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Shift button assignment

Started by ghanedan, December 26, 2016, 04:03:50 PM

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Is there a way to assign any generic toggle button as a "shift" button in az controller ?



Quote from: ghanedan on December 26, 2016, 04:03:50 PM
Is there a way to assign any generic toggle button as a "shift" button in az controller ?
Shift, Alt, Caps-lock, combinations, knob as multi-mode switch, etc.
The idea is to define Software Set(s) and use them as conditions in other elements, so they perform different things in different states of this set (these sets).
That the "shift" button just has to set/unset corresponding state (as toggle for "caps-lock" like functionality, momentary (set when pressed, unset when release) for "shift" like functionality, etc.).

"ACT MIDI Explained" tutorial has the examples with explanation. Almost all other presets (including Startup) use that.


By the way, if you mean Computer Keyboard "Shift", so use some MIDI button instead of it with other computer keyboard keys, that I have not tried yet...


Quote"ACT MIDI Explained" tutorial has the examples with explanation. Almost all other presets (including Startup) use that.

Can you please specify which section in the article that describe the procedure of assigning the "shift" button to a specific control. I have seen some reference to the subject but no direct step by step instructions.



I strongly recommend to read the whole text to understand how it works. Step by step instructions are toward the end, "The Logic of AZC" describe how to define Software State Set (for Shift implementation "Shift" Set is required), "The Shift in AZC" explains how to define the reaction on the button (assuming the button is already defined and learned) and "Buttons in AZC" has complete exampled for using it.
But I repeat, please read the whole text. That will in fact save you a lot of time and frustration. Unlike "ACT MIDI", Shift is not something fixed and hardcoded. Arbitrary number of modifier keys (f.e. on MCU Pro there are 4) open much more possibilities (f.e. I periodically use "Play" and "Rec" as a modifier keys for a set of mute/solo keys, to toggle strip automation read/arm). But flexible things can be confusing...