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SysEx messages all mapping to ctrl 85

Started by Linzmeister, July 21, 2016, 05:34:27 PM

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When many places are changed and there is no way to check the result, the probability everything is broken is hi  ;)

Quote from: Linzmeister on May 10, 2017, 02:47:43 PM
Quote from: azslow3 on May 09, 2017, 07:38:19 PM
The preset assume that 01v sends "Select" when you press "On". It will a kind of "ignore" it (immediately selecting "correct" channel). If that re-selection interfere with something 01V for some channels/returns, that can produce problems. If 01v is configured to NOT send SEL on ON (is there such option? reading the documentation, I remember some options for "auto" choosing for different things...), then the preset will skip next real SEL... We have to clarify that.
Ah, no. 01V Sends select message with SOLO button not with ON button..
The only auto options are for Pan Screen and EQ screen - which I have turned off.  They do not output MIDI when changed.  That is up to me to manually set.
Ok, removed. It still was there for 1-8 channels ON in your last version (comment was for 9-16 only).

* I completely reworked ON feedback, including MODE feedback. Please check all modes and corresponding feedback.
Intermittent problem:
In Default Mode, on buttons are acting like momentary buttons.  Sonar track MUTE state toggles each time 01V ON is pressed. 
After pressing 01V, LED turns off for a moment then always reverts to LED on - regardless of Sonar mute state.  After flipping around quite a bit I noticed it was working well.  Seemed tied into AUX 1 page 2.  Changing modes a couple of times with RTN ON buttons fixed the behavior..
There is one bug in my part, one problematic definition (old time there) and rather fancy lines in you _ScreePage which I have overseen. Should be better now.

Automation mode:  1-13/14 are fine. 
15/16 is always on and doesn't appear to change anything visible.  Pressing 15/16 the LED turns off and back on immediately.

Mon/Arm mode:  11-12 are fine.  13/14 & 15/16 are trying to be ACT R500
I deleted the Mode Arm ACT R500 and copied the Call (None) _fOn Set(_Ch) to after the monitor and the last 2 ON buttons worked.
Yes, 13/14 and 15/16 had some "flash back", from times they was buses.

* In AUX/FX Fader modes (so current Sends logical mode), ON buttons should control (and indicate) corresponding Send Enable.

Sometimes 01V LEDS constantly on.  Pressing turns LED off briefly.  No State change of Sonar Send..
May be fixed... at least the indication should be correct now.

Sonar Send ON Logic is inverted with respect to MUTE logic...  Up to this point we were working with Sonar MUTE button, so we reversed the 01V LED feedback.  Because 01V button is an ON button, and the Send is an ON button.. is it possible to revert to positive feedback logic for Sends ON but negative logic for MUTES??

* 17-24 "ON"s should be mappable and Dynamic Buttons (some people report difficulties in mapping buttons in plug-ins, at least the first time).
First atempt to assign CH 1 ON to Sonitus Compressor TYPE - resulted in Attack time changing. So I assigned Attack time to Fader 1, and re-assigned ON 1 to TYPE and ON 2&3 to LIMITER and TCR and they appeared to work better.. exit, restart, exit, ACT FIX save and exit.. etc.. restart, all seemed to be working still.
If your sonar is later then recent Platinum, always start with "Clear" mapping to avoid fancy effects. So start Sonar, select the plug-in (not ACT Learn yet), close sonar (that created default mapping). Using ACT Fix clear it (for that plug-in, for AZ Controller surface). Start Sonar and map from scratch...

It should "back to life", with feedback, in all Fader modes (controlling corresponding Bus Send).
I think there is some of your testing logic still in place.  When I look at overview tab, the HWFaderMode and _CH is changing depending on the Master fader level.
Some fixes applied.

I don't know if it is important or not..  I appended extra Software States to:
           _FaderMode      ACT  and
           HWFaderMode  Option I/O
and in _fScsreenPage I added a couple of lines to set these states when VAL=10

It seemed to be working without, but for readability of the overview window it made better sense to me as I think it was indicating AUX 4 when actually in Option I/O mode.
Well, its time to ask you what you try to achieve with your _ScreenPage. I mean what logical modes you want in which physical mode. We have to clean up that function...

From my understanding, Option I/O should select Ch 17-24 for current general Fader mode. I mean if AUX1 is selected, Options I/O switch first 8 faders as controlling Ch 17-24 AUX1. And so Option I/O is NOT HWFaderMode.
We dedicate Ch17-24 to Dynamic ACT, in all faders modes (logically), so it is not _FaderMode as well. Sorry.
I think that make sense, for example you modify some BUS FX and want mute some sends to it. So, you stay let say in AUX2 and switch Option I/O (a kind of On/Off, I do not know how it works on 01v, can you just press it second time or you have to press AUX2 explicitly?). I think that is more logical than ask switching to Home and then to Options I/O (which will be the case to control something different for AUX2 Options I/O)

So, please recheck again. If ok, I can start to work with Solo and we can start to discuss and implement _ScreenPage logic.


Quote from: azslow3 on May 10, 2017, 06:31:59 PM
Ok, removed. It still was there for 1-8 channels ON in your last version (comment was for 9-16 only).
There was some ignoreSelect() in Master ON and RTNs 1&2 ON.

* I completely reworked ON feedback, including MODE feedback. Please check all modes and corresponding feedback.
Intermittent problem:
In Default Mode, on buttons are acting like momentary buttons.  Sonar track MUTE state toggles each time 01V ON is pressed. 
After pressing 01V, LED turns off for a moment then always reverts to LED on - regardless of Sonar mute state.  After flipping around quite a bit I noticed it was working well.  Seemed tied into AUX 1 page 2.  Changing modes a couple of times with RTN ON buttons fixed the behavior..
There is one bug in my part, one problematic definition (old time there) and rather fancy lines in you _ScreePage which I have overseen. Should be better now.
Pressing any of ST Master, RTN1 or RTN 2 ON buttons started the MODE oscillating: Auto --> Default --> Auto --> Default   (ON 1-14 and SOLO 1-14 were trying to keep up and were flashing too)
I could see the last midi message On Btn St/Master() value changing f-->7-->f--> 7 too..  the Master and RTNs can stay with positive logic permanently as they never affect Mute or Send ON.

Automation mode:  1-13/14 are fine. 
15/16 is always on and doesn't appear to change anything visible.  Pressing 15/16 the LED turns off and back on immediately.

Mon/Arm mode:  1-12 are fine.  13/14 & 15/16 are trying to be ACT R500
I deleted the Mode Arm ACT R500 and copied the Call (None) _fOn Set(_Ch) to after the monitor and the last 2 ON buttons worked.
Yes, 13/14 and 15/16 had some "flash back", from times they was buses.
SOLO 13/14 & 15/16 suffer the same flash back symptoms - also Mirroring SOLO 1.   Changing SOLO 1, 13/14 or 15/16 changes all 3 SOLO LEDs.. only affecting Sonar Solo WAI 1

* In AUX/FX Fader modes (so current Sends logical mode), ON buttons should control (and indicate) corresponding Send Enable.

Sometimes 01V LEDS constantly on.  Pressing turns LED off briefly.  No State change of Sonar Send..
May be fixed... at least the indication should be correct now.
Yup, all good.  Controls Sonar and gives correct feedback..

