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SysEx messages all mapping to ctrl 85

Started by Linzmeister, July 21, 2016, 05:34:27 PM

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That fixed the master fader in sends GlobalMode nicely.

I have sent a Skype contact request to you..  When would suit you?


I do not see the request... but that is probably the simplest problem from all we had to solve  ;)

With time that can be harder. I am stably in the internet at the evening, after 19:00 (GTM+1), but for you that is probably bad time. I am also around computer during the day, just not the whole day (weekends). When you thing you can be online?


I'll be putting my son to bed in 45 minutes..  Midday your time I think.  Anytime after that works for me.

Maybe I tried the wrong username...  Sent another, maybe to you this time..  .?


Yes, this time i could accept your invitation. If I can escape from driving to the market with my family, I will be there. But you know, that kind of things are hard to promise  :)


Hi Alexy,

I was reading through an export of the last version today, learning to understand how you think.  I stumbled across a couple of copy/paste errors - not related to the current focus, but they may catch up to us eventually.

(SysEx:<43> 10 3e 4 30 2 ) EQ Input 02 :
- Value < 68
'Last action:OK' - Call ((None)) Q Lo-Mid :  * 
- Value < 120 *
'Last action:OK' - Call ((None)) Enc_G Low :  *

should read Enc_F Lo-Mid in the middle 
and Failed at the end

(SysEx:<43> 10 3e 4 30 4 ) EQ Input 04 :
- Value < 126 *
'Last action:OK' - Call ((None)) Comp Ratio :  *

should read Failed also I think.

Re: the big picture we have been discussing:
I think we could free up some On/Solo buttons if we use the Dynamics Pages 1&2 and EQ Pages 1&2 for ACT Bank selection. 

I remember correctly...  on Saturday you said we would need:
First FX, Next/Previous FX,
First Pro Channel, Next, Previous PC,
First VSTi, Next, Prev VSTi ??????  not that I care about these personally, but others might
ACT Learn, ACT Lock
Show/Hide AZ Display
Show/Hide Sonar Inspector

I am not sure about the VSTi.. I thought you mentioned it very briefly..
Removing the bank buttons from On/Solo, means the above 13 buttons will fit on 1 row.  Trying to fit banks in will mean losing a couple of the above list.

Have I been brilliant or stupid?


Thanks for spotted bugs. I have fixed that, but we can not test the result till I apply some logic to there knobs.

Since current revision is 13, it can be bad  ;)

I have moved ACT Dynamic Mapping to "normal" (Home) Fader mode. It should be:
* activated by EQ or Comp screens.
* EQ select ProChannel EQ for current strip, SELecting channels (SEL buttons should still work as in other modes) while in EQ Screen should move the focus to corresponding EQ (can add Page dependent other FXes there, f.e. Comp, other ProChannel or FX Bin plug-ins)
* Comp activate ACT Mode, but does NOT change the plug-in in focus (if you switch between mixing and controlling ACT, you probably not always want to "reset" it to some particular plug-in, that is why I have chosen separate Mode button, to make the switching quick)
* In ACT mode, Faders and ON are controlling plug-ins, SOLO defines what to control. I have tried to support Transport button mode as well, so switching to it should work which in ACT mode.
* SOLO buttons are:
(1) - Toggle AZ Controller Display (which shows current global mode and the mapping  in ACT mode, faders with parameter values, switches without since they should have LED feedback)
(2) - Open plug-in GUI (only works only when the first fader is mapped... it is in my TODO list to avoid this limitation)
(3/4) - Move focus to "previous"/"next" plug-in. Should work for modules and FXes, but "cross the border" of strips (Sonar "feature"...)
(5,6,7) - focus the first plug-in in ProChannel (current strip), FX bin (current strip), Synth Rack
(8,7,10) - not assigned
(11,12,13,14) - select ACT Bank 1-4 (should indicate current with LED...)



