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UC-33e Preset

Started by BuleriaChk, November 27, 2016, 09:26:35 PM

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Here's a basic preset for the UC-33e "AZ IC-33e"; 8 tracks, Volume and Pan, Start, Stop,<<, >>

It works very nicely along with my Frontier Tranzport..

(There are upper rows of knobs, and nine buttons; I programmed the center button on the bottom row for "Record", but am still not sure if it does anything.  I'm new at this, so further recommendations, enhancements will be welcome, but it is a start.


Here's an updated version of my preset for the UC-33e.  In addition to the controls on my previous posts:

Tracks 1-9
Top row of rotaries:  Track Gain
In my project I created 2 buses
Second row of Rotaries, Tracks 1,2,3,7 8: Send Levels
(Tracks 4,5,6 are Midi Tracks. I may change these all to audio tracks in a further update)

Also, the Master volume fader now works.


Here's a preset with all Audio tracks (so all the sends are defined.  I used Midi learn to define those not n the generic startup preset of Az's....
I tried to upload the Sonar project file, but the forum wouldn't let me upload a .cwp file.  I'll figure out an alternative and get back...


One obvious use of the nine buttons would be to select (8 tracks + the master bus) for focus, but I don't know how to grab the Midi of that function in Sonar (i.e., a control for Midi Learn).  Any ideas from anyone?

Or other use for the buttons? Possibly mute + shift/Solo?


First of all, thank you for giving my plug-in a chance.

I would like to help you with UC-33 preset creation. But we should be initially systematic then. I can modify your preset to make control names correspond to UC-33 labeling, including all assignable elements (the explanation below). Then you "Assign" what is not yet assigned (the rest of knobs and buttons). After that I can put the functionality you like on all these controls, including "Shift"("Alt", "Ctrl")+Button (also for transport), etc. Is that procedure sounds reasonable for you?

Why Sonar MIDI learn is a bad idea:
1) it is project specific
2) there is no tools to see all assignments
3) MIDI can LEAK to softsynth (Sonar bug). F.e. you assign some Knob to Pan. Everything works as expected. Then at some unfortunate moment, you turn it left and the sound from your backing track "disappears". I was very annoyed when I hit that the first time... Since then I do not use direct Sonar MIDI learn (but it is ok to use MIDI learn inside Synth).

Why it is good idea to assign all possible elements to Control Surface, even if you have no meaningful use cases for them:
the same as (3). If a control is not assigned, it is "leaking" as normal MIDI.

Assigning sends is possible in AZ Controller. All controls can be used with "banks"/"shifts"/"modes", there can be arbitrary number of them. Startup preset you have generated has 3 modes and 2 banks for ACT mode already. F.e. I can define 2 banks for sends, so per strip knobs control "Pan"+"Send1"+"Send2" in the first bank and "Pan"+"Send3"+"Send4" in the second.

I mean I can adopt UC-33 for your personal needs.

Since UC-33 has normal knobs, when you change the parameter they control you are normally forced to catch new current value. AZ Controller supports 2 approaches to avoid that: "Instant" knob operations, and "Endless imitation" operations, also with different response curves. I definitively prefer to adjust a level immediately when I move a fader without guessing what the volume is set currently (especially when I do not have the monitor in the front of me), even with the consequence of "worse resolution" then usual.
From what I know, that is almost unique feature. And there was some "learning time" for me when I have started to use it myself, but it was short.

There are many features which not exist in the "standard" Sonar controllers, if at all. For example an audition using Windows Audio. Originally added for blind users, it can be useful in all other cases when you do not want to look at monitor (even when you physically can). My personal "favorites" are track name on selection and marker when now time approach it.

So just let me know if you agree with the proposal and I create/upload the initial preset for subsequent mapping.


Hi, Az (I don't know your name... :)

Of course, I'll help out for the UC-33e, in my experience, Sonar was the reason I purchased both the Tranzport and the UC; I'm sure there are others as well.  I have no loyalty to "Midi Learn" for all the reasons you state, but I was delighted your program got me this far.  Some of the cases were not included in your "Generic" list, so I had to add those, and use Midi Learn to get them to work.