Sonar Send ON Logic is inverted with respect to MUTE logic...  Up to this point we were working with Sonar MUTE button, so we reversed the 01V LED feedback.  Because 01V button is an ON button, and the Send is an ON button.. is it possible to revert to positive feedback logic for Sends ON but negative logic for MUTES??
Nicely done.  As Mentioned above,  might this be part of the oscillating Mode??

* 17-24 "ON"s should be mappable and Dynamic Buttons (some people report difficulties in mapping buttons in plug-ins, at least the first time).
First atempt to assign CH 1 ON to Sonitus Compressor TYPE - resulted in Attack time changing. So I assigned Attack time to Fader 1, and re-assigned ON 1 to TYPE and ON 2&3 to LIMITER and TCR and they appeared to work better.. exit, restart, exit, ACT FIX save and exit.. etc.. restart, all seemed to be working still.
If your sonar is later then recent Platinum, always start with "Clear" mapping to avoid fancy effects. So start Sonar, select the plug-in (not ACT Learn yet), close sonar (that created default mapping). Using ACT Fix clear it (for that plug-in, for AZ Controller surface). Start Sonar and map from scratch...
Despite having read your instruction 3 times, and the ACT FIX post twice, I still dived in too early with the learning.    I skipped the first couple of step exactly like you said.  Lesson learned.. :)

It should "back to life", with feedback, in all Fader modes (controlling corresponding Bus Send).
I think there is some of your testing logic still in place.  When I look at overview tab, the HWFaderMode and _CH is changing depending on the Master fader level.
Some fixes applied.
Getting better.  After I let go of the Master Fader, I see Sonar Fader move a tiny bit.  After MotorTimeout, 01V fader motor gives a little tick sound.  Sometimes a large jump +/- 15db or more.  Moving 01V fader causes Sonar Fader to jump to catch up to 01V.

Well, its time to ask you what you try to achieve with your _ScreenPage. I mean what logical modes you want in which physical mode. We have to clean up that function...
As you can see I have a very clear picture of what FX1 - Aux 4 should do - including their 2 or 3 pages each.
       I would like the SOLO buttons to map to the Pre/Post for each Send 1-14.
EQ maps faders to Pro Channel EQ
               ON1-16 maps to PC EQ on
Dynamics maps faders to PC Compressor
                          COMP ON 1-16 to PC Compressor ON
                          Pan to Sonar Gain
Pan/Routing Page 2 to map Pan control to INPUT patch
                     Page 3 to map Pan control to OUTPUT/Bus patch
Remote is too much hard work.. not a problem.  You are right - we  have plenty of controls now..
Phase Delay Page 1 to map to Sonar phase

This leaves 4 buttons with many pages free for future thinking.

Crazy idea 1)   You said 8 ACT faders was not enough.  How many ACT controls would you think are necessary?  Should the remaining screen buttons be assigned to ACT too?  Obviously they have 14 faders, 28 buttons and 112 EQ rotaries per screen/Page combination.. I'll step away from the ledge now...   :-X :-\ :o ;D

Crazy idea 2)  Put the Mode buttons on top row, and provide more instant touch transports buttons on ST/Master and RTN1&2 ONs?

From my understanding, Option I/O should select Ch 17-24 for current general Fader mode. I mean if AUX1 is selected, Options I/O switch first 8 faders as controlling Ch 17-24 AUX1.
No.  Without the hardware to see what it does this bit certainly can be confusing.  Touching OPTION I/O sets first 8 faders to CH 17-24 Channel fader regardless of previous fader mode Aux/FX etc.. 

17-24's Aux 1&2, FX 1&2 are LCD screen controls only.  Page 58 of the User Manual has a photo of OPT I/I page 2..  The fader and EQ G and F are the only physical controls.  Aux and FX must navigate with cursor and data wheel.

In LOCAL OFF mode, Pages 1,3 and 4 are disabled - they simply say RESERVED and page 5 while it has settings, they don't make any practical sense to use..  We could use the OPTION I/O pages as the ACT banks, freeing up some buttons, and giving 5*8 ACT faders

I think that make sense, for example you modify some BUS FX and want mute some sends to it. So, you stay let say in AUX2 and switch Option I/O (a kind of On/Off, I do not know how it works on 01v, can you just press it second time or you have to press AUX2 explicitly?). I think that is more logical than ask switching to Home and then to Options I/O (which will be the case to control something different for AUX2 Options I/O)
Hmm...  If using ACT to modify the BUS FX, and wanting to mute the sends to it, I would start in OPT I/O to control ACT, then just press AUX 2 to turn sends On and Off.  No, there is no need to go Home first.  Really quick operation.


Quote from: Linzmeister on May 11, 2017, 02:10:25 PM
Quote from: azslow3 on May 10, 2017, 06:31:59 PM
Ok, removed. It still was there for 1-8 channels ON in your last version (comment was for 9-16 only).
There was some ignoreSelect() in Master ON and RTNs 1&2 ON.

Pressing any of ST Master, RTN1 or RTN 2 ON buttons started the MODE oscillating: Auto --> Default --> Auto --> Default   (ON 1-14 and SOLO 1-14 were trying to keep up and were flashing too)
I could see the last midi message On Btn St/Master() value changing f-->7-->f--> 7 too..  the Master and RTNs can stay with positive logic permanently as they never affect Mute or Send ON.[/quote
I forgot to remove looping back option for St ON. Fixed.

SOLO 13/14 & 15/16 suffer the same flash back symptoms - also Mirroring SOLO 1.   Changing SOLO 1, 13/14 or 15/16 changes all 3 SOLO LEDs.. only affecting Sonar Solo WAI 1
I do not remember asking you to check SOLO... I have clearly stated it is not done yet :o

Despite having read your instruction 3 times, and the ACT FIX post twice, I still dived in too early with the learning.    I skipped the first couple of step exactly like you said.  Lesson learned.. :)
Even with all my efforts, initial ACT setup is still difficult.

Getting better.  After I let go of the Master Fader, I see Sonar Fader move a tiny bit.  After MotorTimeout, 01V fader motor gives a little tick sound.  Sometimes a large jump +/- 15db or more.  Moving 01V fader causes Sonar Fader to jump to catch up to 01V.
I could not understand the the problem, so a bit more detailed please:
1) you move WAI BUS fader in Sonar (or WAI BUS Send in Sonar, when 01Y in AUX Fader modes). Does 01V moves correctly? If not, is that in all modes (Home, AUX-14, FX) or in some? If it moves, but not correctly, what is exact observation?
2) you move Master fader on 01v. What is happening in Sonar? Just tiny change and then no future movement? Switch to the Overview tab. Do you see changes in executed actions between the very first move (when Sonar reacted) and future? What is the change?

Well, its time to ask you what you try to achieve with your _ScreenPage. I mean what logical modes you want in which physical mode. We have to clean up that function...
As you can see I have a very clear picture of what FX1 - Aux 4 should do - including their 2 or 3 pages each.
If you mean your _fScreePage definition, no... it is not clear picture  ;)

Immediate question: when you change Screen, do Pages are remembered? I mean if you was on Screen Home Page 2, then change to Screen EQ and then back to Home, is it still Page 2?

I would like the SOLO buttons to map to the Pre/Post for each Send 1-14.
No SOLO yet...