This will take me some time to test thoroughly.  More for the benefit of getting my head around it properly - no nasty bugs with unexplained behavior..  13 is only unlucky if you believe in superstition  :).   I make my own luck.. ;)

Initially, the ACT bank selection was indicating 1 channel to the left.  I changed:
((None)) _fSolo DefValue(_Ch,&YesN) :
'GlobalMode:ACT' 'ACT Bank:1' '_Ch:10' - _YesNo -> Yes
'GlobalMode:ACT' 'ACT Bank:2' '_Ch:11' - _YesNo -> Yes
'GlobalMode:ACT' 'ACT Bank:3' '_Ch:12' - _YesNo -> Yes
'GlobalMode:ACT' 'ACT Bank:4' '_Ch:13/14' - _YesNo -> Yes

'GlobalMode:ACT' 'ACT Bank:1' '_Ch:11' - _YesNo -> Yes
'GlobalMode:ACT' 'ACT Bank:2' '_Ch:12' - _YesNo -> Yes
'GlobalMode:ACT' 'ACT Bank:3' '_Ch:13/14' - _YesNo -> Yes
'GlobalMode:ACT' 'ACT Bank:4' '_Ch:15/16' - _YesNo -> Yes

and that all lined up correctly.

After touching PC modules and exiting,
ACT Fix, save and exit
ACT Learn Track Compressor, closing
ACT Fix, save and exit
ACT Learn Track EQ, closing
ACT Fix, save and exit
I noticed that the ACT PREV button doesn't appear to do anything.  ACT NEXT cycles forward through PC/FX bins as expected.

In ACT Mode, we will need to use the IgnoreSelect on the Solo buttons.  I added the bottom 2 lines in the following:
(SysEx:<43> 10 3e 4 61 0 f ) Solo Btns 1-8 :
'_Local:On' - Undefined *
- BtnMode == Default
'Last action:Failed' - IgnoreSelect -> Yes
- GlobalMode == ACT
'Last action:OK' - IgnoreSelect -> Yes

(SysEx:<43> 10 3e 4 61 0 10 ) Solo Btns 9-RTN2 :
'_Local:On' - Undefined *
- BtnMode == Default
'Last action:Failed' - IgnoreSelect -> Yes
- GlobalMode == ACT
'Last action:OK' - IgnoreSelect -> Yes

This solved most of the false SElections, but there were a few instances after these insertions when Selected channel changed when it shouldn't have.

When I adjust ACT parameters from 01V, AZDisplay does not update with new values - ACT module updates knob graphics. 
When I adjust ACT parameters with mouse, AZDisplay does update.

I have a bunch more to test, but I am too tired to make much observe carefully enough and very excited to spend more time testing.  I can see it coming together.  Don't provide another version until I have finished testing this one.  I can see lot's of new functionality that I need to get familiar with.

So good!!


Hi Alexy,

After deleting the ACT XML files, and re-mapping a couple of plug ins the PREV button started working.. I have no idea what was going on there.

I noticed that the PC LF Q (bank1) & HMF Q (bank 2) Labels in AZ Display were missing - both assigned to _Ch6.
PC Compressor not showing Dry/Wet Label on _Ch6
Sonitus Gate look ahead parameter not showing any Label on _Ch6.. 
Sonitus Compressor Makeup Gain not showing anything on _Ch6

I had one instance when I had Selected Track 1 for ACT control, but Track 2 Compressor was being controlled. 
I switched to busses and back to tracks and it seemed to sort it self out.

I have proper control of all ACT modules I have mapped so far (which is that many), moving slowly to make sure I get it right..

It's all looking very positive.  For so many years I have wanted to use ACT with the 01v and now it is possible.  Thank you again.


Hi Alexy,

I have made the AZDisplay bigger, partly for my benefit partly for anyone else who comes along - and I moved the existing info down a couple of rows so that I can show fixed text for the SOLO/ON buttons on the top 4 rows in Transport, Edit and ACT modes.  I know I got a couple of captions wrong - and a couple are for future questions.

