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Modifying button assignments

Started by dcumpian, August 28, 2016, 05:44:19 PM

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I have a Komplete Kontrol S88 and am using azctrl with the IQP (Mackie Variation) for the DAW (Transport) controls. These are the buttons available:

  • Loop - Hardware Control = Select
  • Rewind - Hardware Control = Rewind
  • FFwrd - Hardware Control = FastForward
  • Play - Hardware Control = Play
  • Record - Hardware Control = Record
  • Stop - Hardware Control = Stop

Everything works and the buttons light up as appropriate.

Here is my question: The LOOP button is mostly useless to me because I generally don't use the transport the way it is setup. It appears that pressing LOOP puts the Transport in a state where pressing REWIND or FFWRD restarts playback from the start without stopping the playback. That's okay, but I would not use it that way. What I would like to do is to be able to press LOOP and the transport does RTZ and playback stops (if running). In this case, the LOOP button would not light up as it would have a state similar to REWIND and FFWRD. Can this be done or are these controls hardwired to act this way?

For now, I do not plan to enable the rotary controls using azctrl because I'll be using them for automation instead, though it would be cool to be able to navigate tracks (up/down) using one of the encoders. Maybe, lol.

Best Regards,


Hi Dan,

Using IQP preset just for Transport is shooting from a big gun hunting tiny bird  ;)
Adjusting that preset is difficult because Mackie device has 4 modifier keys, used in combinations with transport keys.

I have some "backlog" in activities at the moment and so I am unable to create "clean" preset next weeks. But you can try yourself, starting from "Quick start" tutorial (so effectively empty preset). For each transport key, you will need separate control just with 1-2 "Command" Actions.
For Play, Stop and Record you just need one Action with corresponding option ("Play/Pause", "Stop", "Record").
For FF/Rewind you will need 2 Command actions with "Start/Stop Fast Forward" (Rewind). For second action, set "Note:Off" condition.
For your "loop" variation, you need 2 Command actions: "Stop" and "RTZ".

Button light and switching track by encoder are a bit more complicated to setup. So another option for you is to wait 2 weeks and remind me about your wish (I mean by posing "bump" in this thread). I will prepare ready to use preset then.


I have found some time to make the preset. Note that you need 0.5r2b338 (currently in Tests Downloads) or later version of AZ Controller to use it.
For installation instruction, see any post in the Presets board (you will need to install the file using Cakewalk Plug-in Manager from Utilities menu).

The preset defines usual transport (with LED). "Loop" is defined as Stop+RTZ. VPotX is prepared to switch between tracks using encoder (you will need to assign the encoder yourself in the Hardware tab, I hope encoders can be sent to the same MIDI port as transport, either that is the case you will see in the Last MIDI Event).


Thanks! I'll give this a try as soon as I can. FYI, the Komplete Kontrol has three different midi interfaces, but I believe they all can share the same port:

  • Normal Midi - Notes and encoders
  • DAW - Transport controls
  • EXT - External midi in/out

So, I'm guess I would have to define two control surfaces in Sonar, and just use the same preset for both?



MackieControl block all messages which are coming to the port/device. If you can configure NK to send one encoder to the "DAW port", than you can use just once AZCtrl instance. Otherwise we can add another instance and bind them, so the configuration is still done within one. I will write detailed instructions once you are ready for such tests.


Quote from: azslow3 on August 30, 2016, 02:15:55 PM
MackieControl block all messages which are coming to the port/device. If you can configure NK to send one encoder to the "DAW port", than you can use just once AZCtrl instance. Otherwise we can add another instance and bind them, so the configuration is still done within one. I will write detailed instructions once you are ready for such tests.

Nope. Encoders and notes are ONLY available on the Normal midi line. DAW is ONLY the Transport, etc. This is not user-configurable (of course).



No problem! Let me know either basic transport is working fine with new preset and I will write instructions how to proceed with encoder.

Recent versions of AZ Controller are able to "give up" controls, so it is possible to switch either you want the encoder is used by AZ Controller or as normal MIDI control (f.e. MIDI learn within plug-ins). But I guess NK has several modes on its own, I mean it can send more then one even from single encoder.


Quote from: azslow3 on August 30, 2016, 03:07:09 PM
No problem! Let me know either basic transport is working fine with new preset and I will write instructions how to proceed with encoder.

Recent versions of AZ Controller are able to "give up" controls, so it is possible to switch either you want the encoder is used by AZ Controller or as normal MIDI control (f.e. MIDI learn within plug-ins). But I guess NK has several modes on its own, I mean it can send more then one even from single encoder.

All of the transport buttons work except the Loop button. With this preset, it does nothing. While viewing the "Logic" tab, the Last Midi Event shows "Ch: 1 N: 86 Value 127" when the Loop button is pressed, but the Logical Control does not change from the last button that was pressed.



Ah... Now I understand what the meaning of "Loop - Hardware Control = Select" was. Loop button on NK is "Select" button on MCU.

I attach modified preset.


The new preset works as requested. Thanks!

Now, I just need to know how to bind both midi inputs for Transport and Encoders in one.



  • In Sonar Control Surfaces, add another AZ Controller. It should stay as the second, since you will never touch it after initial setup and Sonar always shows the first one after startup (in the Control Surface toolbar module). Select NK MIDI ports and In/Out
  • Close properties of the first instance, if open. Open propertied of the second instance, from Utilities / AZ Controller - 2
  • Switch to the Options Tab, and change "Standalone" to "Slave 1". Do NOT save preset! There is a bug in Sonar. Just close the window (in case you will ever reconfigure Control Surfaces, since there is only one option to change in the second instance, it is easy to restore)
  • After closing the second instance preferences, open the first instance preferences, where "MackieTransport" preset is loaded

Turn an encoder (or other control), you should see some changes in the "Last MIDI Event", prefixed with "S1" (Slave 1). If that is not the case, please let me know and I will write what to check.

To assign the encoder:

  • Switch to the Hardware Tab
  • In the "Hardware Control" select "VPotX"
  • Turn the encoder
  • Press "Assign MIDI" button"

Now turning the encoder should change track in focus.



Okay. I followed your instructions and the slave1 works as you said. However, the encoder only goes from top track down, not back up again. Also, it is very fast. Can it increment every other value?



When you turn the knob right and left, what you see after "Value:" in the "Last MIDI Event" section?
First try to turn slow, then turn faster. Are values different?

I can adjust the speed, can be every 2,3, etc. ticks. But I need the values, especially because track up is not yet working. Unlike simple MIDI knobs, there are several types of "endless encoders".


I played with it more and, well, never mind. It works, both directions, but you have to rotate the encoder all the way to the end before turning back. After trying it, I'm not sure it is any better than just using the arrow keys on a keyboard. I'll likely just stick to using the transport controls only, but thank you all of your help.

Best Regards,


From that, I guess your Encoder is in knob mode (sends 0...127, not endless values, that should be visible in the Last MIDI Event). I also guess that you can change what encoders are sending in each mode using NI Editor, and so put it into endless mode. I can adjust the speed speed to something reasonable.
But it is up to you either you want spend time for that...

Note about transport controls: f.e. Bitwig use Loop/Select button to switch modes of other buttons, it is also possible to use it as a "shift" for momentary change (f.e. Loop+Stop = RTZ+STOP, Loop+REW=Goto previous marker, etc.). That is easy to make and will not required any actions from you (other than text description what you want these buttons do).