EQ maps faders to Pro Channel EQ
               ON1-16 maps to PC EQ on
Dynamics maps faders to PC Compressor
               COMP ON 1-16 to PC Compressor ON
If you mean Ch 1-14 ON indicate switch EQ/Comp on each channel, that is possible (works reliably only in case corresponding module was ever switched ON in that project).
For controlling EQ/Comp itself, I propose to use ACT Dynamic mapping. For many bugs that works better (and faster...). The only 2 cases when it make sense provide different way
are: controlling several EQ/Comps from different strips (like with On) ; controlling several modules in parallel (f.e. EQ + Comp).

Pan to Sonar Gain
You remember that Pan knob has only 32 states, right? May be better have Fader Screen/Page for that?

Pan/Routing Page 2 to map Pan control to INPUT patch
                   Page 3 to map Pan control to OUTPUT/Bus patch
Too buggy on Sonar side, even when work more or less correctly, requires real encoder or 2 buttons to work stable (pan 32 states knob is rather bad for that). AUX Tracks or FXes with side-chain enable brakes (I mean even a single one in the whole project) render that switching from control surfaces broken.

Phase Delay Page 1 to map to Sonar phase
Is that not just a switch like mute/solo? May be some page in Home screen? I do not remember what we have defined by "ON" button modes and may be it is better move that to pages. I mean echo/phase/rec.arm/auto.rec.arm... we have 2 sets of buttons, so with 5 pages 10 parameters can be covered. And we can "free" ON buttons. F.e. make Master ON dedicated "Track/Bus" switch.

Crazy idea 1)   You said 8 ACT faders was not enough.  How many ACT controls would you think are necessary?  Should the remaining screen buttons be assigned to ACT too?  Obviously they have 14 faders, 28 buttons and 112 EQ rotaries per screen/Page combination.. I'll step away from the ledge now...   :-X :-\ :o ;D
Taking reworking of Ch17-24 into account, may be we should move ACT to another Screen, where all 14 channels are available. And use Option I/O for something else where 8 channel is sufficient (f.e. all sends from current strip).

Crazy idea 2)  Put the Mode buttons on top row, and provide more instant touch transports buttons on ST/Master and RTN1&2 ONs?
With "Mode" switching with Home Pages and Track/Bus on Master ON,  RTN1/2 ON can go to transport. (we have play or Solo already, so 2 buttons should be sufficient).

From my understanding, Option I/O should select Ch 17-24 for current general Fader mode. I mean if AUX1 is selected, Options I/O switch first 8 faders as controlling Ch 17-24 AUX1.
No.  Without the hardware to see what it does this bit certainly can be confusing.  Touching OPTION I/O sets first 8 faders to CH 17-24 Channel fader regardless of previous fader mode Aux/FX etc.. 

17-24's Aux 1&2, FX 1&2 are LCD screen controls only.  Page 58 of the User Manual has a photo of OPT I/I page 2..  The fader and EQ G and F are the only physical controls.  Aux and FX must navigate with cursor and data wheel.

In LOCAL OFF mode, Pages 1,3 and 4 are disabled - they simply say RESERVED and page 5 while it has settings, they don't make any practical sense to use..  We could use the OPTION I/O pages as the ACT banks, freeing up some buttons, and giving 5*8 ACT faders

I think that make sense, for example you modify some BUS FX and want mute some sends to it. So, you stay let say in AUX2 and switch Option I/O (a kind of On/Off, I do not know how it works on 01v, can you just press it second time or you have to press AUX2 explicitly?). I think that is more logical than ask switching to Home and then to Options I/O (which will be the case to control something different for AUX2 Options I/O)
Hmm...  If using ACT to modify the BUS FX, and wanting to mute the sends to it, I would start in OPT I/O to control ACT, then just press AUX 2 to turn sends On and Off.  No, there is no need to go Home first.  Really quick operation.
I will have to remove all that Ch17-24 (I mean rework basic faders definition).
There was too many SysExes in your preset, without separating what is "hardware" and what is "software".
I will keep (not working) EQ/Comp parameters in place (for F G and possible the wheel), but it is time to remove all other "software only" parameters. They really make no sense.

But lets fix all currently know problems before I make new...


Ok, probably EVERYTHING is broken... again... but hopefully the LAST time  ;)

I have eliminated Ch17-24 for Fader/ON/SOLO and transfered the logic into Ch1-8 for HWFader in OptionIO.

The logic still have to be the same, in addition Option I/O should control ACT Dynamic mapping (SOLO should indicate/switch the bank).
SOLO for AUX in default mode should control send Pre/Post.

Now we really should make all that work correctly, in all Fader Modes.

The "fun part" with defining screen/page/fader mode logic will be more or less simple. Practically the change will be in
* ON Select (may be Set/Feedback)
* SOLO Select (may be Set/Feedback)
* may be SEL 17-24 commands
* Fader Select
* _Mode :: Monitor
* _HWFaderMode :: Monitor
* _Screen / _Page :: Monitor (not yet defined)

So :
1) _ScreenPage will be reduced to setting HWFaderMode , Screen and Page states
2) corresponding monitors adjust some other states (effectively On and Solo MonitorModes) and "reset" strip controls (so faders/LED are kept in sync, even if the value does not change)
3) corresponding Select functions (so exactly 3 action lists for ON/SOLO/Faders, than we go for Pan, then F/G, may be some other "software" parameters from EQ/Comp/Phase if you still want
them when we are so far...) will define THE WHOLE Logic what is controlled and when, based on Screen, Page and HWFaderMode. As I wrote before all our efforts so far was to prepare that  ;)


Sorry for the delay in replying.  I've had a couple of huge weeks with a corporate conference gig and designing, making and rigging a Mid-Side mic array from the roof of an auditorium for a choir recital recording.

I'll get to testing this tonight or tomorrow.  I have to setup my "on location" rack in the studio again.


No problem, we already in progress for one year, several weeks is not a big delay  ;)


Ok, here goes:  Replying to your last 2 development messages in one post:

Quote from: azslow3 on May 11, 2017, 04:00:30 PM
Quote from: Linzmeister on May 11, 2017, 02:10:25 PM
Quote from: azslow3 on May 10, 2017, 06:31:59 PM
Ok, removed. It still was there for 1-8 channels ON in your last version (comment was for 9-16 only).
There was some ignoreSelect() in Master ON and RTNs 1&2 ON.
nice and clean now

Quote from: azslow3 on May 11, 2017, 04:00:30 PM
Pressing any of ST Master, RTN1 or RTN 2 ON buttons started the MODE oscillating: Auto --> Default --> Auto --> Default   (ON 1-14 and SOLO 1-14 were trying to keep up and were flashing too)
I could see the last midi message On Btn St/Master() value changing f-->7-->f--> 7 too..  the Master and RTNs can stay with positive logic permanently as they never affect Mute or Send ON.[/quote
I forgot to remove looping back option for St ON. Fixed.
yup, all good.

