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UC-33e Preset

Started by BuleriaChk, November 27, 2016, 09:26:35 PM

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Ok, I think I fixed knob 22 (it looked like it was working in the previous version... but anyway, check the new version..

Display works (0 + 1)

Is it possible to do banks? (bank 1 would be current setup, bank 2 would be ProChannel, bank 3.. etc.  Not at all sure how that would work, conceivably use a control + pad ; I'm still new at this, and already this is way more than I expected....

Perhaps I could save the preset under a different name (say "ProChannel"), and configure from there.... that would be fine for me, I wouldn't need to change tracks while using ProChannel for my guitar track (all the Midi tracks can be done from inside Maschine)... and actually, I would probably use Maschine effects on the guitar track as well, since any arrangement there would be useable under Live.  So maybe I don't need anything more for now....

Still, the bank idea would be the most flexible for other users. with automatic track selection depending on focus (even if it has to be done with a mouse...).. just throwing stuff out there, though.  I am very happy with pan, volume,send and not even sure if I need gain at all...

Anyway, I'll give it a bit more thought - I still don't understand everything yet...

There are 12 buttons at the top (three rows of four buttons).  Are they accessible? Or internal?

Russian saying (around the time of Stalingrad): "Life is hard...but short".... :)


Quote from: BuleriaChk on December 01, 2016, 12:50:18 AM
Ok, I think I fixed knob 22 (it looked like it was working in the previous version... but anyway, check the new version..
Sorry, but something is still wrong... now "Knob 21" is not assigned and other knobs in this row are shifted compare to your last attachment. If you are willing to correct that, please use this preset. It is an "extension" to the previous, there is no reason to use both.

Is it possible to do banks? (bank 1 would be current setup, bank 2 would be ProChannel, bank 3.. etc.  Not at all sure how that would work, conceivably use a control + pad ; I'm still new at this, and already this is way more than I expected....
Sure that is possible! Unlimited number of banks!
Since you have mentioned ProChannel: in the attached preset "0"+"5" switch to ProChannel EQ+Compressor mode (and back to Mix).

Perhaps I could save the preset under a different name (say "ProChannel"), and configure from there.... that would be fine for me, I wouldn't need to change tracks while using ProChannel for my guitar track (all the Midi tracks can be done from inside Maschine)... and actually, I would probably use Maschine effects on the guitar track as well, since any arrangement there would be useable under Live.  So maybe I don't need anything more for now....
One preset with banks is simpler to use.

Still, the bank idea would be the most flexible for other users. with automatic track selection depending on focus (even if it has to be done with a mouse...).. just throwing stuff out there, though.  I am very happy with pan, volume,send and not even sure if I need gain at all...
ProChannel mode works with automatic track selection (not for buses at the moment, but as you can probably guess that is also possible if you want).
Using nativeKontrol lexicon, if they have Arsenal, AZ Controller is a battle UFO. You can "win" against any enemy... after finishing "UFO pilot training" and "UFO engineer training"  ;)

In general, do not thing much about "other users". AZ Controller is an "exclusive" framework, everyone can get exactly what he/she wants. I do not think you will put some Rap song on a Flamenco CD because of "other users".

There are 12 buttons at the top (three rows of four buttons).  Are they accessible? Or internal?
I think there are internal. But only you can check that. If something produce distinct MIDI message (in the Last MIDI Event), it can be used in presets.
But WARNING: using these buttons you can modify UC33 hardware assignments for individual controls and change hardware presets!


I assume ProChannel for the track in focus.  It is 3 am here in SB; I'll get to it in the morning after I sleep a bit... :)

(I don't know why the knobs changed like that - they were all working here, and I took care in assigning them again.  But if they are corrected, thanks!)


Quote from: BuleriaChk on December 01, 2016, 12:11:43 PM
I assume ProChannel for the track in focus.  It is 3 am here in SB; I'll get to it in the morning after I sleep a bit... :)

(I don't know why the knobs changed like that - they were all working here, and I took care in assigning them again.  But if they are corrected, thanks!)
It can be some bug with assignments, I have not observed that before. I have not corrected anything, so you can compare new preset with your previous one, watching the difference in the second row of knobs. I have not corrected assignments because I do not know what is "right".

But first of all, have a nice sleep  ;)


Hi Az,

I think I fixed the fader issue in the Mix section.  Test it out and see, I have attached the new preset to this post.
I tested your new preset; first off, migod! you have done a wonderfull first crack at the very complex mode of the ProChannel.  What a great start!!