From my own perspective, I realize now that my needs for audio are very simple for now.  Two tracks, an audio track and a backing track, for which I can use my Tranzport (since the backing tracks are already in Maschine, which I use as a VST plug-in in Sonar.  (All these discoveries are really recent; like yesterday.. :)

So - current state is the last preset I uploaded; Track volumes and Pan were included in your generic model, Track Gain, Sends, and transport  all had to be Midi Learned (as I remember).  The nine buttons have not been assigned; one obvious solution would be mute/solo for all eight tracks with the ninth button a  shift button used to select the mode (which are the main "bread and butter" elements the UC-33 is missing). You can implement the extra two rows of rotaries for two send tracks, rather that Gain/send; for me, gain/send makes a bit more sense, since I would probably never need more than one send channel (again, I can do much work in Maschine)...

So let me know what you want me to do.  I have a UC-33e, so can be a tester for the presets you write (once written, once I figure out what you did, I can write changes without Midi Learn.

Another device I'm thinking of is the Akai MidiMix, which is a great alternative, and I might get one just for portability.  If you say the word, I'll order one and we can work on that one as well for other desperate users wanting to make Sonar useable in real live...

Best Regards, and thanks again for your program; I'm glad I finally tried it after being so unbelievably frustrated with ACT (and that nativeKontrol Studio, which has serious driver problems I don't have time for.)



Just that you do not think I am disappeared  ;)

The preset in question is in progress, I hope to be ready tomorrow. When I create new presets, I try new ideas, check things... and sometimes the code modification is required. And that slow down things. But for today, the code change is down. And the preset already looks promising:
* Gain/ Send 1 / Pan + Volume on faders for 8 tracks + 1 bus
* transport with "combinations":
- "Stop" alone - stop, when used with other buttons - shift
- "Play" alone - "Play/Pause", with "Stop" - Record, "Stop"+"Record"+Numberic - Record arm the track in question
- "<<" - rewind, with "Stop" - RTZ
- ">>" - fast forward, with "Stop" - to the last event in the project
- Num 1-9 without mods - "Mute", with "Stop" - "Solo", with "Stop"+"Play" - record arm, "Command" ( button "0" ) - some commands, like showing display, change fader/knob value setting mode (as I have mentioned there are several, so you will be able to try), save project (most are undefined yet)

Also "Display" will show all current assignments and values. In the future, we can "teleport" it to your tablet (I have seen you have already tried MCU emulation, that means you have one). This way, UC33+Tablet can act like a "modern" surface with build-in display!

For "new surface hardware": for controlling Sonar (with AZ controller), the best choice is something with ENCODERS instead of Knobs. You will have "feedback" then and you do not need to "catch" the value first. Motor faders is up to you, if you do not want to mix "professional way" (and with 2 tracks you probably do not), there are only limited benefits (like overwriting automations). Note, the controller should be MIDI (EUCON / Avid devices are not supported by AZ Controller, the protocol is unknown to me).

As for guitar player, may be it worse to look at some foot MIDI controller: play/stop/record, change the volume (if there is a continuous pedal), with AZ Controller even 3 "buttons" can be smart.


Wow, I'm just a tiny grasshopper... :)  Great Work, there will be a LOT of users very grateful.  There are a ton of UC-33e's out there, many bought for the express purpose of controlling Cakewalk (as it was called then).

I just purchased a Launch Control XL - I found a basic preset for Launch Control on your forum.   I can use it with Live, with the Push 2 acting as an instrument... (I think); I'll find out when it gets here

(Edit: I decided to hold off on actually purchasing the LC XL - there may be better alternatives.  Maybe just the Launch Control which you have already done.  But the LC XL would be far more complete...)

Do you have one for the Pro EQ of Sonar?  That way I could completely control the Pro Eq using the LC XL, and transport functions with the Tranzport (or UC-33, or V-Control Pro)..