I have added a couple of calls to the new display functions, but it started to break, so I undid the last couple of calls.  It correctly Displays and Clears the ACT Navigation Display items.  I do not have any active calls to:
((None)) _fUpdateAZDispBtns
((None)) _fDispTransBtns
((None)) _fDispEditBtns

I began to put call to these functions in _fOn RTN 1 & _fOn RTN 2, but It wasn't clean.

This version includes the typo corrections I caught and the Ignore Select lines I discovered were needed too.

I am pretty comfortable with the world of ACT and ACTFix now...  What's next on the agenda??



Please install the latest test AZ Controller (no Yamaha specific changes in it).

I have applied both your patches verbatim  ;)

Quote from: Linzmeister on May 30, 2017, 02:59:49 PM
(SysEx:<43> 10 3e 4 61 0 10 ) Solo Btns 9-RTN2 :
'_Local:On' - Undefined *
- BtnMode == Default
'Last action:Failed' - IgnoreSelect -> Yes
- GlobalMode == ACT
'Last action:OK' - IgnoreSelect -> Yes

This solved most of the false SElections, but there were a few instances after these insertions when Selected channel changed when it shouldn't have.
I have not found the reason yet... please find particular sequence when that happened

I noticed that the ACT PREV button doesn't appear to do anything.  ACT NEXT cycles forward through PC/FX bins as expected.
I send corresponding commands "as is" to Sonar. Except I do some safety checks (under some conditions, Sonar CRASH when executing these commands...).
Sometimes Sonar is unreliable there. Not much I can do.

When I adjust ACT parameters from 01V, AZDisplay does not update with new values - ACT module updates knob graphics. 
When I adjust ACT parameters with mouse, AZDisplay does update.
I have tried to address that. But to do so I have changed the logic behind faders feedback. So let me know if feedback is no longer as it should (not moving to correct position, fighting fingers, etc).

Quote from: Linzmeister on June 01, 2017, 12:40:41 AM
I noticed that the PC LF Q (bank1) & HMF Q (bank 2) Labels in AZ Display were missing - both assigned to _Ch6.
PC Compressor not showing Dry/Wet Label on _Ch6
Sonitus Gate look ahead parameter not showing any Label on _Ch6.. 
Sonitus Compressor Makeup Gain not showing anything on _Ch6
Should be fixed.

I had one instance when I had Selected Track 1 for ACT control, but Track 2 Compressor was being controlled. 
I switched to busses and back to tracks and it seemed to sort it self out.
In current logic, only in EQ Screen focus is change to corresponding EQ when you press SEL. So if you change focus by mouse or work with Compressor/other modules, auto-focusing does not work. 


Ah.... we again have "version clash".... You have published the preset while I was preparing my  8)

Sorry, but can you explain which extras you have implemented in words? I prefer to redo that myself in my version. Not that I do not "trust" you, but this thing is quite complex at the moment, any touch can invisibly break something. I more or less keep the whole preset "in my head", so I know where to look in case some change/addition on one place should be also corrected in another...


Changed Display to 6 rows (intention being to have Solo on top 2 rows, On on Middle 2 rows, and faders on bottom 2 rows)

Mainly lots of:
- text ='abc'
- Display at (x,y)

I added functions:
((None)) _fUpdateAZDispBtns. Just calls functions below depending on _BtnsMode and _GlobalMode
((None)) _fDispTransBtns
((None)) _fDispEditBtns
((None)) _fDispActNavBtns
((None)) _fDispClear         

Called DispActNav from _fSetActGlobalMode
Called DispClear from the end of _fSetSendGlobalMode and _fSetDefaultGlobalMode

Any existing calls to Display at(x,y)  were increased by 2 rows:
_fOn TrNameMon
_fOn TrValMon

I can change the preset name and upload a diffently named version if that helps at all.

Typing this on tablet.  Will post modified text from studio computer..