Here are some observations:
I am not sure the mute/solo functions are necessary in any of the ProChannel modes (since one would assume the track would be enabled when making adjustments).  The mute and solo could be set in the Mix section before entering the EQ sections, and the pads could be used for Compressor/EQ/Tube functions.
I would suggest putting the EQ in a bank all by itself, and possibly the Compressor and Tube functions in the same (separate from EQ) bank if there is room for both with controls arranged logically (that way you can use the pads and rotors for each, and keep the faders and bottom row of rotors for track volume/pan for each module.

Maybe cycle through with clicks of the 5 pad... Mixer ->Prochannel (Compressor) -> Prochannel (Eq) -> Prochannel (Tube) -> Mixer

or if possible:

Mixer -> Prochannel (Compressor/Tube) -> Prochannel (Eq) -> Mixer

That is the order of the Prochannel Module, functionally it might be better to cycle:

Mixer -> Prochannel (Eq) -> Prochannel (Compressor/Tube) -> Mixer

(I dunno... :) Maybe provide both in separate presets so user could decide on workflow ....

If it is not possible to arrange controls logically for Compressor and Tube in the same bank, then a separate one for each, always keeping the volume/pan functionality if possible.

I think separate banks are more important to have controls arranged logically, and Compression and Tube modules perform similar functions, so if logical order can be preserved in one bank, great, but if not, I would prefer a separate bank for each, even at the expense of lots of empty controls.....

Ok , here's what I notice:
Compressor Section
(Uses faders; should use knobs)
Enable should be a pad)
Put Output in line with other controls if possible
Ratio - F7 should be rotor
Output F8 should be rotor
Dry/Wet F9 should be rotor
HP Slope is not coordinated in the Compresser section since it is R 29;

Missing Function
expand/contact (pad) ????

Eq Section
R29 is currently HP Slope in Tube section
Missing Controls
Expand/Contract (pad) ???
Lo Shelf Enable (Pad)
Hi Shelf Enable (Pad)
HP Freq (Rotor)
LP Slope (Rotor)
LP Freq (Rotor)
HP Enable (Pad)
Gloss (Pad)
LP Enable (Pad)
Tube Section
Tube Section is missing
Missing functions:
Expand/Contract (Pad) ???
Enable (Pad)
Input (Rotor)
Output (Rotor)
Type (Pad)

I think with this configuration, the UC33e will be a MONSTER controller for Sonar....
(it will be very difficult to find a used one on EBay... :)

These are just suggestions; you have done great work!

let me know what you think; I am just a tiny grasshopper.... :)


Thanks for the suggestions.
Unfortunately I am a bit busy, will try to implement tomorrow, but can happened that will be done Monday (for tomorrow some REAL work... also drum lessons and helping friends to configure home music system, Saturday friends are coming, today I have finally finished making a shelf for notes/scores  to put over my DP  ;) )


Don't feel rushed; I've been waiting for a decade to use my UC33e with Sonar ...... :)


For the EQ module in Pro channel, you might have to sacrifice the pan pots to get enough controls ....
I think it would be best to leave the volume faders if that is at all possible...


"Knob 21" is still somehow not assigned...

I put "Eq" on separate "bank" from "Compresoor and Tube". Switch functions moved to the buttons section (while for me leaving mute/solo sounds more practical then leaving the volume on faders).

"Collapse" is not possible, Sonar does not expose that and so nothing I can change.


Are you sure? Maybe I sent you the wrong one.  Knob 21 looks like all the others (and is assigned, as far as I can tell)
Update: It looks like I did send you the wrong one - 21 is broken in the one you just sent me.  It is not broken in the one I just sent you... :)

Your program is awesome and getting better by the second.. Once I see how you've assigned banks, etc, is it possible for me to create my own interfaces from scratch?

(I haven't had time to look at the new version - back on that shortly)

Update: Wow!  That is just incredible, and extremely useful. Let me know your email so I can send you something via Paypal or other ...

Aside from Knob 21 (now fixed - will upload fixed version in a moment, attached to next post) :) I am a VERY happy camper!!