(Even better, the full Pro Channel... :)  Maybe in User mode.


(picture about halfway down)

This is all very, very encouraging.  Back to practice so I can get the basic audio recordings down in Sonar!!!

(Actually, I don't have an MCU; my only contact is using your mackiecontrol.dll)
Edit: Oops, I do have a tablet...  an iPad air :) My bad!

That said, why not a full blown graphic of the Sonar interface on the tablet to sync with the LP XL?  (Dunno if that could work, but...)

Tell you what:  If you'll support the Launch Control XL for Sonar, I'll send you my UC-33e as compensation (for that and all the other stuff you do).  You can keep it for yourself or give it to a friend, or whatever - I won't need it anymore... In any case, with your plug in it will be way more valuable to whoever winds up with it ...
Edit: Even Better: I'll just sell it on EBay or Reverb and send you the money! (It will be even easier to sell with the preset available!)
Not only that, the Launch Control XL will all of a sudden become very useful... :)

Update: I hadn't thought about the BCR2000 br9.07.spp file - is the BCR2000 a viable alternative?


Please give us several days to organize UC-33 first. You will have more information to decide which controller you need then.

From Sonar perspective, LC XL is almost the same as UC-33, except some "light" coming out of it.

The preset you have seen for normal LC is dedicated to ProChannel ONLY. All depends on personal needs, f.e. we can configure big part of UC-33 to work with ProChannel (or other FXes of your choice) by reducing the number of simultaneously controllable strips.

BCR2000 has huge advantage. All knobs are encoders. That means you can instantly switch what they control without the need to catch another values. Also Martin know very well what he is doing.

I am limited from two sides: by the hardware implementation (if there is no LEDs on surface I can not make it light, if there is a knob I can make only "bad" encoder out of it) and by Sonar (if something is not exposed to Control Surfaces, in most cases I am unable to control that). But between these limits, almost everything is possible. I mean there is no difference between what MCU Pro, UC-33 or any other surface can do with Sonar.


Ok, I'll hold off on everything until we see what we (you) can do with the UC-33e..
It already works beyond my wildest dreams ....  :)


Now its your turn.

Please install the latest test version of AZ Controller, v0.5r3b345, direct download link:;sa=downfile&id=28

Current release can also work with the preset, but there will be some inconsistencies in display if you add sends, rename tracks, etc.

What it does in general I have already described, that is a first "draft", we can change everything later.

There are no assignments in this preset, so please assign correct MIDI to all controls with names without underscore "_". Also please try to avoid "Detach" button (I have seen that in your presets). In case of mistakes, use "Forget MIDI" for the control.

I have labeled controls as on the device, so the top left knob is "Knob 25". I also assume that "+" and "-" buttons are also generating MIDI. Please let me know if they are device internal.

Once everything is assigned, please check that it works. Visit "Options" Tab and press "Show/Hide" button in the display section. AZ Display should appear, with UC33 layout. It is not graphically "modern", but at least you can change font and colors in the "Display"/"Configure" dialog.

"Stop", "Play" (when pressed after "Stop") and "0" and "modifier" keys. You can see on the display what other buttons do when particular modifier is pressed.

Independent from the bugs you probably find in the preset, please upload it with all controls mapped so I can continue with that version.


Ok, I'm not sure what is involved, but will give it a try (I am still really new at this)

I've installed the new version of AZSlow and V-Control still works, so that is a good initial sign  :)
Now for UC33.spp  - we'll see what happens .. I so new at this I still don't understand the procedures, but I'll give it my best shot...
Progress so far  -----------------
1. Faders Tracks 1 - 8 assigned
2. Master Fader assigned to Fader 33
3. Transport (Start/Stop, FF, Rew) assigned
4. Buttons 1-9 assigned
5. Knob 0 assigned (between + and -)

Faders, Mute/Solo, Transport functions working properly.
(no knobs assigned yet because 1-9 not available in the list)

1. Num -,+, knobs : cannot assign (delete and try again?) Only come up with option to Detach.
Do not respond to last midi event. (I tried several things; new context, detach/attach - only on Num -).  if wrong, my bad, sorry - didn't read your post thoroughly enough.