Quote from: azslow3 on May 11, 2017, 04:00:30 PM
Getting better.  After I let go of the Master Fader, I see Sonar Fader move a tiny bit.  After MotorTimeout, 01V fader motor gives a little tick sound.  Sometimes a large jump +/- 15db or more.  Moving 01V fader causes Sonar Fader to jump to catch up to 01V.
I could not understand the the problem, so a bit more detailed please:
1) you move WAI BUS fader in Sonar (or WAI BUS Send in Sonar, when 01Y in AUX Fader modes). Does 01V moves correctly? If not, is that in all modes (Home, AUX-14, FX) or in some? If it moves, but not correctly, what is exact observation?
2) you move Master fader on 01v. What is happening in Sonar? Just tiny change and then no future movement? Switch to the Overview tab. Do you see changes in executed actions between the very first move (when Sonar reacted) and future? What is the change?

OK, so after some very careful fader positioning and observation I can say -
in Default Mode, Home Screen Page 1 - WAI 14 TRACKS & 1 BUS mode:

Using 01V Master Fader to set Sonar Master Fader at 0.0db, the 01V fader moves to -7.0db - Sonar Master Fader stays at 0.00
Using Sonar Master fader to set 01V Master Fader at 0.0db, the 01V fader moves to -7.0db - Sonar Master Fader stays at 0.00 

Then moving Sonar Master Fader, 01V fader Jumps back up to 0.0 position and drops back down when mouse button is released.
Moving 01V Master fader the least amount possible, sonar Master fader jumps to -7.0 db
Moving 01V Master fader to -20.3 db - Sonar fader stays at -20.3, 01V Master fader jumps up to -7.3db. 
Moving 01V Master fader the least amount possible, Sonar Master fader jumps to -7.3db to track 01V..

Using either 01V or Sonar Master fader to set to - infinity, 01V fader Master jumps up to -7 ish db - Sonar Fader stays at - infinity

There appears to be an error in the feedback to the 01V - such that it always wants to return to somewhere around -7 give or take a little bit - regardless of the Sonar Level.

Same results in WAI 15 BUS mode... 
Only 01V MASTER FADER jumps to -7db after every level change.
The CH faders behave exactly as expected.. Set a level, it stays at the the set level.

In WAI Tracks Mode - Aux Screen, the Master Fader is controlling the Aux send # of the assigned Buss, not the fader of the assigned Buss.  If I want to control the Aux sends of busses, I will switch to WAI BUS mode go to AUX screen and use ch faders to adjust levels.

Quote from: azslow3 on May 11, 2017, 04:00:30 PM
Immediate question: when you change Screen, do Pages are remembered? I mean if you was on Screen Home Page 2, then change to Screen EQ and then back to Home, is it still Page 2?
yes.. AND every time I change from one screen to another it confirms which page it is on by sending another Selected Channel message with current screen and page #s.  You don't need to keep track of which page each screen is in.  It will tell you every time a screen is changed what the current screen & page is.

Quote from: azslow3 on May 11, 2017, 04:00:30 PM
EQ maps faders to Pro Channel EQ
               ON1-16 maps to PC EQ on
Dynamics maps faders to PC Compressor
               COMP ON 1-16 to PC Compressor ON
If you mean Ch 1-14 ON indicate switch EQ/Comp on each channel, that is possible (works reliably only in case corresponding module was ever switched ON in that project).
For controlling EQ/Comp itself, I propose to use ACT Dynamic mapping. For many bugs that works better (and faster...). The only 2 cases when it make sense provide different way are: controlling several EQ/Comps from different strips (like with On) ; controlling several modules in parallel (f.e. EQ + Comp).
Yes, so in EQ/COMP screens, Faders and ON/SOLO become ACT controls, SELect chooses channel to edit as already done and faders control SELected Pro Channel EQ and Compressor respectively.

Maybe a PAN&Routing or Phase/Delay or Home Screen Page 3 screen can be general ACT controllers for Reverbs, Delays, Sonitus Gate, third party ACT plugins etc.

Quote from: azslow3 on May 11, 2017, 04:00:30 PM
Pan to Sonar Gain
You remember that Pan knob has only 32 states, right? May be better have Fader Screen/Page for that?
yes, faders can do that job. - Maybe use PAN&Routing Page 2

Quote from: azslow3 on May 11, 2017, 04:00:30 PM
Pan/Routing Page 2 to map Pan control to INPUT patch
                   Page 3 to map Pan control to OUTPUT/Bus patch
Too buggy on Sonar side, even when work more or less correctly, requires real encoder or 2 buttons to work stable (pan 32 states knob is rather bad for that). AUX Tracks or FXes with side-chain enable brakes (I mean even a single one in the whole project) render that switching from control surfaces broken.
Ooh.  You seem to have discovered many Cakewalk's flaws.  So it would work up until a Sidechain FX is in inserted??

Can Faders can do that job?  While Routing Inputs and Outputs for recording, I would normally do that prior to loading any sidechain compression busses.   But if I create a template with sidechain FX, it would be broken from the very beginning??

Quote from: azslow3 on May 11, 2017, 04:00:30 PM
Phase Delay Page 1 to map to Sonar phase
Is that not just a switch like mute/solo? May be some page in Home screen? I do not remember what we have defined by "ON" button modes and may be it is better move that to pages. I mean echo/phase/rec.arm/auto.rec.arm... we have 2 sets of buttons, so with 5 pages 10 parameters can be covered. And we can "free" ON buttons. F.e. make Master ON dedicated "Track/Bus" switch.
Yes, it is a button switch.  ON/Solo could do it.  less physical controls to keep track of..  My only thought was that they neatly show NOR and REV

Quote from: azslow3 on May 11, 2017, 04:00:30 PM
Crazy idea 1)   You said 8 ACT faders was not enough.  How many ACT controls would you think are necessary?  Should the remaining screen buttons be assigned to ACT too?  Obviously they have 14 faders, 28 buttons and 112 EQ rotaries per screen/Page combination.. I'll step away from the ledge now...   :-X :-\ :o ;D
Taking reworking of Ch17-24 into account, may be we should move ACT to another Screen, where all 14 channels are available. And use Option I/O for something else where 8 channel is sufficient (f.e. all sends from current strip).
Due to my delay in replying it looks like you have done this in v2.9 already.. comments below

Quote from: azslow3 on May 11, 2017, 04:00:30 PM
Crazy idea 2)  Put the Mode buttons on top row, and provide more instant touch transports buttons on ST/Master and RTN1&2 ONs?
With "Mode" switching with Home Pages and Track/Bus on Master ON,  RTN1/2 ON can go to transport. (we have play or Solo already, so 2 buttons should be sufficient).
The reason I suggested the Top row (UTILITY, MIDI, SETUP, VIEW [& HOME]), is that they can be one touch buttons (ignoring the pages of some screens) and I can jump from one to the other and back to HOME - without paging through HOME pages, 3,4,5 to get back to page 1..  A long press does go backwards 1 page, but operational speed is my goal.

Quote from: azslow3 on May 11, 2017, 04:00:30 PM
From my understanding, Option I/O should select Ch 17-24 for current general Fader mode. I mean if AUX1 is selected, Options I/O switch first 8 faders as controlling Ch 17-24 AUX1.
No.  Without the hardware to see what it does this bit certainly can be confusing.  Touching OPTION I/O sets first 8 faders to CH 17-24 Channel fader regardless of previous fader mode Aux/FX etc.. 

17-24's Aux 1&2, FX 1&2 are LCD screen controls only.  Page 58 of the User Manual has a photo of OPT I/I page 2..  The fader and EQ G and F are the only physical controls.  Aux and FX must navigate with cursor and data wheel.