Using the export utility - the preset changes I made are:

((None)) _fSetDefaultGlobalMode :
- GlobalMode -> Default
- Call ((None)) _fDispClear :
- Undefined *

((None)) _fSetSendGlobalMode :
'Page:3' 'Screen:FX 2' - SendN -> 14
- Call ((None)) _fDispClear :
- Undefined *

((None)) _fSetACTGlobalMode :
- GlobalMode -> ACT
- Call ((None)) _fDispACTNavBtns :
- Undefined *

((None)) _fUpdateAZDispBtns :
'BtnMode:Transport' - Call ((None)) _fDispTransBtns :
'BtnMode:Edit' - Call ((None)) _fDispEditBtns  :
'BtnMode:Default' - Call ((None)) _fDispClear :
'GlobalMode:ACT' - Call ((None)) _fDispACTNavBtns :

((None)) _fDispTransBtns :
- Text = ''
- Display at (1, 2)
- Text = 'HOME'
- Display at (2, 2)
- Text = '<  <  <'
- Display at (1, 3)
- Text = 'MARKER'
- Display at (2, 3)
- Text = 'INSERT'
- Display at (1, 4)
- Text = 'MARKER'
- Display at (2, 4)
- Text = '>  >  >'
- Display at (1, 5)
- Text = 'MARKER'
- Display at (2, 5)
- Text = ''
- Display at (1, 6)
- Text = 'END'
- Display at (2, 6)
- Text = 'Clear Wrt'
- Display at (1, 7)
- Text = 'Automation'
- Display at (2, 7)
- Text = '| < ----'
- Display at (1, 8)
- Text = 'MARK IN'
- Display at (2, 8)
- Text = 'LOOP'
- Display at (1, 9)
- Text = 'Selection'
- Display at (2, 9)
- Text = 'PUNCH'
- Display at (1, 10)
- Text = 'Selection'
- Display at (2, 10)
- Text = ' ----  > |'
- Display at (1, 11)
- Text = 'MARK OUT'
- Display at (2, 11)
- Text = ''
- Display at (1, 12)
- Text = ''
- Display at (2, 12)
- Text = ''
- Display at (1, 13)
- Text = ''
- Display at (2, 13)
- Text = ''
- Display at (1, 14)
- Text = 'UNDO'
- Display at (2, 14)
- Text = 'SAVE'
- Display at (1, 15)
- Text = 'AS'
- Display at (2, 15)
- Text = '<  <  <'
- Display at (3, 2)
- Text = 'RWD'
- Display at (4, 2)
- Text = ''
- Display at (3, 3)
- Text = 'STOP'
- Display at (4, 3)
- Text = ''
- Display at (3, 4)
- Text = 'PLAY'
- Display at (4, 4)
- Text = ''
- Display at (3, 5)
- Text = 'RECORD'
- Display at (4, 5)
- Text = '>  >  >'
- Display at (3, 6)
- Text = 'F FWD'
- Display at (4, 6)
- Text = 'Clear WRT'
- Display at (3, 7)
- Text = 'Automation'
- Display at (4, 7)
- Text = ''
- Display at (3, 8)
- Text = ''
- Display at (4, 8)
- Text = ''
- Display at (3, 9)
- Text = 'LOOP'
- Display at (4, 9)
- Text = ''
- Display at (3, 10)
- Text = 'PUNCH'
- Display at (4, 10)
- Text = ''
- Display at (3, 11)
- Text = 'SCRUB'
- Display at (4, 11)
- Text = ''
- Display at (3, 12)
- Text = ''
- Display at (4, 12)
- Text = ''
- Display at (3, 13)
- Text = ''
- Display at (4, 13)
- Text = ''
- Display at (3, 14)
- Text = 'RE-DO'
- Display at (4, 14)
- Text = ''
- Display at (3, 15)
- Text = 'SAVE'
- Display at (4, 15)