(Might be interesting to implement Launchpad / Launchpad Pro integrated with the matrix, since they have user modes that expose their MIDI.  I bet you'd get a LOT of response from that.  Same with Push 2)


Here is your most recent version with Knob 21 fixed (I think.. but who knows?)
I just discovered it takes two clicks with the "1" button to bring up the display. Very Logical (silly me!)


Quote from: BuleriaChk on December 02, 2016, 05:20:30 PM
(Might be interesting to implement Launchpad / Launchpad Pro integrated with the matrix, since they have user modes that expose their MIDI.  I bet you'd get a LOT of response from that.  Same with Push 2)
The Matrix is not under Control Surface control in Sonar... The only thing AZ Controller can do for it is BLOCK all Matrix assigned messages from leaking into MIDI tracks. Without this feature, the Matrix is almost useless with controllers (too easy to destroy your sound), so the feature is important, but compare to other AZ Controller activity is "not serious"  ;)

Quote from: BuleriaChk on December 02, 2016, 05:54:36 PM
Here is your most recent version with Knob 21 fixed (I think.. but who knows?)
I will check later, I have to go now...

I just discovered it takes two clicks with the "1" button to bring up the display. Very Logical (silly me!)
That should not happened. Either my bug or the button is in "switch" mode on UC33. How many clicks required to change Mute on channel 1?

You will be surprised, but AZ Controller users can be counted on fingers. In reality only several people really want control surfaces working in Sonar. By far more people just like COMPLAIN on the forum they are not working, as soon as they notice they are, they disappear.
Other still continue to complain that "this particular feature" is not working, or "I do not want to use any 3d party software for that" (not answering on the question which VSTs they are using every day).

Cakewalk was "ignoring" Control Surface functionality for years not because they can not make it working, but because the number of end users interested. Roland has tried : A-Pro keyboards with VS-20,100,700 controllers. The result you know: production was stopped and Cakewalk was sold.


Possibilities: A separate bank for just channel controls
For the channel strip, there should be a bank for strip controls not as often used:
(per Channel Strip):

Gain (R)
Pre/Post (pad)
Global On/Off (pad) (Audio Engine Reset)
Bypass Effects rack  (pad)
Sends Enable (Pad)
Post (pad)
Level (R)
Pan (Pad)
Interleave  (Stereo) (Pad)
Phase (Pad)
Read enable (Pad)
Write enable (Pad)
Mute (pad)
Solo (Pad)
Record (pad)
Input Echo (Pad)
Pan (R)
Volume (Fader)
3 Rotors
14 pads
1 fader
Just an extra button bank in mix mode for the extra buttons?)



That's because I was in Mix mode. 
1 (pad 1) button click is Mute off/on
with command held down -
2 (pad 1) button  clicks is display on/0ff

Logical to me, I just have to remember it...

Roland shouldn't have included audio interfaces in their controllers.  Others do it much better, IMO...
But that was then, and this is now... :)


Quote from: azslow3 on December 02, 2016, 06:23:10 PM
Quote from: BuleriaChk on December 02, 2016, 05:20:30 PM
(Might be interesting to implement Launchpad / Launchpad Pro integrated with the matrix, since they have user modes that expose their MIDI.  I bet you'd get a LOT of response from that.  Same with Push 2)
The Matrix is not under Control Surface control in Sonar... The only thing AZ Controller can do for it is BLOCK all Matrix assigned messages from leaking into MIDI tracks. Without this feature, the Matrix is almost useless with controllers (too easy to destroy your sound), so the feature is important, but compare to other AZ Controller activity is "not serious"  ;)

I remember now; that is another reason I flat gave up on Cakewalk.  Ableton Live was just too sexy for launching clips (using elastic audio) I had a whole bunch of Middle Eastern clips I recorded from my Korg PA-80 before I sold it, and being able to use those at any tempo was a real mind-blower at the time....

Cakewalk should provide a user option for that (external matrix off/on for example), or make it automatic if a pad controller is attached (not sure how to do that, but it could be an off/on switch for external matrix control.

What they really should do is implement Cakewalk as a VST so it could be used in Live, or Fruity Loops (which can be used as a vst), or within Maschine (also a vst), where the tempo/time signature is set by the host. (For Live, the tempo is set by host, so elastic audio is not necessary in vst's... clips can be drag/dropped into Live if that is needed. Live handles tempo/time signature flawlessly in my experience.)

Well, I'll probably never have time to use all this stuff before I progress to a different pasture, but it is nice to leave knowing somebody is doing it... :)