In LOCAL OFF mode, Pages 1,3 and 4 are disabled - they simply say RESERVED and page 5 while it has settings, they don't make any practical sense to use..  We could use the OPTION I/O pages as the ACT banks, freeing up some buttons, and giving 5*8 ACT faders

I think that make sense, for example you modify some BUS FX and want mute some sends to it. So, you stay let say in AUX2 and switch Option I/O (a kind of On/Off, I do not know how it works on 01v, can you just press it second time or you have to press AUX2 explicitly?). I think that is more logical than ask switching to Home and then to Options I/O (which will be the case to control something different for AUX2 Options I/O)
Hmm...  If using ACT to modify the BUS FX, and wanting to mute the sends to it, I would start in OPT I/O to control ACT, then just press AUX 2 to turn sends On and Off.  No, there is no need to go Home first.  Really quick operation.
I will have to remove all that Ch17-24 (I mean rework basic faders definition).
There was too many SysExes in your preset, without separating what is "hardware" and what is "software".
I will keep (not working) EQ/Comp parameters in place (for F G and possible the wheel), but it is time to remove all other "software only" parameters. They really make no sense.
You have a far superior understanding than I do here.  I was scared when I first read your comment, but looking at how you have made it work and reading the preset functions, I think you are right on the money. 

You can completely delete the Bus 1-4 logic, context and hardware controls. You have already far exceeded my expectations with buss control.

Quote from: azslow3 on May 12, 2017, 06:18:02 PM
Ok, probably EVERYTHING is broken... again... but hopefully the LAST time  ;)

I have eliminated Ch17-24 for Fader/ON/SOLO and transfered the logic into Ch1-8 for HWFader in OptionIO.

The logic still have to be the same, in addition Option I/O should control ACT Dynamic mapping (SOLO should indicate/switch the bank).
SOLO for AUX in default mode should control send Pre/Post.
Beautiful!!  Yup, Solo controlling and indicating Pre/Post status on 6 sends.

Quote from: azslow3 on May 12, 2017, 06:18:02 PM
Now we really should make all that work correctly, in all Fader Modes.
I can feel it getting better and better with each revision that is made.

Quote from: azslow3 on May 12, 2017, 06:18:02 PM
The "fun part" with defining screen/page/fader mode logic will be more or less simple. Practically the change will be in
* ON Select (may be Set/Feedback)
* SOLO Select (may be Set/Feedback)
* may be SEL 17-24 commands
* Fader Select
* _Mode :: Monitor
* _HWFaderMode :: Monitor
* _Screen / _Page :: Monitor (not yet defined)

So :
1) _ScreenPage will be reduced to setting HWFaderMode , Screen and Page states
2) corresponding monitors adjust some other states (effectively On and Solo MonitorModes) and "reset" strip controls (so faders/LED are kept in sync, even if the value does not change)
3) corresponding Select functions (so exactly 3 action lists for ON/SOLO/Faders, than we go for Pan, then F/G, may be some other "software" parameters from EQ/Comp/Phase if you still want
them when we are so far...) will define THE WHOLE Logic what is controlled and when, based on Screen, Page and HWFaderMode. As I wrote before all our efforts so far was to prepare that  ;)
This is the area I struggle with the most.  I read the preset programming in this area, and I have to export with Marko's tool and try to flow chart in blocks what you are doing, because so many functions are called in sequence.  I don't yet understand the monitoring and the feedback at all well.


Sorry, I forgot to look at the Last MIDI Event while checking the Master Fader stuff.

Setting to 0.00 24 65, after it jumps, and I move it the least amount possible it sends Faders input 00 [24 47] or [24 4a] - down/up respectively so the feedback value is in between those 2 values.


Quote from: Linzmeister on May 23, 2017, 04:15:54 PM
OK, so after some very careful fader positioning and observation I can say -
I have tried to understand what can be wrong with the master fader... doing so, I have clean/fixed several other things  ;)
But I have not found anything wring in AZ Controller output to 01V.

Reading all your observations, especially:
Then moving Sonar Master Fader, 01V fader Jumps back up to 0.0 position and drops back down when mouse button is released.
I come to the conclusion... that you have Volume Automation on this bus  ???
Because the behavior in this case is (and should be) exactly as you describe. Sonar does not immediately visually revert the fader back to the automated value, but the value itself is reported from the automation, so 01V returns back to -7dB (probably strait line) every time it asks for the value (except when you move the fader my mouse in Sonar, till mouse is released, Sonar report fader position).

In WAI Tracks Mode - Aux Screen, the Master Fader is controlling the Aux send # of the assigned Buss, not the fader of the assigned Buss.  If I want to control the Aux sends of busses, I will switch to WAI BUS mode go to AUX screen and use ch faders to adjust levels.
I see you do not like that, I removed AUX control for master fader, it should always control WAI Bus volume now.

Quote from: azslow3 on May 11, 2017, 04:00:30 PM
EQ maps faders to Pro Channel EQ
               ON1-16 maps to PC EQ on
Dynamics maps faders to PC Compressor
               COMP ON 1-16 to PC Compressor ON
If you mean Ch 1-14 ON indicate switch EQ/Comp on each channel, that is possible (works reliably only in case corresponding module was ever switched ON in that project).
For controlling EQ/Comp itself, I propose to use ACT Dynamic mapping. For many bugs that works better (and faster...). The only 2 cases when it make sense provide different way are: controlling several EQ/Comps from different strips (like with On) ; controlling several modules in parallel (f.e. EQ + Comp).
Yes, so in EQ/COMP screens, Faders and ON/SOLO become ACT controls, SELect chooses channel to edit as already done and faders control SELected Pro Channel EQ and Compressor respectively.
Quoting to discuss  later...

Maybe a PAN&Routing or Phase/Delay or Home Screen Page 3 screen can be general ACT controllers for Reverbs, Delays, Sonitus Gate, third party ACT plugins etc.
"ACT Dynamic mapping" can control on plug-in at a time, the plug-in is selected by mouse or from the surface, so we just need keys to "find" correct one and focus.

Quote from: azslow3 on May 11, 2017, 04:00:30 PM
Pan to Sonar Gain
You remember that Pan knob has only 32 states, right? May be better have Fader Screen/Page for that?
yes, faders can do that job. - Maybe use PAN&Routing Page 2
See later, we need a big picture...

Quote from: azslow3 on May 11, 2017, 04:00:30 PM
Pan/Routing Page 2 to map Pan control to INPUT patch
                   Page 3 to map Pan control to OUTPUT/Bus patch
Too buggy on Sonar side, even when work more or less correctly, requires real encoder or 2 buttons to work stable (pan 32 states knob is rather bad for that). AUX Tracks or FXes with side-chain enable brakes (I mean even a single one in the whole project) render that switching from control surfaces broken.
Ooh.  You seem to have discovered many Cakewalk's flaws.  So it would work up until a Sidechain FX is in inserted??

