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Mackie XT as dedicated Bus controller

Started by azslow3, July 23, 2017, 01:07:50 PM

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Control buses using Mackie XT (Pro) unit, independent from other Mackie units working under Sonar standard Mackie Control plug-in.


  • Install AZ Controller and attached preset using these instructions:,6.0.html Note: use AZ Controller version
  • In Sonar Preferences/MIDI/Control surfaces add AZ Controller pointing to XT input and output. Remove "Mackie XT" pointed to the same unit, in case you have used it usual way
  • In Utilities / "AZ Controller - 1" select "MXT-Bus" in the top left presets box

That is untested alpha preset. I do not have XT nor any emulation of it to test that it really works. With current definitions, it should:

For 8 buses indicated by WAI (the region can be moved by mouse in Sonar, corresponding controls are not yet defined on XT):

  • fader control volumes (touch sensitive, with motor feedback)
  • encoders control pan (with ring feedback)
  • mute and solo buttons control corresponding functions (with LED feedback)

Other controls and display are not defined yet.


Interesting, would this work with a BCF in Mackie mode? I have MCU pro and BCR connected already




When BCF imitate XT correctly, then yes, it should work as is. Some modifications can be required otherwise.