((None)) _fDispEditBtns  :
- Text = 'ZOOM /'
- Display at (1, 2)
- Text = 'SCROLL'
- Display at (2, 2)
- Text = 'EDIT'
- Display at (1, 3)
- Text = 'Enable'
- Display at (2, 3)
- Text = 'SNAP'
- Display at (1, 4)
- Text = 'To Grid'
- Display at (2, 4)
- Text = ''
- Display at (1, 5)
- Text = 'COPY'
- Display at (2, 5)
- Text = ''
- Display at (1, 6)
- Text = 'CENTRE'
- Display at (2, 6)
- Text = 'CROP L /'
- Display at (1, 7)
- Text = 'FADE L'
- Display at (2, 7)
- Text = '^ ^ ^ '
- Display at (1, 8)
- Text = 'UP'
- Display at (2, 8)
- Text = 'CROP R /'
- Display at (1, 9)
- Text = 'FADE R'
- Display at (2, 9)
- Text = ''
- Display at (1, 10)
- Text = ''
- Display at (2, 10)
- Text = ''
- Display at (1, 11)
- Text = ''
- Display at (2, 11)
- Text = 'SMART'
- Display at (1, 12)
- Text = 'TOOL'
- Display at (2, 12)
- Text = 'MOVE'
- Display at (1, 13)
- Text = 'TOOL'
- Display at (2, 13)
- Text = ''
- Display at (1, 14)
- Text = 'UNDO'
- Display at (2, 14)
- Text = 'SAVE'
- Display at (1, 15)
- Text = 'AS'
- Display at (2, 15)
- Text = ''
- Display at (3, 2)
- Text = 'EDIT'
- Display at (4, 2)
- Text = ''
- Display at (3, 3)
- Text = 'SELECT'
- Display at (4, 3)
- Text = ''
- Display at (3, 4)
- Text = 'CUT'
- Display at (4, 4)
- Text = ''
- Display at (3, 5)
- Text = 'PASTE'
- Display at (4, 5)
- Text = ''
- Display at (3, 6)
- Text = 'SPLIT'
- Display at (4, 6)
- Text = '< < <'
- Display at (3, 7)
- Text = 'LEFT'
- Display at (4, 7)
- Text = 'V V V '
- Display at (3, 8)
- Text = 'DOWN'
- Display at (4, 8)
- Text = '> > >'
- Display at (3, 9)
- Text = 'RIGHT'
- Display at (4, 9)
- Text = ''
- Display at (3, 10)
- Text = ''
- Display at (4, 10)
- Text = ''
- Display at (3, 11)
- Text = ''
- Display at (4, 11)
- Text = 'SELECT'
- Display at (3, 12)
- Text = 'TOOL'
- Display at (4, 12)
- Text = 'NEW'
- Display at (3, 13)
- Text = 'TRACK'
- Display at (4, 13)
- Text = ''
- Display at (3, 14)
- Text = 'RE-DO'
- Display at (4, 14)
- Text = ''
- Display at (3, 15)
- Text = 'SAVE'
- Display at (4, 15)

