- SysEx/MIDI+: Append: position of (Selected)
- SysEx/MIDI+: Append: (_ScreenNum)
- SysEx/MIDI+: Append: (_PageNum)
- SysEx: End:  f7

What is the purpose of the bold line in your functional version?  Is that the Out of WAI indicator?
As I am writing this I think I should try:

_Sel Feedback :  : State Monitor
- SysEx/MIDI+: Begin:  f0 43 10 3e 4 23 1
'Selected:17'  - SysEx/MIDI+: Append: 16
'Last action:Failed'
- SysEx/MIDI+: Append: position of (Selected)
- SysEx/MIDI+: Append: (_ScreenNum)
- SysEx/MIDI+: Append: (_PageNum)
- SysEx: End:  f7

I have also noticed that when the 01V is in LOCAL ON mode, that it still transmits and responds to received MIDI.  I think we need to add a line at the start of MIDI received Logic functions and also during Sonar initiated feedback:
            if LOCAL=ON Do Nothing and end (Undefined *)
I know you have created a Hardware/Software State for this, but I am not at my studio computer at the moment - just thinking through some exports I saved into my dropbox.


Quote from: Linzmeister on April 21, 2017, 02:42:09 AM
Are you finished with your screen reader?  I see a lot more activity here recently.  I have not done very much myself since posting last.
I have progress here and there.. but things go slooowly. Screen reader is probably going to be endless story. One chapter is going to be finished this weekend, but that it not the end.

To rework the preset or answer any questions I have to dive into it again. I no longer remember fine details.

So many things are pending, everything is interesting and everything looks like "one step away". I need a time plan which I do not have  :(


Sure.  I realise it has been several months since thinking about this preset.  I am having to familiarise myself with the structure too.

Is it possible to move the WAI for the bus through midi command - like banking through tracks?  I have changed to 14 tracks, 1 buss from the original 12,2,1 configuration.  I want to have the master fader control the bus of the selected Aux/Fx mode for some screen/page changes.  Of course, I can drag the on screen WAI indicator with the mouse, and the 01V master fader responds to a different Sonar bus correctly already.

I do quite a lot of bus automation, so wanted faster access to the bus faders.

With the _fScreenPage function I made, I can now use the pages of the home screen to toggle between track and busses, with feedback (faster than hitting transport then track or bus buttons on channel 12), but 01V ch 1 fader and Master fader move to the same value at the same time ... Getting the same MIDI message from AZ and WAI bus 15 is not controlling any 01V fader. I changed WAI to 0 tracks and 15 busses and set strip ->Bus and focus to mains view.

I have still got the Select feedback a little screwed up, but I am getting closer to working, by saving a copy of the preset and deleting things that I have added from one copy to find the offender.  A process of elimination.  Almost correct now.


There is exactly one WAI region for each strip type. But it is possible to make "internal" wai by creating Some state (1...128) and changing it like WAI (so making strip selection this state dependent and add +-1 state to move).



So if tracks 15-28 are in WAI range, I can move the bus WAI from 1 to X without changing tracks WAI because they are different strip types?

So I would use something like the _Ch State and set it to the desired value?


May be I have not completely understood you question, but yes, you can move Bus WAI independent from Track WAI.

Strip Bus WAI +1

Shift but WAI one bus right , leaving track WAI where it is.