2. I don't see Knob  1-9 in the list (Pan?)
Do I use Midi learn with these elements?  New Context?

Looking at the display, everything works other than marker left/command/marker right and the knobs....
Attached is the modified version (from user/AppData/Roaming/Cakewalk/Shared Presets/(75....)


Quote from: BuleriaChk on November 30, 2016, 04:44:38 PM
Ok, I'm not sure what is involved, but will give it a try (I am still really new at this)

I've installed the new version of AZSlow and V-Control still works, so that is a good initial sign  :)
Now for UC33.spp  - we'll see what happens .. I so new at this I still don't understand the procedures, but I'll give it my best shot...
Update: I copied UC33.spp into the Cakewalk/Roaming folder/(75....) but it doesn't appear in the choices under presets...  By now I have a number of presets starting with "AZ" is one of them the "UC33" preset?

Never mind; I just realized I had forgotten to import the preset.. I see it now
Yes, you do not have to copy it into specific location. Just "Import..." from the Cakewalk Plug-in Manager. I have thought you know that because you have "Export..."ed your presets. My bad.

Ok, I assigned faders 1-8 without issue.  I assume that fader 33 is the master fader, but don't want to do anything until I hear from you again.  Then there are a whole bunch of knobs, and I was going to start assigning rotaries, but there is no "knob 1", so am really confused about which knob, etc. goes with which control. I looked in the UC-33 user manual, but it didn't tell me much about your scheme...
I have used a picture like
There are numbers near knobs, so the upper left is "Knob 25" (as I have mentioned in the previous post). Does your controller looks different?

1. Num -,+, knobs : cannot assign (delete and try again?) Only come up with option to Detach.
Do not respond to last midi event. (I tried several things; new context, detach/attach..  if wrong, my bad, sorry - didn't read your post thoroughly enough.
If you do not see new messages in the "Last MIDI Event", that means these buttons are not sending anything. Not a problem. We just have 2 buttons less.
But please... do not do any "Detach/Attach" (as I have explicitly warned you...), nor "New context" or anything I do not mention explicitly (like "Display"). We (programmers) know that the worse thing you can do to your colleague is to put one white space " " character into his code  when he is away for coffee. It can take several days (and nights) till he realize that  8)

2. I don't see Knob  1-9 in the list (Pan?)
Do I use Midi learn with these elements?
Using the numbers near knobs, if you for some reason do not have them, please point me to correct picture.


I just figured that out before I read your post ... silly me.
Hang on--

Ok, I've attached the new version; I think everything works... except - and + buttons as mentioned earlier (no Midi response).


Ok, that looks reasonable. Except "Knob 22", which has no MIDI assignment.

Also I will be surprised if everything works. Have you opened the display? It should be possible also from UC33, with "0"(as Command modifier)+"1".
Also please try different modes for faders ("0" + "1") and knobs ("0" + "2"). The difference between "Catch and Instant" you can notice if you "desync" the parameter, for example move fader inside Sonar and then control it from UC33. It works quite bad if the difference between the parameter and the fader is big, but I like it when parameters in question are not far away. The third mode has different response curve, in the middle the control is more precise that at the beginning/end. And the forth mode imitate endless encoders. Hard to explain, but you probably understand when you try to use it.

Finally, let me know which changes you want . For example if you want sacrifice 4 right strips to control ProChannel EQ for current strip. Reverse Mute/Solo. Add some commands in command mode. Anything from theoretically possible list. We have "lost" 2 buttons, so probably you want something to switch track focus, change strips under control (in case you have more then 8 ). Unlike NativeKontrol, I do not have "perfect layout for..." bricks. It is up to you to decide which control does what under which conditions. May be too much freedom, I know. But I was born in the USSR, I prefer too much over too little of it  ;)