((None)) _fDispClear :
- Text = ''
- Display at (1, 2)
- Text = ''
- Display at (2, 2)
- Text = ''
- Display at (1, 3)
- Text = ''
- Display at (2, 3)
- Text = ''
- Display at (1, 4)
- Text = ''
- Display at (2, 4)
- Text = ''
- Display at (1, 5)
- Text = ''
- Display at (2, 5)
- Text = ''
- Display at (1, 6)
- Text = ''
- Display at (2, 6)
- Text = ''
- Display at (1, 7)
- Text = ''
- Display at (2, 7)
- Text = ''
- Display at (1, 8)
- Text = ''
- Display at (2, 8)
- Text = ''
- Display at (1, 9)
- Text = ''
- Display at (2, 9)
- Text = ''
- Display at (1, 10)
- Text = ''
- Display at (2, 10)
- Text = ''
- Display at (1, 11)
- Text = ''
- Display at (2, 11)
- Text = ''
- Display at (1, 12)
- Text = ''
- Display at (2, 12)
- Text = ''
- Display at (1, 13)
- Text = ''
- Display at (2, 13)
- Text = ''
- Display at (1, 14)
- Text = ''
- Display at (2, 14)
- Text = ''
- Display at (1, 15)
- Text = ''
- Display at (2, 15)
- Text = ''
- Display at (3, 2)
- Text = ''
- Display at (4, 2)
- Text = ''
- Display at (3, 3)
- Text = ''
- Display at (4, 3)
- Text = ''
- Display at (3, 4)
- Text = ''
- Display at (4, 4)
- Text = ''
- Display at (3, 5)
- Text = ''
- Display at (4, 5)
- Text = ''
- Display at (3, 6)
- Text = ''
- Display at (4, 6)
- Text = ''
- Display at (3, 7)
- Text = ''
- Display at (4, 7)
- Text = ''
- Display at (3, 8)
- Text = ''
- Display at (4, 8)
- Text = ''
- Display at (3, 9)
- Text = ''
- Display at (4, 9)
- Text = ''
- Display at (3, 10)
- Text = ''
- Display at (4, 10)
- Text = ''
- Display at (3, 11)
- Text = ''
- Display at (4, 11)
- Text = ''
- Display at (3, 12)
- Text = ''
- Display at (4, 12)
- Text = ''
- Display at (3, 13)
- Text = ''
- Display at (4, 13)
- Text = ''
- Display at (3, 14)
- Text = ''
- Display at (4, 14)
- Text = ''
- Display at (3, 15)
- Text = ''
- Display at (4, 15)

((None)) _fDispACTNavBtns :
- Text = 'Hide'
- Display at (1, 2)
- Text = 'AZ Display'
- Display at (2, 2)
- Text = 'Show'
- Display at (1, 3)
- Text = 'Plugin'
- Display at (2, 3)
- Text = '  <  <  <'
- Display at (1, 4)
- Text = 'PREV'
- Display at (2, 4)
- Text = '  >  >  >'
- Display at (1, 5)
- Text = 'NEXT'
- Display at (2, 5)
- Text = 'First in'
- Display at (1, 6)
- Text = 'PRO CHAN'
- Display at (2, 6)
- Text = 'First in'
- Display at (1, 7)
- Text = 'FX Bin'
- Display at (2, 7)
- Text = 'First in'
- Display at (1, 8)
- Text = 'Synth Rack'
- Display at (2, 8)
- Text = 'ACT '
- Display at (1, 9)
- Text = 'LEARN?????'
- Display at (2, 9)
- Text = 'ACT'
- Display at (1, 10)
- Text = 'LOCK ?????'
- Display at (2, 10)
- Text = ''
- Display at (1, 11)
- Text = ''
- Display at (2, 11)
- Text = 'Bank'
- Display at (1, 12)
- Text = '1'
- Display at (2, 12)
- Text = 'Bank'
- Display at (1, 13)
- Text = '2'
- Display at (2, 13)
- Text = 'Bank'
- Display at (1, 14)
- Text = '3'
- Display at (2, 14)
- Text = 'Bank'
- Display at (1, 15)
- Text = '4'
- Display at (2, 15)

((None)) _fOn NameMon(_Ch) :
'BtnMode:Transport' - Text = ''
'BtnMode:Transport' - Display at (3, _Ch+2) *
- GlobalMode == ACT
'Last action:OK' - Parameter name
'Last action:Failed' - Text = ''
- Display at (3, _Ch+2)

((None)) _fCh Val Mon(_Ch) :
'_Local:On' - Undefined *
- 'Value(_Ch)' from MIDI value, set engine state
- Send(_Ch) -> Yes, set engine state
- Reset _fCh Feedback(_Ch) :  : Timer, and trigger it
- Text = ''
'GlobalMode:ACT' - Parameter value
- Display at (6, _Ch+2)

((None)) _fCh Name Mon(_Ch) :
- Text = ''
'GlobalMode:ACT' - Parameter name
- Display at (5, _Ch+2)

(SysEx:<43> 10 3e 4 30 2 ) EQ Input 02 :
- Value < 68
'Last action:OK' - Call ((None)) Enc_F Lo-Mid :  *