Can Faders can do that job?  While Routing Inputs and Outputs for recording, I would normally do that prior to loading any sidechain compression busses.   But if I create a template with sidechain FX, it would be broken from the very beginning??
The bug is the following: Sonar accepts changes in In/Outs/Sends as absolute numeric numbers, so "0", "1", "2", etc. "Not connected" is usually "-1". And it has function "return max number" for that parameters. The problem - all unsupported routes (SideChains, AUX Tracks/Patch points) returning "-2", "max number" become incorrect and i have feeling something bad is going on in Sonar when surface try to operate these parameters.... There is yet another bug with naming of this connections, especially for Instrument tracks.
So, we can try later, but I can not guarantee we ever get satisfactory result. 

Quote from: azslow3 on May 11, 2017, 04:00:30 PM
Phase Delay Page 1 to map to Sonar phase
Is that not just a switch like mute/solo? May be some page in Home screen? I do not remember what we have defined by "ON" button modes and may be it is better move that to pages. I mean echo/phase/rec.arm/auto.rec.arm... we have 2 sets of buttons, so with 5 pages 10 parameters can be covered. And we can "free" ON buttons. F.e. make Master ON dedicated "Track/Bus" switch.
Yes, it is a button switch.  ON/Solo could do it.  less physical controls to keep track of..  My only thought was that they neatly show NOR and REV
Moving mountains just because 01Y display by occasion can display 3 characters correctly for Sonar? I have already such project pending - implement complete Behringer XCtl DigitalMixers network protocol, just to allow displaying Sonar strip colors on X-Touch display  ;)

The reason I suggested the Top row (UTILITY, MIDI, SETUP, VIEW [& HOME]), is that they can be one touch buttons (ignoring the pages of some screens) and I can jump from one to the other and back to HOME - without paging through HOME pages, 3,4,5 to get back to page 1..  A long press does go backwards 1 page, but operational speed is my goal.
You have a far superior understanding than I do here.  I was scared when I first read your comment, but looking at how you have made it work and reading the preset functions, I think you are right on the money. 
Quote from: azslow3 on May 12, 2017, 06:18:02 PM
Now we really should make all that work correctly, in all Fader Modes.
I can feel it getting better and better with each revision that is made.

Quote from: azslow3 on May 12, 2017, 06:18:02 PM
The "fun part" with defining screen/page/fader mode logic will be more or less simple. Practically the change will be in
This is the area I struggle with the most.  I read the preset programming in this area, and I have to export with Marko's tool and try to flow chart in blocks what you are doing, because so many functions are called in sequence.  I don't yet understand the monitoring and the feedback at all well.
May be I have written too much technical details about that. I will try with other view point.

At the moment, _ScreenPage is setting HWFaderMode, Screen, ScreenNum, Page, PageMode, PanMode, _FaderMode and does something with buses...

From all that currently in use to know which messages expect and where to send the feedback:
* HWFaderMode, for strip faders and buttons
* ScreenNum/PageNum to correctly construct Select messages feedback

From all that currently in use to define the logic, so what is controlled in Sonar:
* HWFaderMode, for Strip/AUX/ACT
* your bus manipulations (which I do not completely understand)

The rest is unused...

So, we KNOW what all controls (living EQ knobs a buttons and all internal parameters apart) send in each particular 01V mode and so where to send the feedback. That part is complete.

So we need a big picture for Logical part. So:
* what strip faders and buttons should control in each combination of HWFaderMode/Screen/Page
* how and where to define switches to select the plug-ins  for ACT Dynamic mode (EQ/Comp/Synth/FX)

After that is defined, implemented and tested, we can proceed with "extra goodies", like defining something for EQ knobs/buttons, input/output selection, etc.

But as first... we need to return the master fader under control  ;)


Aahhh, would you look at that...

I have been working with a single computer monitor for a couple of weeks..  Only re-connected the second monitor again last night so I can see console and track views at the same time...

Yes, there is automation recorded on the master bus.. -6.8 db straight line.  Sometimes the simple things can trip a guy up...  :-[

11pm here now.  I will read thoroughly and test tomorrow night.


Quote from: azslow3 on May 24, 2017, 02:33:03 PM
In WAI Tracks Mode - Aux Screen, the Master Fader is controlling the Aux send # of the assigned Buss, not the fader of the assigned Buss.  If I want to control the Aux sends of busses, I will switch to WAI BUS mode go to AUX screen and use ch faders to adjust levels.
I see you do not like that, I removed AUX control for master fader, it should always control WAI Bus volume now.
Thank you.  To get the full effect of what I am chasing, could you change:

((None)) _fCh Select(_Ch) :
'Last action:OK' - Send (HWFaderMode)-1 parameter Volume

((None)) _fSolo Select(_Ch) :
'Mode:Default' 'Last action:OK' - Send (HWFaderMode)-1 parameter Pre/post

((None)) _fOn Select(_Ch) :
'Mode:Default' 'Last action:OK' - Send (HWFaderMode)-1 parameter Enable


((None)) _fCh Select(_Ch) :
'Last action:OK' - Send (_FaderMode)-1 parameter Volume

((None)) _fSolo Select(_Ch) :
'Mode:Default' 'Last action:OK' - Send (_FaderMode)-1 parameter Pre/post

((None)) _fOn Select(_Ch) :
'Mode:Default' 'Last action:OK' - Send (_FaderMode)-1 parameter Enable

This gives me 14 Aux sends in Sonar instead of 6 aux sends by utilizing the 2 or 3 pages each of FX1-Aux4 screens.  :)
If it helps to make the meaning clearer, you can rename _FaderMode to SonarFaderMode before or after the edits above.

Quote from: azslow3 on May 24, 2017, 02:33:03 PM
The bug is the following: Sonar accepts changes in In/Outs/Sends as absolute numeric numbers, so "0", "1", "2", etc. "Not connected" is usually "-1". And it has function "return max number" for that parameters. The problem - all unsupported routes (SideChains, AUX Tracks/Patch points) returning "-2", "max number" become incorrect and i have feeling something bad is going on in Sonar when surface try to operate these parameters.... There is yet another bug with naming of this connections, especially for Instrument tracks.
So, we can try later, but I can not guarantee we ever get satisfactory result. 

Quote from: azslow3 on May 24, 2017, 02:33:03 PM
Quote from: azslow3 on May 11, 2017, 04:00:30 PM
Phase Delay Page 1 to map to Sonar phase
Is that not just a switch like mute/solo? May be some page in Home screen? I do not remember what we have defined by "ON" button modes and may be it is better move that to pages. I mean echo/phase/rec.arm/auto.rec.arm... we have 2 sets of buttons, so with 5 pages 10 parameters can be covered. And we can "free" ON buttons. F.e. make Master ON dedicated "Track/Bus" switch.
Yes, it is a button switch.  ON/Solo could do it.  less physical controls to keep track of..  My only thought was that they neatly show NOR and REV
Moving mountains just because 01Y display by occasion can display 3 characters correctly for Sonar? I have already such project pending - implement complete Behringer XCtl DigitalMixers network protocol, just to allow displaying Sonar strip colors on X-Touch display  ;)
OK.  Let's use one of the already defined buttons.

Quote from: azslow3 on May 24, 2017, 02:33:03 PM
At the moment, _ScreenPage is setting HWFaderMode, Screen, ScreenNum, Page, PageNum, PanMode, _FaderMode and does something with buses...

