TouchOSC not working in Cakewalk by Bandlab

Started by balinas, December 15, 2018, 12:51:38 AM

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Hello.  Until recently TouchOSC with AZcontroller had been working fine with Sonar/CbB.  I had some sort of 'forbidden installation' issue with a different program, and Win10 technician said that the only thing I could do is a new install of WIN10.  So I did that, and reinstall from zero all programs including Sonar/CbB.  The 'forbidden installation' issue is gone and the suspect program runs just fine.  But now on reinstalling AZController and setting up TouchOSC on my phone, I get no response in Sonar or CbB.  TouchOSC does work fine in both StudioOne V4 and Cubase 9.5. 

but I just cant get it to work with Sonar/CbB.  I can communicate with the TouchOSC editor perfectly.  But no response in Sonar/CbB.

I went through your video and instructions several times.  What can I do to trouble shoot this? 


so this morning, I uninstalled everything AZ, then reinstalled with latest version, along with redownload, reinstall .spp files and touchOSC files.  Then confirmed the IP address of my phone and computer. 

Surprisingly, everything then worked.  so no further troubleshooting needed at this time! hope all is well!


When you have such problems, check:
a) Sonar/CbB is allowed to use network, also as a server
b) the port you configure in AZ Controller is not in use. Can be the case if for example you use the same in other DAW
c) OSC is enabled in AZ Controller.

If the problem is gone on its own, (b) can be the case. And so it can return...