Good afternoon/evening,

Quote from: azslow3 on June 01, 2017, 03:33:18 PM
Quote from: Linzmeister on May 30, 2017, 02:59:49 PM
This solved most of the false SElections, but there were a few instances after these insertions when Selected channel changed when it shouldn't have.
I have not found the reason yet... please find particular sequence when that happened
I think it is related to SOLO 8, 9 & 10 - which currently have no ACT function assigned to them.  It does seem to be selecting the wrong channel for a shorter time (longer than normal but not staying wrong for more than a couple of seconds) now.  Probably just because I am flicking around with the solo buttons.  I will start a mix tonight and see how it behaves in real world practice.

Quote from: azslow3 on June 01, 2017, 03:33:18 PM
I noticed that the ACT PREV button doesn't appear to do anything.  ACT NEXT cycles forward through PC/FX bins as expected.
I send corresponding commands "as is" to Sonar. Except I do some safety checks (under some conditions, Sonar CRASH when executing these commands...).
Sometimes Sonar is unreliable there. Not much I can do.
This was repaired when I deleted the ACT XML files and started from scratch again.  All good now.

Quote from: azslow3 on June 01, 2017, 03:33:18 PM
When I adjust ACT parameters from 01V, AZDisplay does not update with new values - ACT module updates knob graphics. 
When I adjust ACT parameters with mouse, AZDisplay does update.
I have tried to address that. But to do so I have changed the logic behind faders feedback. So let me know if feedback is no longer as it should (not moving to correct position, fighting fingers, etc).
YUP. works a charm.  AZ Display updates when moving controls on 01V.. :)   No unexpected side effects noticed.

Quote from: azslow3 on June 01, 2017, 03:33:18 PM
Quote from: Linzmeister on June 01, 2017, 12:40:41 AM
I noticed that the PC LF Q (bank1) & HMF Q (bank 2) Labels in AZ Display were missing - both assigned to _Ch6.
PC Compressor not showing Dry/Wet Label on _Ch6
Sonitus Gate look ahead parameter not showing any Label on _Ch6.. 
Sonitus Compressor Makeup Gain not showing anything on _Ch6
Should be fixed.
yup, All good

Quote from: azslow3 on June 01, 2017, 03:33:18 PM
I had one instance when I had Selected Track 1 for ACT control, but Track 2 Compressor was being controlled. 
I switched to busses and back to tracks and it seemed to sort it self out.
In current logic, only in EQ Screen focus is change to corresponding EQ when you press SEL. So if you change focus by mouse or work with Compressor/other modules, auto-focusing does not work.
Yeah, it wasn't a case of selecting the wrong plugin, but wrong channel.  From memory I switched to busses and back to tracks, or went to  LOCAL ON, LOCAL off and it reset to synchronizing correctly again.  I haven't noticed it happening again.  I will remain observant though.


I put a part of you changes into place, bugfix in Input and Solo / ON labels.
I used only one row, for me the table with 15 columns and 3 rows looks more sane that way, but if you disagree with that I will put your "2 rows per button" description back.
Technically it is done a bit different. In other modes (currently ACT only, but who knows the future...) each button display the label (value) for itself. So in case we display on state switching,
it can be overwritten by buttons own procedure. So there are functions to convert _Ch->Text, called from appropriate place.

Quote from: Linzmeister on June 01, 2017, 02:56:53 PM
I am pretty comfortable with the world of ACT and ACTFix now...  What's next on the agenda??
From what I remember, we had plans to:
* defined Edit mode controls (for which you already have labels...).
* Phase
* Input/Output. How many Input/Outputs you have? There are several approaches: try to use knob to choose some from whole range; switch to next/previous by knobs or buttons; select "directly" with strip buttons (f.e. in special mode so we have 14x ON + 14x SOLO, if that number is reasonable).
* If you think 2 knobs for EQ are still faster then switching to EQ mode, we can do that (or something else with this knobs)
* "Fixing" more that just one ProChannel EQ to SEL (based on screen).
Up to you to set the priority.