From all that currently in use to know which messages expect and where to send the feedback:
* HWFaderMode, for strip faders and buttons
* ScreenNum/PageNum to correctly construct Select messages feedback

From all that currently in use to define the logic, so what is controlled in Sonar:
* HWFaderMode, for Strip/AUX/ACT
* your bus manipulations (which I do not completely understand)
The bus manipulations are simply moving the WAI bus to the return of the current send.  With the addition of the first request in this post, it means that when I go to 01V:
Aux1, Page 1, the faders control Sonar send 1 and the master Fader controls the bus 1.  (Not the Master output)
Aux1, Page 2, the faders control Sonar send 2 and the master Fader controls the bus 2. 

The idea is that when adjusting the send level on input tracks, I can also adjust the return of the Reverb or Delay RETURN's BUS volume.

Quote from: azslow3 on May 24, 2017, 02:33:03 PM
The rest is unused...
It could do with a little tidy up, but there is not much in there that is not being used is there?
    _PanMode    - which you have indicated could be drastically reduced or completely removed and use faders for the functions I was thinking of using PAN controls for instead.  Although I would like it to become Aux 1-14 Pan control...
   _FaderMode  - Translates 01V Aux Send 1- FX 2 into Sonar Aux Send 1-14
    Move WAI Bus to corresponding Aux Return 1-14 Bus
   Choose Tracks or Busses based on Home Screen Page number
Quote from: azslow3 on May 24, 2017, 02:33:03 PMSo we need a big picture for Logical part. So:
* what strip faders and buttons should control in each combination of HWFaderMode/Screen/Page
* how and where to define switches to select the plug-ins  for ACT Dynamic mode (EQ/Comp/Synth/FX)
How would you like to construct the big picture?
I have some ideas, but you have far more experience in Sonar control surface API and automation control.  It seems when I offer ideas, you say they are too hard/not practical/ won't work etc. 

Do want to ask a set of questions and I answer them for you?

Quote from: azslow3 on May 24, 2017, 02:33:03 PMSo we need a big picture for Logical part. So:
After that is defined, implemented and tested, we can proceed with "extra goodies", like defining something for EQ knobs/buttons, input/output selection, etc.
I would think that is part of the big picture...

The Return SELect buttons and Master/Out of WAI Indicator are not working as they once did.  I am pretty sure I broke them when integrating  _fScreenPage into the feedback of SELect.  I can press each of these 3 buttons and they just stay on.  When working correctly, you didn't permit SELecting the MASTER and SELecting a RTN 1 or 2 behaved like a momentary switch and SELect returned to the currently selected channel or Out of WAI indicator as appropriate.


Hi Alexy,

Because I have been so busy the last couple of weeks, I have not been looking very closely at the programming changes
you have been making in the preset - I have been simply testing the things you have asked me to test.  Well, last night I took an export of v2.10 and I've have been reading through it in text form and comparing it to v2.2 in Total Commander.WOW!!!

There are so many new lines of programming.  I see the basic overview of your work and it is really impressive how you have consolidated the MIDI messages down to such a small number of AZC hardware controls and retained all of the flexibility.  I have said it before, but let me say it again.  I love your work!!  Excellent job and Thank you very much.


Please load the latest test AZ Controller,  b364.

The Return SELect buttons and Master/Out of WAI Indicator are not working as they once did.  I am pretty sure I broke them when integrating  _fScreenPage into the feedback of SELect.  I can press each of these 3 buttons and they just stay on.  When working correctly, you didn't permit SELecting the MASTER and SELecting a RTN 1 or 2 behaved like a momentary switch and SELect returned to the currently selected channel or Out of WAI indicator as appropriate.
We both have contributed in breaking it... So effectively SEL feedback was not working. Not it should work, but that means 01V can start to react on that and so please do not be surprise if you observe some weird hardware mode changing behavior. 

Thanks to your explanation, I now understand what you have tried to achieve in _ScreenPage.

So, I am starting to describe and implement the "big picture":
* Logically the device can be in 3 GlobalModes : Default, Send, ACT
* Default mode basically correspond to Home Hardware Fader mode, but see remark/question later.
--- in Default mode, Home Screen, Page 1 and Page 2 switch between Tracks and Buses. Focus in Sonar is also moved. The selection is kept also in Send Global Mode
* Send mode is activated by AUX and FX Fader Hardware Mode buttons.
--- Depending on AUX/FX Screens and page, particular Send is activated (I have tried to reproduce your definition)
--- In Send mode, Fader/On/Mute/Pan control Send Volume/On/ of corresponding send for corresponding strip
--- Master fader controls the volume of fixed Bus, calculated as "Send number + 1", so starting the second bus. That doest NOT change BUS WAI. The reason is the following: when switching between Default and Sends mode, controlled by Master bus should be changed. For tracks that is possible to organize by temporarily changing WAI, but what do do in bus mode? We need WAI pointing to buses, so we can not use WAI also for the Master if it should control the send target volume. Should I keep as I have defined now? In Send+Bus mode use master as 15th (ok... first) send controller instead of controlling target volume? something else?
* ACT mode in currently activated by OptionIO, but now the remark/question...

If I have understood you correctly, when you activate top buttons, Fader Hardware mode is switched to "Home". If we want activate ACT mode on EQ/Comp/etc upper mode buttons, we probably need to move ACT mode from OptionIO, otherwise the following will happened: EQ pressed -> EQ is selected, ACT mode is activated which in turn should activate OptionIO mode, which in turn deselect EQ mode... Do I get it right? If yes, we can use "home" HW fader mode for normal and ACT Logical modes, leaving OptionIO for ... I do not know yet what exactly ;)

Quote from: Linzmeister on May 25, 2017, 03:28:00 PM
Thank you.  To get the full effect of what I am chasing, could you change:
FaderMode is removed at the moment, it is replaced by GlobalMode and SendN, to simplify definitions. But it should work as you described.

Quote from: azslow3 on May 24, 2017, 02:33:03 PM
The rest is unused...
It could do with a little tidy up, but there is not much in there that is not being used is there?
    _PanMode    - which you have indicated could be drastically reduced or completely removed and use faders for the functions I was thinking of using PAN controls for instead.  Although I would like it to become Aux 1-14 Pan control...
   _FaderMode  - Translates 01V Aux Send 1- FX 2 into Sonar Aux Send 1-14
    Move WAI Bus to corresponding Aux Return 1-14 Bus
   Choose Tracks or Busses based on Home Screen Page number
_ScreenNum/_PageNum removed (was not working in any case, Screen and Page do the trick alone)
PanMode was not used and at the moment removed. For Default/Send Global Modes, GlobalMode/SendN define what Pan should control. Other use cases are not yet defined.

How would you like to construct the big picture?
I have some ideas, but you have far more experience in Sonar control surface API and automation control.  It seems when I offer ideas, you say they are too hard/not practical/ won't work etc. 
I think you misinterpret my objections about the "big picture". For sure that is not to drop/refuse your ideas and/or scare you!

As you have noticed in your last post, till now every time there is a new idea or something a bit more clear about 01V behavior, I had to almost completely rewrite the preset. I think it is about time to put the preset into stage where I no longer have to modify everything every time. Then we can continue adding new staff. The problem is your and my time: as long as we grow the functionality/the number of controls and in parallel change general approach we have to spend more and more time to modify/test the preset, the number of possible mistakes increase with the number of places which have to be modified.

So the "big picture" is what I have started to define in this post, what logical mode should be triggered by each operation on 01V, precisely, per Page/Screen + other modifiers.
So, so far we have HW Fader button dependent modes + Pages in some of them + rightmost ON buttons dependent buttons modes.


Quote from: azslow3 on May 26, 2017, 04:10:51 PM
The Return SELect buttons and Master/Out of WAI Indicator are not working as they once did.  I am pretty sure I broke them when integrating  _fScreenPage into the feedback of SELect.  I can press each of these 3 buttons and they just stay on.  When working correctly, you didn't permit SELecting the MASTER and SELecting a RTN 1 or 2 behaved like a momentary switch and SELect returned to the currently selected channel or Out of WAI indicator as appropriate.
We both have contributed in breaking it... So effectively SEL feedback was not working. Not it should work, but that means 01V can start to react on that and so please do not be surprise if you observe some weird hardware mode changing behavior. 
Beautiful.  Can change banks again.  Out of WAI working again. 
Interestingly, I was in Aux Fader mode when I tried banking, and it does appear possible to SELect NULL Channel.  This would be because the ST Master was SELected, but the control surface was showing me Aux X Master which was not SELected.  I wouldn't bother about changing it though..

Quote from: azslow3 on May 26, 2017, 04:10:51 PM
Thanks to your explanation, I now understand what you have tried to achieve in _ScreenPage.

So, I am starting to describe and implement the "big picture":
* Logically the device can be in 3 GlobalModes : Default, Send, ACT
* Default mode basically correspond to Home Hardware Fader mode, but see remark/question later.
--- in Default mode, Home Screen, Page 1 and Page 2 switch between Tracks and Buses. Focus in Sonar is also moved. The selection is kept also in Send Global Mode
* Send mode is activated by AUX and FX Fader Hardware Mode buttons.
--- Depending on AUX/FX Screens and page, particular Send is activated (I have tried to reproduce your definition)
--- In Send mode, Fader/On/Mute/Pan control Send Volume/On/ of corresponding send for corresponding strip
Yup, input faders controlling 14 Sends still working.  Operational behavior accurately reproduced with the addition of the Send PAN control.

In Sends GlobalMode the Master Fader didn't do anything at first.  Then after moving a channel send fader, the master fader controlled last touched send in Sonar and after timeout it started feeding back data to input fader on 01V too.

I also noticed that when the 01V AUX Master was changing the SELected track.  Even if I had Track 8 selected before starting, moving the Master fader selects 1 until full volume then Track 2 became selected.  When I reduced the Master level track 1 was selected again.

Master Fader works correctly in Default GlobalMode.

Quote from: azslow3 on May 26, 2017, 04:10:51 PM
--- Master fader controls the volume of fixed Bus, calculated as "Send number + 1", so starting the second bus. That does NOT change BUS WAI. The reason is the following: when switching between Default and Sends mode, controlled by Master bus should be changed. For tracks that is possible to organize by temporarily changing WAI, but what do do in bus mode? We need WAI pointing to buses, so we can not use WAI also for the Master if it should control the send target volume. Should I keep as I have defined now? In Send+Bus mode use master as 15th (ok... first) send controller instead of controlling target volume? something else?
You have thought more deeply than I had.  You are correct.  I hadn't moved past Tracks mode.  Leave BUS WAI as you have it now.  It makes perfect sense.... now that I think about it deeply too.  ::)

Quote from: azslow3 on May 26, 2017, 04:10:51 PM
* ACT mode in currently activated by OptionIO, but now the remark/question...

If I have understood you correctly, when you activate top buttons, Fader Hardware mode is switched to "Home". If we want activate ACT mode on EQ/Comp/etc upper mode buttons, we probably need to move ACT mode from OptionIO, otherwise the following will happened: EQ pressed -> EQ is selected, ACT mode is activated which in turn should activate OptionIO mode, which in turn deselect EQ mode... Do I get it right? If yes, we can use "home" HW fader mode for normal and ACT Logical modes, leaving OptionIO for ... I do not know yet what exactly ;)
Yes, Right again.  EQ -> ACT -> OPTION I/O would not work.  I am sorry. I can only see a smaller # of pieces of the puzzle.

Quote from: azslow3 on May 26, 2017, 04:10:51 PM
Quote from: Linzmeister on May 25, 2017, 03:28:00 PM
Thank you.  To get the full effect of what I am chasing, could you change:
FaderMode is removed at the moment, it is replaced by GlobalMode and SendN, to simplify definitions. But it should work as you described.
yes it does - with the above comments about master fader.

Quote from: azslow3 on May 26, 2017, 04:10:51 PM
How would you like to construct the big picture?
I have some ideas, but you have far more experience in Sonar control surface API and automation control.  It seems when I offer ideas, you say they are too hard/not practical/ won't work etc. 
I think you misinterpret my objections about the "big picture". For sure that is not to drop/refuse your ideas and/or scare you!

As you have noticed in your last post, till now every time there is a new idea or something a bit more clear about 01V behavior, I had to almost completely rewrite the preset. I think it is about time to put the preset into stage where I no longer have to modify everything every time. Then we can continue adding new staff. The problem is your and my time: as long as we grow the functionality/the number of controls and in parallel change general approach we have to spend more and more time to modify/test the preset, the number of possible mistakes increase with the number of places which have to be modified.
Yeah, I know that you know more about the automation implementation and you know that I know more about the 01V.  With each development iteration you learn more about the 01V and I learn more about AZC...

I certainly don't want to waste your time and I would love to get into a couple of mixes that I have been delaying so that I can actually work fast on them.

Quote from: azslow3 on May 26, 2017, 04:10:51 PM
So the "big picture" is what I have started to define in this post, what logical mode should be triggered by each operation on 01V, precisely, per Page/Screen + other modifiers.
So, so far we have HW Fader button dependent modes + Pages in some of them + rightmost ON buttons dependent buttons modes.
Let me preface this with "I don't exactly know what is practical or necessary"... so let's discuss before diving into modifications.

Dynamics Pgs1&2 - ACT banks 1&2 (?) for pro channel compressors and maybe console emulation and saturation
EQ Pgs1&2- ACT bank 3&4 (?)              for pro channel EQ HPF, low GFQ low Mid GFQ, high Mid GFQ Hi GFQ LPF, on
Home Pgs 3,4&5 - Act Banks 5,6&7 (?) Sonitus and FX plugin control. 

As mentioned ages ago, I don't do anything with soft synths or sound modules, but any other people who want to carry on from where I leave off may find it useful to have the foundations in place.  I see each version is getting ~4 downloads so someone is watching our progress..   :-\

OPTION I/O banks 8-16 (?)  or just un-assigned if too many..

I have never successfully used ACT before.  I know the default cakewalk ACT controller has 4 banks x 8 faders, rotors, buttons, but I saw that you had given the 01V 8 banks x 8 faders and 8 buttons on Option I/O.

How many are really necessary?  I do not want to re-invent the wheel.


Ah... sorry, after all modification at several places I have made a stupid typo in Master Fader Send mode selection, a kind of "ruining" the behavior I have described before.

The fix is attached.

For ACT, my next step is to move it away from OptionIO (since you has confirmed it is not going to work nicely there, also that is the mode with just 8 strips). For banks "on" buttons are reserved, we do not need more then 4, impossible to remember for normal human  ;) I will explain you how that works then, probably we will need to meet online in Skype then.